Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 116: The workshop is lively and there is no leisure

     The north wind is thick, and the bashui ice flows down. A pair of cotton-padded jacket bears the cold, and the fire is warm and soothing. Hanging the basket on the tether to shake the briquettes, talking about it, it's no other way.

   Today, the north wind whistling, seems to be endless.

   The people on Zhuangzi wear a scarf around their necks and a mask on their mouths, leaving only a pair of eyes outside.

   The exhaled breath rose upwards, and gelled to the eyelashes and eyebrows.

   The children put on one piece of clothing and another, and they can't find the prettiest appearance of the students before.

   But the child in front of me is cuter, dressed in many clothes, like a ball.

   opened his small hand, walked like a penguin, accidentally fell somersault, and turned over for a while before he could get up again.

  Because of the thick dress, the child will not be injured if he falls.

   Adults would laugh when they saw it, some smiled and turned their heads to wipe their tears.

  Especially those who only entered Zhuangzi this spring, how can their children dress like this in the usual days? Every piece of clothing is money.

   In order to make cotton coats and cotton gloves for the children, the proprietor can't even bear the quilt.

  I still made ten quilts and mattresses only after I waited for a strong request.

   One is for the proprietor, and there is also a bedding for those noble people.

  The children on Zhuangzi are like this, but the children who come to find a way to survive don't wear cotton clothes, but they will add a few more silk clothes.

   And the children stopped working, the students from Zhuangzi came to teach.

  I practiced with a wooden stick for some days, and now I also have pen, ink and paper.

   The working place is like a Zhuangzi, every sixteen households put a large pottery pot on the stove, iron is not available.

   New meat bones will be put in the pot early in the morning, gurgling and cooking, and then added to some dried vegetables.

   When he was thirsty, he came over to drink a bowl of soup. There was oil and water on his bones to quench his hunger and thirst.

   The coal billets are no longer beaten, so I changed them to shake briquettes, set up a rack, and hung the shallow bamboo baskets. Dip water and coal slime and shake them, and the coal slime became briquettes.

   Briquettes are also good, but not as good as briquettes, because briquettes can be put in half on the fire to suppress the fire.

   This way the fire becomes smaller and the temperature can be maintained for a long time.

   If the equal-pressure coal billets are almost burnt slowly, use the furnace hook to penetrate them, and the flames will rise again.

   Bashui River is already frozen, and the ice is not thick. Use the boat to open the ice and ask the waterwheel to continue turning.

  The water from the waterwheel flows into the papermaking workshop.

   In the paper-making workshop, a large stove cooks messy things, plus plant ash and lime.

   Then fished it out, transported it to the river, and crushed it with a chopper driven by a water truck.

   There is also a pulverizer with a foot pedal to smash the cooked things into pieces.

   no longer need to be pounded with sticks in a wooden barrel.

   After that, the pulp was used to scoop a layer with a mat and put it on the wooden shelf in the room to dry, and the fire in the room heated up.

   When it's done, the paper will be peeled off one by one.

  The paper made of different materials is different, and the raw paper used in the toilet is made of grass.

  The writing paper is made of bamboo, hemp and bark, and some other things are added to it, which works well, such as alum and lime.

   Papermaking is a technical job, but the people who do it find that it is a laborious job when it comes to Zhuangzi.

   There is no technical obstacle, and the proprietor has arranged it.

   even includes the treatment and reuse of residual liquid, just follow the process, and nothing else needs to be considered.

   Apart from going to the toilet, the paper made is for everyone to write on.

  Other inks are also made by themselves. Various charcoal dusts and carbon dusts will appear in the kiln. These are used as raw materials to make ordinary inks and inks.

The brush used by    is a bamboo tube with hair. It is difficult to find wolf hair and rabbit hair. You have to get rabbit hair. Other hair, if you have it, choose it. It's not calligraphy, just write.

   Yantai find the right stone, fine.

   There is no need to reach that ink is not easy to dry, and the speed of rock ink is fast.

   When making ink, put a bowl directly in the liquid state and write after dipping it. Do you have to make it into an ink stick and then grind it again?

   So the four treasures of the study on Zhuangzi are one-stop, all of them, let’s not buy them. Zhuangzi is poor, and the proprietor has no money, so we can only build it ourselves.

   With the weaving and the kiln, the manpower is not enough.

   "Why don't you say that you can't start a workshop, Ming Mansion, I beg you for this matter." Li Yi invited Pei Yaoqing to dinner at Zhuangzi.

   Invited to Chang'an City, Pei Yaoqing received the invitation and rushed over without a word.

   It is obviously unrealistic for a person with only 1,000 acres of land to invite Chang'an Ling to a banquet.

  Ran, Li Yi please, Pei Yaoqing is so happy to come.

   I asked it before lunch, saying it was tomorrow, but as a result, Pei Yaoqing didn't eat any food, so Pei Yaoqing hurried over.

   Li Yi didn't eat either. He happened to have a meal together and said while eating.

   Before eating, Pei Yaoqing endured hunger and went to the workshop first.

   He thought it would be like other workshops, a group of dark and thin people, wearing thin clothes, shivering with cold, working hard in the cold wind.

   What I saw was a group of people wearing several layers of clothes, hats, masks, gloves, and wool boots talking and laughing at work.

   At this moment, he looked at Li Yi and looked again, as if he hadn't heard what Li Yi said.

   "Mingfu, eat first. The mandarin duck hot pot I deliberately made is spicy on one side and pure bone chicken soup on the other."

   Li Yi Quancai, in order to thank the county magistrate, he cooked spicy dishes.

   Different from the last time I ate with charcoal in the middle, the lower part is burned with a biogas flame.

   "You have occupied the land in Zhangjia Village, but your own land is not enough? If Zhangjia Village goes to the county to sue, this official will definitely award the workshop to Zhangjia Village."

   Pei Yaoqing said another thing, which can be regarded as threatening Li Yi with power.

   He always loses in front of Li Yi, and the opportunity to find his place appears. Use it quickly.

   "Mingfu rest assured, no, I promised Zhangjia Village, come and see me whenever you are sick." Li Yi said, he went Pei Yaoqing bowed his head, pickled vegetables, and cooked vegetables, sad.

   Forget, Li Yi is not only a profitable proprietor, but also a genius doctor.

   There is a genius doctor sitting next to the village, how about using the village’s land?

   If you dare to pit a genius doctor today, you will not be wronged if you fall sick and die in front of the genius doctor tomorrow.

   And I really dare not judge, so many people live because of Li Yi.

   The county magistrate directly sentenced the workshop to the village, and those people would rush into the city of Chang'an, all the way to the gate of the county office.

   I didn't see the invitation from others, it means that God, I am here today.

   "How many people do you want? Is there someone in the family who is sick?"

   Pei Yaoqing took a bite of spicy oily tofu skin, and asked with sweat on his nose.

   Li Yi's chopsticks paused, think about it, and nodded: "Come on, I have nothing to do recently, so I can treat the illness."

   He decided to use a living person to practice his hands. Anyway, the actual situation of the patient is just like that. If he can't be cured, he won't be able to treat him well with the staff of the Imperial Medical Office.

   He has examination equipment, medicines and surgical instruments, and he also studies Chinese medicine.

   Check with equipment, and if Chinese medicine can cure it, use Chinese medicine.

  Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are not good, so think of another way.

   is that he is not good enough in acupuncture in acupuncture, but it doesn't matter, there is a video.

   Thinking, Li Yi scooped the red oil soup with a spoon and drank it, sweating out, and feeling comfortable.

   "Aren't you spicy?" Pei Yaoqing shuddered.

"Spicy, and this spiciness is not a taste, but a kind of pain feedback of injury, but it is different from other pains. Some patients can survive by drinking this soup. The discipline of medicine is very miraculous. "

   Li Yi said, put the tofu into the pot and freeze the tofu at the same time. At the same time, the heat was turned down. The soup boiled and splashed out.


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