Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 105: This method can be the same as another method

     Yao Chong is the same person, of course I understand the reason.

   He didn't expect Li Yi to be so arrogant. He wanted to be deceived by the gentleman. If you ask, you just answer. You are a good person.

   Now I finally understand that this young Li Yi is looking at his mood and has nothing to do with a gentleman.

   I am happy and willing to answer questions.

   Not happy, he doesn't care if you die.

   So he said: "It's just a joke. It's really hard to transport supplies from home. After the heavy snow, don't coal also have to be transported?"

   "Add a sled to support the wheel, and when it snows, it will change from rolling to sliding." Li Yi thought slightly and gave a way to deal with it.

   Otherwise, he doesn't have any good ideas. Don't talk about bullock carts, donkey carts, and horse-drawn carts when it snows, and you can change to a car.

   If there is no one clearing the snow when and where, you can put on a sled and you can move forward.

   Three people ate, Yao Chong ate the fastest, and when Li Yi finished eating, he looked forward to it.

   Li Yi brought two people into the hospital, took out paper, pen and ruler to draw the picture.

  All cars have two wheels, the axle of the wheel will extend out a section, and the outer ring of the axle has holes for dripping lubrication.

   Li Yi drew two sled boards and set up three pillars on the sled boards.

   The gap on one piece just called the out part of the axle to get stuck, and the other two support and fix the other parts of the car.

   "When you encounter snow and ice, load the sled." Li Yi showed the two people a picture.

   Li Yi said with a helpless expression. He couldn't get out the snow removal truck, so he had to make tricks.

  Ran, in the eyes of Li Chengqi and Yao Chong, this is a big step in history.

   Carry two boards and pillars at any time in the winter. When encountering ice and snow, I put it under the wheels, slipped and left.

   Waiting for there to be no snow, take it off, and the wheels turn.

   "This thing is good, Li Dongzhu is a great talent." Yao Chong praised without hesitation, secretly saying that he was right this time.

   is worrying about shipping goods in winter, every year, I tried to find it this year, and there is a good way.

   "It is still necessary to build roads and clear snow." Li Yi emphasized the key thing, not because there is one thing, no one will clear the snow.

   Yao Chong nodded, he couldn't accept this, and his identity at the moment could not say how many people organized to remove snow.

   With a few more greetings, Yao Chong took the picture and ran away. He wanted to go back and find someone to do it. He couldn't wait.

   Li Yi went to see the newcomers. The newcomers took a shower and put on new dry clothes. They were ordered to rest and were not allowed to work.

   Li Yi asked, afraid that a group of people would rush on the road, tired and hungry, go to the place to eat something, relax, and then suddenly work and suddenly suffer from cardiovascular disease.

   And what he is most unwilling to treat is cardiovascular disease, which involves a lot of disciplines, inside, outside, mind, outside of the brain...

   He is alone, not even an assistant.

  The newcomer still...

I thought it was to take care of them, but I never thought that it was the proprietor who was afraid of trouble.

   The villagers are like chatting, introducing rules to newcomers who are not sleepy, including personal hygiene, work and rest, carbon poison prevention, family disputes, and so on.

   "My own mother-in-law can't beat it?" Some guys were upset, and felt that beating his wife was justified.

   "Fight, go out after the fight, don't find work in Zhuangzi." The woman next to Zhuangzi is upset, why should the woman be beaten?

   The new guy didn't dare to look directly at the other person, turned his head and mumbled something like ‘I secretly hit you don’t know’.

   "Secretly hit?" Zhuangzi's woman stared.

   Another villager man smiled and shook his head: "No, the women take a bath together, and they can see injuries on their bodies, let alone accidentally touched them. Our proprietor is a genius doctor."

   "No, I didn't say." The man gave in and wanted to survive the winter, so he couldn't afford to offend him.

   "Is it wrong for the man Yi brother to beat his own woman?" The traditional education that Li Chengqi received is fine.

  "Brother, if a man needs to rely on force to gain a position in the family, then he is too incompetent.

   I am in charge of the entire Zhuangzi, can I see that I have beaten one person? It doesn't count for adults to beat children. I tell them how to beat them. They cannot be beaten to death, let alone beaten to death. There are ways to beat them. "

   Li Yi smiled when he talked about beating a child, because some of the little dolls were beaten at night, so they complained to him during the day, saying that the position of the beating was wrong.

   The little guy has a better grasp of being beaten than knowledge, and has a lot of experience.

   The problem is that he was beaten because he didn't study well. Isn't it enough to focus on his studies?

   Soon Li Yi's words spread to Zhuangzi, and the villagers supported him. Only the incompetent men beat their own women.

   Yao Chong on the other side ran back and looked around for Li Longji with the drawings. He didn't want to go to the Ministry of Engineering to see Wei Zhigu.

   Looking for it, I found Liyuan, and Li Longji was ‘talking’ to a group of people.

   "One day, there is a person from Yangping Weiguo, whose surname is Le, whose first name is Jin, and whose name is Wenqian, came to vote for Cao Cao..."

   This is the fifth episode of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There are five episodes in total, and there will be no more.

   He wondered when he would go again, and told Brother Yi to continue to think about it, and now he told the people in Liyuan.

   teach them how to'speak' to be better. If any new one is not as good as this in the future, just follow this way, if there is a better one, reward!

   Many individuals listened attentively. They were attracted by the story for the first time listening to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the ministers have been disturbed by the snow and icy roads in winter for the past few days. Today, with a clever approach, you can alleviate your worries about the difficulty of driving on snowy roads."

   Yao Chong waited with great interest after listening to Li Longji’s words, ‘I’m not sure what the outcome is, let’s listen to the breakdown below. ’Just uttered.

   Li Longji looked at Yao Chong, stared at Yao Chong, seeing Yao Chong's mood, and asked: "Go to Zhuangzi again?"

   The special "Zhuangzi" he is one place.

   Yao Chong said frankly:...

"Yes, when I went, I learned that a woman had not eaten for many days and fell on the Bashui Bridge. Li Yi ran to her knees and rescued. Er, the woman woke up, Li Yi's medical skills were transcendent and a benevolent sacred hand."

   Yao Chong praises, he knows your Majesty loves to listen to this.

   Sure enough, Li Longji smiled: "Yi...The proprietor is just that kind of person. What way does Yao Qing look for?"

   Yao Chong stepped forward and showed Li Longji the picture: "Add a rocker to the wheel and drag it on the ice and snow."

   Li Longji looked and nodded: "The single sled he told me to be flexible. If you are transporting luggage in winter, you can do the same. You can also choose to use the snow alone. The price of the sled is lower than that of a car."

   "Your Majesty knows there are sleds?" Yao Chong wondered.

   "I also know that infantry can quickly march on snowboards and poles. When the weather is cold and snowy, I call Yulin Feiqi to try."

   When Li Longji talked about Yulin Feiqi, his mood got better.

   He plans to expand his army after the beginning of the spring next year, increasing the scale to 30,000, and bringing the new with the old.

   Then some of the Zhechong Mansion with weak combat effectiveness can be removed and let them live an ordinary life.

   Yao Chong is in a bad mood, Yu Lin Feiqi is strong, but he can't command.

   This army is in the back forbidden court. It is obviously for training, but in fact, your majesty does not trust others. If something happens, Yulin Feiqi can charge to rescue him.

   They are one person with three horses, weapons in their bodies, and a bag that can last for three days is always full.

   "Yao Qing, since I got a way, I ordered someone to do something to see if it works well." Li Longji wanted to continue playing with the people from Liyuan, and said to Yao Chong.


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