She nodded obediently, and said, "Hmm~."

Li Huan took her to her residence, which was an infinite group of villas, inhabited by Freya, Nanny, Goddess of Time, and the Woman of Wind. In addition to times, there were some female subordinates.

Li Huan comes here once in a while.

When Olena, the goddess of time, saw Li Huan, a gentle expression appeared on her cold face.

"You came!"

Li Huan nodded and said, "This is Zhao Ling'er, she will be practicing here, you can take care of it."

Olena pouted her lips, a little emotional, but still politely said: "Please, my little sister."

Li Huan said, "He is a cultivator of immortality, and I have given her the exercises. You can arrange for her to stay."

Olena said: "I know, I know."

Li Huan shook his head and left helplessly.

Since this place was occupied by Sister Olena, he felt that this place was out of his control, but unfortunately they were thinking about themselves everywhere, and they could only let it go.

After Zhao Ling'er was arranged, Li Huan entered the chat group.

At this time, the Marvel Universe.

After the last time Tony was taught by Zhang Sanfeng, Tony has woken up.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to yell at Fak, which shocked Little Pepper beside him.

At this time, Tony had just built the steel armor not long ago, and he was still young and vigorous.

Little Pepper asked, "Tony, why are you unconscious?"

"Oh, dear, I'm fine, just a little tired. Jarvis will say that I am healthy. If you don't believe me, ask Jarvis. The source of this article [Sheng Ying download] WeChat applet"

Jarvis said: "Yes, Mr. Stark is very healthy and has not found any disease."

"Look, my dear, don't worry about me, oh by the way, nothing major happened on the day I was in a coma, right?"

"Nothing serious, but the last time you wore a battle armor to punish a villain, the video was posted on the Internet, and the federal government has begun to pay attention to you."

Tony waved his hand and said, "Let them come, I am the master of Stark, what can they do with me."

Little Chili was still worried, but Tony asked out of the bedroom on the grounds that he needed a rest.

Tony asked: "Jarvis, you go and help me prepare some gifts."

"Mr. Stark, please tell me what gift you have prepared?"

"Rare metals, such as the Edman alloy found last time, bring me."

"Okay, Mr. Stark."

Soon, someone delivered the item.

This metal is the most powerful metal found on earth.

Edman metal will not show any signs of melting even at a high temperature of 500,000°C.

Once Captain America’s shield and Wolverine’s bones used this kind of material. Although the quantity was not large, he could still obtain a lot with his energy.

"Give this thing to Tai Chi Lao Dao to make amends, I don't want to be beaten again."

Enter the chat group.

Iron Man Tony: "@太极老道, one day later, I am here again. To express my apology, I will send you some specialties."

"Iron Man Tony sent a red envelope to Tai Chi Lao Dao, please check it."

After Tai Chi received the red envelope, he found that it was a large piece of metal.

Tai Chi Lao Tao: "Little friends are very interesting. Knowing your mistakes can improve you. The gift is accepted. It's not to blame you for the offense last time."

Tai Chi Lao Tao: "In addition, I will give you a copy of martial arts cheats, which will save you from buying it again."

"The old Tai Chi sent a red envelope to Iron Man Tony, please check it."

Tony immediately took the red envelope, opened the book and looked through it, and found that it was all in Chinese.

"Oh, I want to learn Chinese!"

In order to practice the secrets, he began to ask Chinese teachers to learn Chinese. This move excited the media who followed him.

Tony Stark, this young man has countless news about him.

As a result, the major media have published photos and deeds of Stark learning Chinese.

"Shocked, Lord Stark is actually learning Chinese."

"Chinese or a key to breaking through the technological bottleneck?"

"It is rumored that Stark has obtained an ancient book of Chinese Xianshu, or is it deciphering Xianshu?"

Such kind of news that does not know whether it is true or false makes people's hearts ups and downs, and some people believe that some people do not believe it.

However, this also set off a wave of Chinese fever, and Chinese training classes were everywhere all the time.


Chat group.

···0 Seeking flowers·····0

Iron Man Tony: "Oh, it's okay, Chinese is too difficult, Tony's head is already big!"

Head Yue: "It's very simple."

Pi Zilong: "Perhaps he is more stupid."

A big eagle who can't fly: "Cultivation can improve your comprehension. He is a thorough mortal, and his comprehension must be very low."

Tai Chi Lao Tao: "The cheat book that Lao Dao gave you, if you want to practice, you still need to learn Chinese, but your comprehension is really bad. Come to the world of Lao Dao, and Lao Tao teaches you to practice."

Head Yue: "The shameless old way will definitely change the law to charge tuition. Newcomers must not go. Come here to the head. The head is gentle and elegant. He has read poetry and has the ability to teach and educate people. "

Old Tai Chi said: "Tony, what's your choice?"


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