Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 655: Parallel Space-Time: Work

The eldest son goes out to serve in the army and rarely goes home. The younger son will stay in the capital to work after he is admitted to the university in the capital. He will definitely spend very little time with them in the future, and they have no regrets.

Raising their son to be so promising, they will only be honored, there is nothing to regret saying that his son has no time to accompany them.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying did not cause any trouble to their son after they arrived in the capital. Liu Guiying herself is not a superb chef, so she did not do anything to supplement her son's body.

According to Zhang Chengchuan, the canteen chef at their research institute is a very good chef, and sometimes even makes medicated meals to replenish the body of the researchers, taking care of everything.

Liu Guiying is a very self-aware person. Her own cooking skills can only be said to be ordinary, and the things she makes are just ordinary and delicious. There is no need to compare with the chef.

That is to say, when Zhang Chengchuan has been away from home for a long time and misses her mother's craftsmanship, she will cook a few dishes for her son, but she will not cook at home and send it to the research institute for her son. Some rules still cannot be broken.

After all, those people in the research institute are the pillars of the country. What if they are accidentally poisoned by some people? Food from outside should not be sent to the institute indiscriminately.

Even if Liu Guiying cooked food for Zhang Chengchuan, it was when he went home on vacation, and then his mother cooked a few dishes for him.

"Why don't your parents stay in the capital?" Zhang Chengchuan said to his parents a week after they came to the capital.

"What are we doing in the capital? We can't do anything but farming." Zhang Deping waved his hand and said.

"Dad, are you kidding me? You are also an accountant in our brigade, so why don't you know anything except farming? You can still settle accounts?" Zhang Chengchuan said funny.

"My ability can still be a good accountant in our brigade, but I can't do it in the capital." Zhang Deping shook his head and said.

"Your father at least has the ability to settle accounts. I really can't do anything except farming." Liu Guiying shook her head.

"Moreover, the house in our hometown is big and the yard is big, so it's very comfortable to live in. Anywhere in the capital is good, but the house is not too big, so living in it is a bit awkward." Liu Guiying said with disgust.

The capital is really good everywhere, but the house is really small, not as big as the house in their hometown, and there is no yard to grow vegetables and things, she is very dissatisfied.

Zhang Chengchuan looked at his parents seriously and sighed, "Okay, if my parents don't want to, it's fine. It's good to have other relatives in my hometown to help."

Zhang Chengchuan just asked a question on a whim. In fact, he really let his parents take care of him here, but it doesn't matter if they don't want to.

After all, he is really busy with work. If his parents stayed in the capital, he would not be able to get along with his parents often. If his parents were busy, he might not be able to take care of his work.

It's not bad to be in his hometown. After all, they have quite a few cousins, and his mother's family is also there, which can help.

It doesn't matter if his parents don't want to stay in the capital. Their brotherhood often sends things and money home, and his parents can live better in their hometown.

"Brother Cheng Min wants to stay in the capital? Let me introduce you to a job." Zhang Chengchuan couldn't persuade his parents to stay in the capital, so he asked Zhang Chengmin.

During the years he was studying, he was relatives at home, and his cousins ​​at home took care of his parents, and he would repay him if he could.

It just so happened that Zhang Chengmin sent his parents over this time, so it should be okay to take care of his brother's work as well, right?

"What?" Zhang Chengmin looked at Zhang Chengchuan in surprise, "Can I stay in the capital? Would you like to introduce me to a job?"

Zhang Chengchuan nodded and said, "The job is too good to be introduced to you, but I have observed it for a while. Brother Cheng Min, you should have some talent in mechanics. I plan to introduce you to the machinery factory or the bicycle factory. Workers."

"The position of a technical worker is definitely not available to you, but it is still possible to give you an ordinary worker." Zhang Chengchuan said.

"Yes, yes." Zhang Chengmin nodded very readily. How could he be unwilling to stay in the capital and still be an official worker?

Even in their county or township factories, there are very few places for regular workers, let alone workers in the capital?

Zhang Chengmin is very happy, he can't ask for anything to stay in a place like the capital. The gratitude to Zhang Chengchuan is very high, and my brother really has nothing to say.

Since he said he would introduce work to Zhang Chengmin, then Zhang Chengchuan tried to help people to supplement his knowledge about machinery. However, Zhang Chengchuan himself had a lot of work to do, so he taught himself to Zhang Chengmin with books, and he was on vacation. Only then will I give Zhang Chengmin tutoring.

Zhang Deping and his wife lived in the capital for a month. Zhang Chengchuan also found Zhang Chengmin a job in a bicycle factory. He was an ordinary worker. Fortunately, he was a regular worker and had a staff.

Therefore, after Zhang Chengmin sent Zhang Deping and his wife back to their hometown, he had to come to work in the capital. Now he has to go back to his hometown to deal with things before going to the capital.

Zhang Chengmin did not take his wife and children to the capital after returning, because Zhang Chengmin's wife was pregnant, and he had to stay in his hometown to raise a child and have a child, and he had to wait until the child was older before they could go to the capital together.

After all, Zhang Chengmin has just been assigned a job and has not yet established a firm foothold in the capital. His wife and children are also enduring hardships. It is better to stay in his hometown and have others to take care of him.

"You go, I will go to the capital to see you after I have a baby." Hu Xiaofang smiled and sent Zhang Chengmin out.

She is also very happy that her husband can go to the capital to work. As for her husband going to the capital, she doesn't think too much about meeting aliens and empathizing.

She believes in her husband, but if her husband does something that disappoints her, she is not unbearable. If there is such a day, she will never let go of the person who betrayed her easily.

Zhang Chengmin didn't know what his mother-in-law was thinking. After hugging her, he set foot on the train to the capital again with a salute. This time he will work in the capital, and he may take root in the capital in the future.

Zhang Chengmin is really enviable like this, not to mention the rest of the Yunhe Brigade, there are people in the Zhang family who are envious of Zhang Chengmin.

"You said, why did A Chuan find a job for Cheng Min? Aren't you also A Chuan's brothers? Don't you usually take care of A Chuan's parents? Why did he find a job for Cheng Min? And it's still in the capital?" Huang Qiuyu scolded his man very upset.

"It's just that Cheng Min just sent his second uncle and the others to the capital, so Achuan found him a job. What can you say?" Zhang Chengping said helplessly.

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