Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 652: Parallel time and space: medicinal herbs

After connecting the four worlds, the time to enter the store has been adjusted again. Monday and Tuesday are the apocalyptic plane, Wednesday and Thursday are the 60s plane, Friday and Saturday are the interstellar plane, and Sunday is the primitive orc plane.

Because the girl Nana can only enter the store one day a week, she is very serious about her studies, learning various ways of cooking food with Chen Xiayue, and learning various medical techniques with Xiupingzhang.

Chen Xiayue also organized a medicinal map for Nana. It doesn't matter if she doesn't know Chinese or even characters. Her memory is good. As long as Chen Xiayue and the others tell her what the plants on it do, she can remember them.

Also because Nana has a good memory, her culinary talents and medical talents are very good, so she can learn all kinds of things well one day a week, and her progress is also very fast.

And Nana, she also collected a lot of good things, Nana even found a lot of medicinal materials, such as ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, Ganoderma lucidum, and some medicinal herbs that are very effective and very powerful.

Just like ginseng, what Nana found was about the size of a radish. The ginseng was full of flavor, and the medicinal effect was very good. The price was also very ideal.

Nana wanted to send some meat to Chen Xiayue and the others, but she didn't know how to hunt, so she could only collect herbs for Chen Xiayue and the others.

It can be said that the environment of the orc plane is really good, and it also has a certain fantasy setting, so the medicinal materials grow very large and have very good medicinal effects. Those ginseng and ganoderma lucidum can catch up with the medicinal effect of thousands of years.

"Nana, you are really amazing. It took me so long to learn to find so many medicinal materials." Chen Xiayue looked at the ginseng, He Shou Wu, Tian Ma, and even this girl had a lot of ginseng, He Shou Wu, and Tian Ma, which were carefully put away by Xiu Pingzhang and prepared to be taken back for processing. antler.

"The deer antler was thrown away by our tribe. After all, all kinds of deer in our tribe are for meat, and the bones and antler are not edible, so everyone throws it away."

"Just before Reese hunted a few deer, I kept the antlers." Nana said with a smile, "By the way, do you need wolf bones and tiger bone wine? We seem to have them here too. Lots of wolf and tiger bones."

Chen Xiayue looked at Nana in surprise, "I remember you said that the one named Reese was a white tiger? Did he eat other ordinary tigers too?"

"Eat, although they are all tigers, Reese is an orc, which is different from ordinary tigers. It's like I am a rabbit orc, but I also eat hares." Nana said with a smile.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

Forgot, Nana, this little rabbit, also eats meat. Although she is a cute little rabbit, she doesn't only eat grass and not meat.

Nana replaced a lot of things with the medicinal materials she had picked up outside, such as the medicines to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and relieve pain, which she needed to give to her parents.

Of course, Chen Xiayue also kindly gave Nana the recipe for a medicinal diet, so that she could make it for her parents, and after a long period of time, they could also recuperate their bodies.

After all, Nana's parents have left a lot of trauma from this injury, and they all need to be repaired, otherwise there may be some minor problems in the future, and if it is more serious, it may be very painful in rainy days.

Medicated diet is different, it has a very strong nourishing effect. After all, this medicated recipe is extracted from several medicated recipes and the best effect is combined, and the effect is twice the effect of several medicated recipes combined.

Nana and the others have something that they can trade with Chen Xiayue. The medicinal effects of those herbs are really good. And being able to learn what these medicinal herbs look like and what they do is also very good for Nana.

Perhaps by learning the pharmacological knowledge of these medicinal materials and the medical methods learned from Xiupingzhang, Nana can also become a witch doctor.

Who told Nana and their tribe that there were no witches? Maybe Nana can become an excellent witch doctor after this adventure.

Chen Xiayue is still happily doing business. She gave most of the medicinal materials from Nana to Xiupingzhang and the others. She just sold some of the money and saved it. Anyway, she didn't use much of these medicinal materials. usefulness.

She only used a little of the wine, and didn't ask for too many herbs.

A day later, Zhou Yunge from the end of the world told Chen Xiayue about their situation. The evolution is relatively slow. After all, it is impossible to let nature evolve to an invincible state and wipe out all human beings.

The number of zombies has decreased a lot. After all, with the zombie vaccine, there is no need to worry too much about humans becoming zombies after being scratched or bitten by zombies. But the end of the world does not mean that it has stabilized. After all, the number of zombies is quite large, and other dangers will also cause some casualties.

However, the situation is much better now. After all, they have food, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, etc., so they are not too worried about what to eat and drink, and they have vaccines, which are much better than when they first started.

"How is your brother and Yunge?" Chen Xiayue secretly looked at Pei Mingzhou and Zhou Yunge, and then quietly asked Pei Xianglan.

"That's it, it's only been a few months, and there's still a lot of grinding." Pei Xianglan shrugged, "After all, my brother and Yunge belong to different bases, and the two bases are far apart, so the traffic It's inconvenient and not easy to communicate with."

"There are some hidden dangers in long-distance relationships, so Yun Ge didn't plan to accept my brother so soon. And it's only been a few months? The relationship between the two of them hasn't reached Feiqing and Feijun. status."

Chen Xiayue nodded in agreement when she heard the words, but she felt that Pei Xianglan was right. It's only been a few months, so there's no need to be together so soon.

"But Shen Junyang and Ruoxi are planning to get married, which is quite rare." Pei Xianglan said.

"Huh?" Chen Xiayue said in surprise, "Ruoxi actually agreed to marry Shen Junyang?"

"The two of them have been together for a long time. Ruoxi said that although Shen Junyang looks unreliable, he is still a good person, and his character can be trusted. So we plan to get married. Of course, weddings in the end times are definitely not possible. It was a grand event, so I planned to invite friends to have a meal as a celebration of marriage."

"Of course, the order here at our official base is still very good. If you get married, you need to go to the base management to register. You will also have a marriage certificate at that time." Pei Xianglan smiled.

Chen Xiayue nodded, she was quite satisfied after the situation on the end of the world had stabilized.

Now she can still exchange a lot of things from the end of the world, such as those abandoned cars, various mechanical items, various metal items, and electronic products, etc. All can be exchanged, anyway, take it back and let everyone disassemble and study it thoroughly It can be repaired.

Chen Xiayue has exchanged a lot of gold jewelry, and crystal core ability users are useful, so they rarely use Chen Xiayue to exchange things.

However, Chen Xiayue has nothing to dislike. After all, the technology and medical methods of the 23rd century are useful to them in the 21st century, and she did not ask too much.

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