Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 127: The heart of a healer is like a parent

     Seeing the dealer's appearance, Li Longji naturally knew that this Yi brother was buying people's hearts.

  Ran, the acquisition was successful.

   Someone said with their mouths that Brother Yi did it as they were.

   The dealers are not stupid either, but they care more about saving manpower.

   The big sky is pressing down on the water outside, and the shoes and trouser legs are splashing wet.

  With the windmill, only the ice in the canal needs to be cleaned in the future, and when it is harvested, rice can be ground everywhere.

   This windmill is beautiful again, and it is more beautiful than the sail-like windmills I have heard of.

   "If the wind doesn't blow from there, what should be done?" Li Chengqi looked at the windmill and thought that the sails were still good.

   "Turn, there is a shaft underneath. After the wind turns, people push the shaft to turn." Li Yi pointed to the base of the main shaft of the windmill and said.

  The windmill he built is not very big, it can drive enough grinding.

  The power of grinding that people can push, it doesn’t matter if you slow down.

   "It's like a revolving restaurant in the sky on earth." Li Longji thought of something.

   "Exactly." Li Yi looked up at the windmill turning, smiling.

   The cost is high, because he used iron pipes as pillars, and the drive shaft is connected with wood, all brushed with tung oil, so he is not afraid of rain.

   He has his own plan. If Zhuangzi only grows things, raises things, and builds a workshop, he will have fewer channels to make money.

  Bashui flows by the side, it is not good to use it, compared with such a good location.

   There are other long and short connecting rods beside the windmill. After turning the direction, the transmission has to be adjusted accordingly.

   Under normal circumstances, don’t use it unless the wind blows in one direction.

   Li Longji looked at it and thought it was good. After the beginning of spring next year, a few will be set up in the palace.

   There are also jobs in the palace, and it feels comfortable to look at it.

   "Big brother, third brother, it's past noon, why don't you go to dinner." Li Yi reminded him that he was busy just now and time flies quickly.

   It's one o'clock in the afternoon, oh, it's not the beginning.

   According to Li Yiyi, Li Longji is hungry.

   The three people went to the cafeteria and didn't bother Queen Wang. Queen Wang should take a nap after lunch.

   Li Yi Sheng used chestnut chicken nuggets, garlic seedlings scrambled eggs, soaked dried cucumber strips of fried pork, and vinegar cabbage. He made a portion of rice without soup.

   I'm going to drink orange juice after dinner. It's hot.

   Li Longji and Li Chengqi did not serve the staple food, they both blanched a bunch of wine and wanted to drink.

   wine is a cheap wine Li Yi bought and distilled it to fifty degrees by himself.

   In order to drink the blood circulation for the ice maker, you can drink one cup in the morning, one cup at noon, and one cup at night.

   No ice is taken there at night, only water is poured.

   Those people are wearing thick wool felt boots, cotton trousers, and upper body cotton-padded clothes.

   Li Yi doesn't want anyone who has rheumatism to be treated again. Rheumatoid arthritis is more difficult to treat than cutting a hundred appendixes.

   He always considers what farmers should pay attention to in their daily work from the medical perspective, including diet, hygiene, and working environment.

   It doesn’t mean that if you know that the operation is wrong, you will get sick. If you still do that, you can treat yourself if you get sick. Prevention is first.

   The farmers didn’t know that the proprietor felt that as a doctor, it was a shame not to prevent the disease before it appeared.

   They only think that the proprietor takes care of others and provides the best assistance in any kind of work.

   "Hah~~ha~~" Li Chengqi took a sip of the fifty-degree wine and made the sound of a normal drinker.

   "Brother Yi, this wine is strong and enjoyable." He frowned and exclaimed.

   "When I bring medicinal materials, I will mention 60 degrees. Now it is 50 degrees. Soak the medicine with 60 degrees alcohol. It tastes bitter and sweet."

   Li Yi talked about how he wanted to make medicinal wine, and then said: "At that time, different medicines will make different wines, so they can be used for medicinal purposes."

   "I don't have to say about Yi brother's medical skills, but the shopkeeper doesn't know the truth. How can there be any doctor who does not spend money." Li Chengqi said with a piece of oily tofu in braised pork.

   "Treasurer Yu, he..." Li Yi said, stunned.

   He put down his chopsticks and rushed out without removing the needle. The blood returned...

   How come no one calls yourself? Didn't you call out when you said it was almost gone?

   It's over, there has been a medical accident.

   When he hurried to the observation room, he saw Yu Huaide smiling and talking with Cui Liu.

   "Where are the needles?" Li Yi asked directly.

   "Proprietor, I, I pulled it out. I saw that Xi'er and those patients were given injections and you pulled out the needles. It was almost gone, they asked me to ask, and I pulled it out."

   Cui Liu was nervous, and seemed to have done something wrong.

   Li Yichang exhaled and forced a smile: "Okay, pull it out, Cui Liu, you did a good job."

   He doesn't care if Cui Liu has any nurse symptoms, anyway, it's right.

When    was in the hospital, many patients pulled it out on their own, with minor problems and no harm.

   "Hmm!" Cui Liu nodded happily.

   Li Yi checked again and made sure that the shopkeeper Yu was okay, and said: "Pay the rescue fee, three thousand yuan, don't be too expensive."

   "Not expensive, not expensive." Yu Huaide shook his head repeatedly. When he woke up, he saw the equipment in the rescue room.

   also heard someone say how he came alive.

   At that time, Dongzhu Li spread his coat on the ground and knelt to save. Nothing was mentioned, that is, to save people.

   With the experience last night, he knew that Dongzhu Li could not afford to offend.

  Only relying on the ability to save people, how many royal family members would like to curry favor?

   No wonder the **** and the maid in the palace are guarding, it's related there.

   Li Yi smiled sincerely, just give the money.

   "These three thousand people are not only rescued, but after two days, the shopkeeper Yu will leave again and observe more at Li Yi decided to give away the service.

   "It's easy to talk, that me, my gonorrhea, plus two thousand yuan, can you?" Yu Huaide glanced at the maid and said shyly.

   "Yes, it is easy to cure, I will give you external application, internal use, and circumcision. It is not a serious illness."

   Li Yi happily agreed that a small operation would cost two thousand yuan, okay, it would cost too much.

   This ‘hospital’ was opened for free, and it’s finally here for money!

   "Li, Li Dongzhu, I, I..." a small attendant of Yu Huaide whispered.

   He squatted down and pressed the position behind his head with his right hand: "I have a bag here. Sometimes when I move it, I feel stuck. Can it be cured?"

   Li Yi bent over to look and touched it: "Simple, you are a sebaceous cyst, it is an acne tumor, it is pressing on the nerve, just cut it, then the surrounding hair must be shaved first.

   "Really, really? How much, how much?" the servant asked with a guilty conscience.

   "If you don't need money, how can a doctor stare at the money? You have to have your parents' heart." Li Yi's voice was soft.

   Yu Huaide, who was sitting on the hospital bed, his eyes widened instantly: "..."

   He suspects that Li Yi Li Dongzhu in front of him was bent over by something unclean. Otherwise, why is the difference between the front and the back so big?

   "When will it be cured?" the valet raised his head and asked expectantly.

   "When I finish my meal, I will cut it for you, then give you a shot of tetanus and an anti-inflammatory drug, you can go, and I will give you two gauze and a small bottle of medicine for the dressing change, and you can apply it yourself."

   After Li Yi finished speaking, he looked at Yu Huaide: "If you are hungry, ask someone to go to the cafeteria to serve you. Remember to eat light and not too full."

   After finishing talking, he left, and went back to eat.

   The grateful manservant, Cui Liu who covered his mouth and laughed, and Yu Huaide who still suspected that Dongzhu Li had changed his soul.


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