Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 650: Parallel Time and Space: White Tiger Reese

The morning sun shone through the layers of leaves, and the mottled traces also reflected the dew on the leaves. The early birds chirped, but before they could find the bugs to feast on, The black and white figure quickly shuttled through the forest, startling countless birds.

Running fast in the forest was a tiger with black stripes on a white background that was about two meters high. It was about five or six meters long, and a white tiger with a long tail ran out of the forest with a mouth in its mouth. A dead elk.

The white tiger quickly arrived at the destination. He quickly jumped up from the bulge on the rock wall. After a while, he arrived in front of a cave. It put down the elk in its mouth and roared, announcing that it was coming.

After a while, a petite-looking female with two long white ears on top of her head came out. When she saw the big white tiger, she couldn't help but be surprised, "Reese, why are you here?"

Seeing her come out, Bai Hu moved and turned into a sturdy man with a height of over 1.9 meters.

The man has black hair that is half longer than the ear, a face with sharp edges and corners with a deep outline of a Westerner, and his muscles are well developed but not exaggerated. It can be said that he is a handsome man with a perfect figure.

"I caught an elk for you, eat it, and give it to Uncle Coles and the others." Reese, the white tiger orc, pointed to the dead elk on the ground to the female rabbit clan in front of him. said the orc.

"Such a big elk?" Nana looked at the elk that weighed about two hundred pounds on the ground, and waved her hand with a face of shame, "No, no..."

"Nana, you should know that I'm after you. Female orcs have the right to accept things from male orcs." Reese said solemnly.

In this era of relatively low fertility, orcs acquiesce that when male orcs pursue mates, both female orcs and sub-orcs can accept what the other gives, even if female orcs or sub-orcs do not accept each other's pursuit, it doesn't matter, things are still the same can take.

After all, female orcs and sub-orcs are very precious, and male orcs must take good care of them and not let them starve.

Nana looked at Reese, and at the elk on the ground with difficulty.

It's not that she didn't like Reese before, but she was only sixteen years old and still not an adult, and she couldn't form a partner with a male orc, so she didn't agree to Reese.

But now her family has undergone great changes, her parents have been injured, her family has collapsed at once, and those male orcs who originally pursued her no longer continue to revolve around her. She has nothing to lose. She has been occupied too much by her parents' injuries and the support of her family, and she has no time to mourn the loss of so many suitors.

But she didn't expect that Reese even gave her a hunt. This elk can eat for two or three days for their rabbit clan.

When her father and mother were injured before, Reis happened to be not in the tribe, because Reis can be said to be a relatively outstanding young orc in the tribe. The leader sent Reis and other male orcs out to exchange salt, and they have been out for two months.

Unexpectedly, Reese came back today.

"I heard that Uncle Coles was injured and Aunt Lena was injured, can I go and see?" Reese asked.

Because there is a young female Nana in the family, other young males need to ask the host if they want to enter the cave. Of course, this is also because Reese respects Nana.

"Okay." Nana didn't stop Reese from letting him see his father and mother. She took Reese into the cave, and of course Reese brought the elk in.

"Uncle Coles." Seeing Coles, whose face was much better, Reese let go of his dangling heart and began to ask him how he was doing.

Coles' injury had some broken bones before, but luckily it didn't take too long for his bones to grow back. Nana helped her father straighten his bones according to Xiupingzhang's instructions and tied them up with a splint. After removing the carrion, I took medicine to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Now Coles is much better.

And Nana's mother, Lena, suffered a miscarriage because of an injury, so she also needs to be taken care of carefully. Although Lena is not as serious as her fracture, she also needs careful care.

Nana looked at the way Reese was talking to Coles, and then looked at the elk he brought, gritted her teeth, and started to deal with the elk with a knife.

Nana cut out the bones with meat according to the method that Chen Xiayue said, and then took a pottery pot with a diameter of about tens of centimeters given by Chen Xiayue as a pot. After washing the bones and blood, she took the bones and Add water to a clay pot and simmer.

When Nana was stewing the bones, she planned to cook for a longer time, so she still needed to do something else in the morning. She took a smooth slate and put it on the stove made of three stones. Fry the sliced ​​meat.

In just a few hours, Chen Xiayue and Xiupingzhang taught Nana a lot, and Nana is a very smart girl with a good memory, so she can quickly learn to cook early in the morning.

The orcs in the orc world also have magical abilities. Otherwise, those large carnivores such as dinosaurs and pythons outside can wipe out the orcs who have no attack power other than power and transformation.

Orcs all have supernatural powers, and each orc’s supernatural powers are different, just like Reese’s superpower is wind, which can be used to make wind wings or wind blades.

And Nana's ability is in memory, what she wants to remember, what she is eager to remember is very easy to remember, and what she wants to forget is not completely forgotten, but It will be thrown into the recycle bin like garbage, if she wants to dig it out, it's okay.

It's just that the "garbage memories" that are usually discarded in the "recycle bin" will not suddenly appear and affect her, such as the panic she felt when her father and mother were injured this time, the kind of sky falling. It feels that if she wants to discard it in the "recycle bin", it will not be affected too much.

Because of her superpower magic, Nana has been relatively easy to do things since elementary school, but her parents still made her work hard, and she can't study hard because of her ability.

Because the tribe is not a big tribe, there are no witches. Otherwise, Nana's strong memory can be learned with witches.

In addition to taking care of her parents' injuries, what Nana learned in Chen Xiayue's three hours was to follow Chen Xiayue to learn various ways to make delicious food. After all, the injured also need good food supplements.

Nana cooked the meat slices, sprinkled fine salt, onion and ginger, and sent them to her parents. Of course, the soup in the big pottery pot was boiled. The bowl came out for her parents and Reese to taste first, and she added some water in and continued to simmer.

Reese looked at the fragrant barbecue and soup, and at Nana, who was cooking seriously. There were many emotions in her heart, but she still accepted these foods.

He will definitely pursue Nana. He will not give up until Nana meets someone she likes more and Nana refuses her firmly.

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