Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 663: Parallel Space-Time: Recommended Work

Now, in the 1960s, the railway tracks in China have been rebuilt. Of course, the original railway will not touch it. Now, the high-speed railway tracks are being built, and the railway tracks from the capital to the south are being built.

It can also be said to give Zhang Chengchuan a reward. When the high-speed rail line was planned, the leaders above decided that the first high-speed rail line would be from the capital to Yunnan Province, which just happened to pass by Zhang Chengchuan, his hometown is not very far.

In the future, this high-speed railway can be opened to traffic, so Zhang Chengchuan will return to his hometown faster, of course, if there is an airport, it will be faster.

It is also because the leaders know that the places where the high-speed railway line passes can be prosperous. After all, it is almost the same in the 21st century. They can also be regarded as a reward for Zhang Chengchuan, a hero who "worked hard to do business with people in the 21st century".

Zhang Chengchuan is still very happy. After all, if the high-speed railway is really built, it will be more convenient for people from his hometown to come to the capital or go anywhere in the future. After all, the high-speed railway passes through their hometown.

"Achuan is really amazing."

Zhang Chengchuan just promoted his cousin from his hometown because of his achievements in the spiritual realm training cabin. He knew his cousin's abilities, so he recommended his cousin Zhang Chengming to work at the county machinery factory.

Zhang Chengming is a smart man, but because his family was really poor back then, he didn't read books for many years. In addition, he had no connections in the countryside to get him to fight for a job, so he could only honestly stay in his hometown. farming.

Now Zhang Chengchuan is recommended by his cousin. After Zhang Chengming went to work in the county machinery factory, he studied hard and worked at the same time, which is also very popular with the old masters of the machinery factory.

The books Zhang Chengchuan sent back before also played a role. Zhang Chengming was the best among his cousins, so Zhang Chengming was the only one recommended this time.

"Last time it was Cheng Min, this time it was the third brother, when will it be your turn?" Huang Qiuyu was the most dissatisfied, why did Zhang Chengchuan recommend a job to Zhang Chengmin last time, this time it was not her man but his cousin Zhang Chengming ?

how? They can have jobs with n and ng, but their family A Ping is not a head but starts with p, so they can't be workers?

"You're thinking too much. This time, the recommendation is for the machinery factory. The third brother is the best in our brother's middle school. What's the problem with recommending him?" Zhang Chengping said helplessly, although he couldn't work in the machinery factory. Disappointed, but he can understand.

After all, only Zhang Chengming was the best among the brothers who studied for so long, and Zhang Chengming passed the exam together, so the recommended quota is of course the best one for the exam.

"Didn't Ah Chuan say there are other places? Look, there are railway workers, road workers, etc., and construction workers. It's not impossible." Zhang Chengping said to his mother-in-law with a smile.

"How hard the railway workers and road workers are, and who knows where you are going to work? Are you going to leave me and the children and go out by yourself?" Huang Qiuyu scolded.

It's not that she looks down on these workers, it's just that she is worried that her man will go too far and won't be able to come back often. What should she do? What about the kids? She wouldn't have time to know if her man was uncomfortable or if something happened.

"Okay, don't be angry, I have to continue to study. As I told A Chuan, you can seize the opportunity in time when you are ready. This time I didn't seize the opportunity, maybe next time. Is that enough?" Zhang Chengping said with a smile.

"Humph." Huang Qiuyu just snorted coldly. Although she would complain, she didn't intend to sow discord between the Zhang brothers' feelings and cause them to drift apart. If the Zhang family's brothers had a good relationship, wouldn't it be good for her? At least if something happens, the Zhang brothers will help.

Just like Zhang Chengchuan has a good relationship with his brothers, he will remember his brothers when there is something good, and see how he arranged jobs for his two cousins ​​in just half a year.

Who doesn't want such a brother? Anyway, Huang Qiuyu complained a few words and complained, she couldn't say too many bad things about Zhang Chengchuan, so that her man would be separated from Zhang Chengchuan.

"Zhang Chengchuan has arranged work for his brother again?" Someone from the Yunhe Brigade suddenly became sour when he heard that Zhang Chengming could go to work in the county machinery factory.

The county seat is said to be a remote county seat, but there are machinery factories and food factories, which means that it is actually remote and not small.

People in the whole county are proud of being able to work in machinery factories and food factories. Now Zhang Chengming is able to work in machinery factories, and he is not a temporary worker but a regular worker, which makes people even more envious.

"What exactly does Zhang Chengchuan do? He introduced Zhang Chengmin to work in the capital before, but now he has arranged for his cousin Zhang Chengming to work in a machinery factory. When did he become so capable?" Another person was also very sour.

"You said, did he do something shameful, so he has the money to arrange work for his brother?"

"It's possible. After all, jobs can be bought with money. Could Zhang Chengchuan earn a lot of money by doing something bad?"

"Who knows?"

The fact that Zhang Chengchuan arranged a job for his cousin is really enviable and enviable. He arranged for his sister to have a formal job before, which has already made many people envious.

At that time, everyone was saying that Zhang Chengchuan had the ability to study, and he was grateful to him. When he was studying, he was subsidized by his sister-in-law. Now he has the ability to repay his sister and let her have a formal job.

But now he is even more powerful. He even arranged the jobs of two cousins, and I heard that Zhang Chengchuan has given his cousins ​​a lot of books for them to study hard, and said that they may also have jobs in the future.

This, how can such a thing make people not sour?

"Cheng Yueniang, your Achuan is already twenty-two years old, right? Do you have a partner?"

Because Zhang Chengchuan has the ability now, and he will also support his cousins, which makes many people look at him with special attention.

Then they thought, since Zhang Chengchuan can arrange a job for his cousin, if he gets married, will he bring his wife's family?

No, there are a lot of people with such a purpose, and now there is one who came to recommend his daughter.

"Cheng Yueniang, our family Pingping is young, beautiful and capable. Do you think it is a match for Achuan?" Qian Guihua said with a smile.

"Your Pingping? Still young and beautiful?" Liu Guiying couldn't help laughing after hearing Qian Guihua's words, "Don't say that my Achuan graduated from university and is still working in the capital, even my Achuan just went to junior high school and high school, so I can't see it. Go to your Pingping."

"You don't know what your Pingping looks like? It doesn't matter if you haven't read a book, but you don't want to see how she has been ruined by you, and you still want to marry my Achuan? Are you dreaming?" Liu Guiying said. .

The girl Zhang Pingping is indeed seventeen years old, but with a mother like Osmanthus who does not regard her son as a human being, how can she be a good girl?

Sometimes Liu Guiying is a little worried that this girl is not in good health due to her mother's torment, and it may be difficult to have children in the future.

After all, this girl doesn't have thick clothes in winter, and she doesn't protect her body when she usually does this or that. Who knows that her body looks good on the outside, but how bad is it on the inside?

"Oh, Cheng Yueniang, you can't be so picky. Although our Pingping has never read a book, she is capable. There are not many girls as capable as our Pingping." Qian Guihua doesn't care at all. Others say that they treat their children harshly, and her own son and family have been treated so harshly by her that she doesn't care about a daughter?

The reason why she wanted to marry her daughter to Zhang Chengchuan was that she hoped that after she became his mother-in-law, Zhang Chengchuan would arrange the work of her younger son.

"Your family Pingping is indeed capable. It is rare for a real mother like you to be worse than your stepmother. Isn't she so capable because of you? I will tell you that no one in our family will marry you. , I don't want a relative like you." Liu Guiying said coldly.

Her son is so good, how could she let him marry Qian Guihua's daughter? In other words, he never thought that his son would marry a country girl.

If nothing else, the country girl really doesn't study much, she has nothing to talk about with her son, and the most important thing is that she doesn't have a job. How? Let her son raise after marriage? Daughter-in-law doesn't need to do anything? Don't need a family?

Anyway, Liu Guiying just doesn't want her daughter-in-law to do nothing but let her son support the family. As his son's studies are higher and his current achievements are higher, Liu Guiying's vision level is higher, and she can't easily decide on the choice of his daughter-in-law.

Besides, when her son is in the capital, why did she find him a wife in her hometown? If you want to find it, you can also find it in the city, or let your son find it in the capital.

Liu Guiying kicked Qian Guihua out. She couldn't agree to what Qian Guihua said about marrying the children of the two families. She despised Qian Guihua and her daughter.

The girl Zhang Pingping was treated harshly and harshly by her mother was indeed worthy of sympathy, but her character was not necessarily much better. After all, Zhang Tuanjie, the best-tempered family, was gone. Zhang Pingping was able to live well even when her own mother had taken care of her eldest brother and the whole family, which showed that she was not small.

Liu Guiying didn't want to let such a daughter-in-law enter the door, she was picky.

Qian Guihua was not happy anymore. As soon as she went out, she preached how Zhang Chengchuan's eyes were higher than the top, and how Liu Guiying looked down on others. Anyway, she wanted to ruin the reputation of the Zhang family.

Others didn't care at all. After all, the Zhang family did have the qualifications to have eyes above the top, and Qian Guihua had nothing to look down on.

Qian Guihua tried to ruin the reputation of Zhang Chengchuan's family by stealing chickens without losing money, but his reputation became even worse. Qian Guihua was very angry.

Zhang Pingping was also very unhappy. To be honest, she was happy to know that her mother was going to Zhang's house to marry her. After all, Zhang Chengchuan was good-looking and read so well. Now she is still working in the capital. Of course, she also hopes to marry Zhang Chengchuan. of.

As a result, her mother went to say that her relative was kicked out, and Liu Guiying's comments on Qian Guiying and Zhang Pingping were also circulated.

Qian Guihua wanted to ruin her reputation, how could Liu Guiying be beaten passively? Is her vixen reputation a joke?

So everyone was even more sympathetic to Qian Guihua and Zhang Pingping, and even other girls of the same age stabbed her when they met Zhang Pingping.

After all, Zhang Chengchuan is so good, who doesn't like her? Young girls will like him when they are in love, and now that he has such great prospects, they want to marry him even more.

It's a pity that some of them know very well that Zhang Chengchuan is now rooted in the capital, and it is difficult for him to marry a girl from his hometown in the countryside, unless the girl has some great ability to be valued.

But, who among them has such great ability? Even if she claims to be the best-looking girl in Captain Yunhe, she doesn't have the confidence to say that Zhang Chengchuan will definitely like her.

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