Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 661: Parallel Time and Space: Princess Sickness 2

Han Yunling's harassment, not to mention Xiu Pingzhang and Tu Yingzi, everyone present wasted a lot of time because of her, and everyone's perception of her really dropped again and again. As for Xiupingzhang, who suffered the unavoidable disaster, everyone has only sympathy for him.

After all, Xiu Pingzhang was a doctor, and it was common for him to come to help deal with injured patients. He still has a girlfriend, and he didn't do anything to the female patient. He was pestered by the female patient just because he looked good. What was wrong with him?

Is it his fault for being good-looking and handsome?

However, Han Yunling's harassment and harassment made everyone very unhappy, and Xiu Pingzhang didn't want to delay everyone's time, so a group of people could only agree to go to the hospital together.

At the very least, Han Yunling had to be taken to the hospital, and then the traffic police had to deal with the matter here. Of course, the ambulance had to be brought back to the hospital. What if there were other patients who needed an ambulance?

Xiu Pingzhang had a gloomy face, and Tu Yingzi didn't have the heart to watch her boyfriend's jokes, both of them were in a bad mood.

Chen Xiayue and Hu Xiaolan have seen what the legendary princess' disease looks like. They have never met or seen it before, but today they have seen how powerful the legendary princess' disease is.

Chen Xiayue, Han Yunling, and the others soon arrived at the hospital. Han Yunling was messing around, and Xiu Pingzhang didn't cooperate if she wasn't there, so he made a lot of noise. Xiupingzhang could only follow in order to prevent her from disrupting the order.

Of course, in order to avoid suspicion, Xiu Pingzhang, Tu Yingzi and the others would definitely bring them along. Anyway, they would not get along with Han Yunling alone, nor would anyone misunderstand that they had anything to do with Han Yunling.

"Handsome guy, you really need to consider me. Our Han family is very good. Being with me can give you a good job and help you get rid of these top-notch relatives." Han Yunling said while receiving the doctor's treatment. Xiupingzhang said.

The doctor who was examining Han Yunling paused when he heard this, and looked at Han Yunling with mixed emotions.

The patient in front of him looks very beautiful, why does he look like his brain is not very good?

Is it really okay to so blatantly grab someone else's boyfriend, especially in front of someone's girlfriend and say to let her boyfriend abandon her to climb Gaozhi?

And how famous is Dr. Xiu? You don't even know the girl in front of you? Even if she doesn't know each other, how on earth did she see that Doctor Xiu still needs their Han family's help to find a job?

Xiu Pingzhang's reputation is even better because of the artificial cornea, artificial womb and cloned liver that he researched before. Before, he was only famous in a small area. He was a genius doctor, but not all doctors in the whole country knew him.

In the past, Xiupingzhang's reputation was only rumored in a few places where he was located. For example, Qiong Province was very far away from Xiupingzhang's hometown, where he went to school, and where he worked, so they didn't hear much about his reputation.

But since he developed the series of artificial organs, his reputation has been really loud. Even now this doctor is only an orthopedic doctor, he has heard of Xiupingzhang, and he has also read Xiupingzhang's biography.

He really didn't expect that someone would brazenly say that by letting Xiupingzhang eat with his face, he would be able to make Xiupingzhang live well.

Not to mention how much the patent fee for the artificial organ series researched by Xiupingzhang is, even before Xiupingzhang has obtained a lot of patents, and he is very rich. Now add the patent fees for the artificial organ series, and that's a person worth billions.

The daughter of the XX Group in front of her, she is worth hundreds of millions, so dare to say such things to Xiupingzhang?

Xiu Pingzhang ignored what Han Yunling said. Han Yunling still wanted to use words to attack Tu Yingzi and humiliate Tu Yingzi to make her retreat, but before Tu Yingzi could fight back against Xiupingzhang, she turned back with vicious words.

He could endure Han Yunling's nonsense, but he would never allow anyone to dare to speak rudely to his girlfriend.

Tu Yingzi is the girlfriend he has been pursuing for many years, and he will never allow anyone to hurt her. He had promised not to get married in order not to let his parents hurt her. How could he endure someone like Han Yunling to hurt her?

Xiu Pingzhang and the others were waiting in the hospital, and they were ready to leave when Han Yunling's brother hurried over.

"Doctor Xiu, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Han Yunling's brother, Han Yunfan, recognized who Xiupingzhang was when he saw him, so he quickly apologized to Xiupingzhang under pressure.

"It's because we spoiled Yun Ling too much, making her lawless and open-mouthed. I'm so sorry. Doctor Xiu, is this okay? I invite you to go to Phoenix's side and apologize properly? "Han Yunfan said.

"No need," Xiu Pingzhang refused, because he didn't have any good feelings for her family because of Han Yunling's matter. What kind of good family could a family that can raise such a daughter?

Anyway, Xiu Pingzhang definitely doesn't believe that there is a lot of high-quality products that can raise a person with a righteous root, three views, and a good character. Well, this may also be his extreme idea. Who made him hate Han Yunling? ?

"Doctor Xiu, give me the opportunity to make a good apology. I will definitely make this girl Yun Ling apologize, and also apologize to your girlfriend, Doctor Xiu." Han Yunfan said.

Xiu Pingzhang looked at Han Yunfan and said, "Are you two brothers and sisters so incomprehensible? I just hope you can restrain your sister, and don't make a fuss and disturb the social order."

"If it weren't for your sister, we would have left Sanya to go somewhere else now. Your sister delayed our trip, are you planning to delay our trip too, Mr. Han? Are you planning to apologize? Or are you planning to make revenge with us? "

Han Yunfan choked, although he was eager to get into a relationship with Xiupingzhang just now, but now he was calmed down by what Xiupingzhang said.

That's right, whether or not he apologizes depends on whether he accepts it or not, as long as he doesn't get revenge, if he continues to entangle him, he will offend Xiupingzhang even more.

It stands to reason that a businessman Han Yunfan does not need to please the doctor Xiupingzhang like this, but Xiupingzhang has several patents that the Han family needs.

The Han family also has a business in medicine and medical equipment, which is why Han Yunling said just now that as long as Xiu Pingzhang is with her, he can arrange a good job for him. Their Han family cooperates with the hospital, so if they want to give him medical skills, it's not bad. It's easier to find a job with a good doctor.

The Han family wanted to get a patent from Xiupingzhang, but Han Yunling offended Xiupingzhang, which really made Han Yunfan very dissatisfied.

Although he also pampered this sister very much, but there were preconditions - Han Yunling should not provoke people who shouldn't provoke, and do not delay the business of the Han family.

Unexpectedly, the eldest daughter of the Han family's pampered and indulgent daughter would drag the family back like this, and Han Yunfan could not wait to scold Han Yunling.

Because Han Yunfan came over, Xiu Pingzhang and the others believed that he could restrain their sister, so they left quickly.

Fortunately, the neighboring county in Sanya is not too far away. They can still go to the neighboring county to settle down today, and they will go shopping tomorrow.

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