Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 671: Parallel Time and Space: Cousin Gets Married

Today is a good day. The Chen family is lively and lively early in the morning. There are red flowers hanging on the corners of the house, as well as red, pink, and purple balloons. Red, pink, and purple , yellow roses, roses, hydrangea, and white lilies are placed in various places in the yard.

Today's Chen's house is really brand new. The flowers are decorated with red window grilles, paper flowers and silk flowers. It looks very festive.

Today is the wedding day of Chen Xiayue's cousin Chen Lixia. After ten years of running, Chen Lixia plans to marry her boyfriend.

Chen Lixia and her boyfriend Guan Wensong were together when they were 18 years old. Now they are 28 years old. They are finally married. They have supported each other for nearly ten years. The money they saved has already bought a car and built a house. They finally Feel free to get married.

Because Guan Wensong is a native of Yecheng, although his home is not in the city center but in a small town on the edge of Yecheng, at least he is very close to Yecheng. So they didn't buy the house in the Yecheng area, but bought a piece of land in the town and built a two-story building by themselves, which happened to be 130 square meters combined.

Now that she has a house and a car, Chen Lixia is also ready to get married. She is already twenty-eight years old, and she has no plans to have children, so she decides to get married and have children earlier, otherwise she will be an elderly mother a few years later.

And Chen Lixia just changed jobs, because she and Guan Wensong built a house with the money they earned over the years, and the house was still built in the town, they decided to use the upstairs to live in, and downstairs to open a shop. If she opened her own shop, it would not be too hard for her to become pregnant in the future.

Chen Xiayue is still very happy about her cousin's marriage. In the past few years, she has also given her cousin some help. For example, Chen Lixia has Chen Xiayue's help when she opens a store.

Originally, Chen Lixia planned to let Chen Xiayue be her bridesmaid, but unfortunately Chen Xiayue felt that it was too troublesome to be a bridesmaid. She would rather be a maid's family to have a wedding dinner than to accompany the bride.

"You are getting more and more lazy, I just let you be my bridesmaid, but you refused because of laziness." Chen Lixia said angrily.

She wasn't unhappy because her cousin didn't serve her as a bridesmaid. Anyway, she had a lot of colleagues and classmates, so it would be good to invite them to be bridesmaids.

"The bridesmaids have to try on clothes, make up, and make a toast with the bride, so I don't want to be so troublesome." Chen Xiayue resisted.

"Haha..." Chen Lixia couldn't help laughing when she saw her expression, then pulled Chen Xiayue and said, "Liqiu and I are both married, and even Liqiu's child is two years old, when are you going to get married? "

"I don't have a boyfriend yet, and marriage is still very far away." Chen Xiayue shook her head and said, she is only twenty-five years old, so she is not in a hurry.

Chen Lixia didn't urge her. After all, she didn't get married until she was 28 years old. There was no need to urge her cousin to get married when she was 25 years old, forcing her to get married earlier.

Because the bride is in a county close to Sanya, and the groom is in Yecheng, it can be said that they are in the south and the north of Qiong Province, so even if Chen Lixia is going back to his hometown and waiting for the groom to come over If you pick up your relatives, you will also invite Ke Ke to eat at her parents' house first.

The Chen family had invited the whole village to a banquet the day before, as well as Chen Lixia's former friends, as well as relatives and friends of both her parents.

Because Chen Xiayue and the others traded with 23rd Century and Interstellar, Huaguo's technology has developed rapidly in the past few years. It originally took three or four hours to travel from Yecheng to their hometown, and it had to be the road conditions. In a very good situation, and now it only takes an hour from Yecheng to their hometown.

It is customary for Chen Xiayue and her cousin-in-law Guan Wensong to visit the church at three in the afternoon, but Chen Lixia and the others want to invite relatives from Guan Wensong to dinner, so they will return to Yecheng before twelve noon.

It's already nine o'clock in the morning, and Guan Wensong will come to pick up Chen Lixia in a while.

"Xia Yue, your cousin is already married. When will you get married? Look, your cousin already has children, how about you?"

Chen Xiayue looked at her cousin who was already pregnant with her second child, and at her aunt who was not very close who asked when she would get married, and smiled, "I'm still very young, and I don't plan to get married so early."

"Young? You are already twenty-five years old and still young? Look at your cousin, who is about the same age as you and is about to give birth to a second child. What about you? You have no partner so far."

"How is it, Xia Yue? Auntie introduced you to someone? It must have introduced you to a rich family member, so you won't suffer." The aunt said kindly.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

With a fake smile on her face, Chen Xiayue rejected the aunt's enthusiasm. What's wrong with her now that she doesn't want to fall in love or get married? Even if she doesn't get married in the future, she will not suffer so much, not only because of her golden finger, but also because of the preferential treatment they have given her for her cooperation with the state over the years.

So Chen Xiayue doesn't have any urgent thoughts on whether to get married or not. After all, the person she likes is not in the same plane as her.

That's right, after a few years, Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan's relationship has deepened. However, because one of them is from the 21st century and the other is from the 1960s, neither of them showed their feelings.

The aunt who just said she wanted to introduce a partner to Chen Xiayue didn't have any ill will towards her. She just saw that Chen Xiayue was still single, so she wanted to introduce a partner to her. Chen Xiayue refused and she didn't bother much, but changed the topic and started chatting. .

At 10:20 in the morning, the bridegroom's caravan came over.

Of course, Chen Xiayue and the others have their own customs. When the groom comes to greet the bride, he needs to get off the bus, and then he is stopped by the mother-in-law and aunts in the village. He only needs to pay the toll.

The tolls won't be much. When Chen Xiayue and the others were young, the tolls were 120 cents at most 50 cents, but now it's only 1 cent at most 5 cents, and they will never give large denominations of money.

Although it is said that a lot of money needs to be paid, the total toll will not exceed 200 yuan, so Chen Xiayue feels that the marriage customs in her hometown are still good.

Chen Xiayue looked at the bridegroom and the best man group who were stopped by her mother-in-law and aunts, and watched everyone lively for half an hour, only then did the groom take the bride away.

The team for the bridegroom's wedding was applied for by Chen Xiayue. After all, she has the privilege of cooperating with the above. She doesn't know when she will get married, so she used her privilege to apply for a seven-car team for her cousin.

The speed of the flying car is relatively fast and stable. It only takes an hour from Yecheng to their hometown, which does not delay the marriage of the bride and groom, so Chen Xiayue applied for seven cars.

The main wedding car is a six-seater car that looks like a flying car, and the other six flying cars are 24-seat buses. The latter ones are either for the bride's dowry, or for the bride's family to join the party. wedding.

Guan Wensong carried the bride Chen Lixia to the main wedding car, and sat in it himself, and then the others loaded the dowry into the car one after another.

Chen Lixia's dowry has a refrigerator, which is the newest refrigerator with the strongest insurance technology on the market with good double-door functionality. Then there is an air conditioner, a 120-inch LCD TV, and two new electric cars.

In addition, there are dowries for a set of wooden sofas, a wardrobe, a bookshelf, etc. Of course, these are all dowries on the bright side. Only the bride and the bride's parents know how much money is in the box. things are up.

When Chen Liqiu got married, there was no such a generous dowry. At that time, the Chen family was not very wealthy, but later the Chen family was rich enough to supply Chen Liqiu's dowry.

After the dowry was loaded into the car, relatives and friends also got into the car. This time, less than 50 people followed to Yecheng for the wedding. The bride's elder brother and sister-in-law also went, but her parents and grandparents stayed there. home.

"Lixia, have a good life after getting married, don't quarrel with Wen Song, but if Wen Song bullies you, don't hold back if you have any grievances, remember to tell your mother." Auntie leaned on the side of the main wedding car window and followed her. Chen Lixia said.

"I know, Mom, I remember." Chen Lixia, who was wearing delicate makeup, nodded, her eyes were a little red.

When she went to Yecheng to go to school and stayed in Yecheng for ten years, she didn't have any sad feelings at that time, but this time she couldn't help crying when she saw her parents.

After today, she will form her own small family. Although she does not admit that she has nothing to do with her parents' family after marrying into someone else's family, she is still very sad.

Obviously, when she was working in Yecheng, she seldom went home, but now that she is married, she has a strong reluctance to part.

"Lixia, you got married late, and your parents have nothing to say. They just hope that you will be happy and live well in the future." Uncle also said.

The eldest uncle is a relatively rough man, and he does not have too many delicate feelings. When the younger daughter got married, he was sentimental once, and now he is sentimental again when the eldest daughter is married.

"Don't worry, parents, I remember." Chen Lixia nodded while holding back tears.

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I will take good care of Li Xia. If I bully her, let alone my parents won't let me go. Xia Yue and Li Qiu won't let me off either." Guan Wensong took Chen Lixia's shoulders, and then He assured his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Wen Song, we all know what you've been like all these years, but I hope you are still as opposed to Li Xia as before. Don't get married and become a different person." Uncle said earnestly.

"Dad, don't worry, I will, I will maintain the same opposition to Li Xia as before," Guan Wensong said.

The bride said goodbye to her parents, and set off after the time was almost up. Uncle Chen Zhendong and aunt Wang Qiufang looked at the flying car with red eyes.

"Don't worry, parents, it only takes an hour to go to Yecheng. If you really miss my sister in the future, you can go to see her." Chen Liqiu comforted his parents.

Because Chen Liqiu is pregnant again, and it's been five months now, so she didn't go to Yecheng, but stayed with her parents.

Chen Liqiu's comfort is also very reasonable. In the past, the distance between her mother-in-law's house and her mother's house was about a few hours.

Now that the road conditions are better, the time to travel has been shortened a lot, so I don't have to worry about missing my children and my parents.

Wang Qiufang glared at her little daughter, but she also listened to what she said.

"Let's go, greet other guests..." Wang Qiufang took her man away, stop watching here, and continue to greet other guests, especially those from her parents' house.

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