Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2122: Time keeps struggling to learn

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"Some did not say that the stars are small, and the small stars are huge because they are far and near.

Someone said that the stars you shot on are small and invisible.

Someone who knows how to use your sailing tool theodolite and sextant, read the principle and operation instructions twice in his spare time, which is simple and clear.

If there is a small star under our control, it will be more convenient to locate at night. "

Zhang Jiuling waved her hand, when did I say that the stars are small?

"Have seen it twice? Simple and clear? Old nine! You are talented and suitable for voyages."

Li Yi felt that Zhang Jiuling was insulting people. What does it mean to be simple and clear after reading it twice? Why did I watch it so many times before asking someone to do it?

The "two" you said is an imaginary number, right? What do you mean by following two eyes?

"A certain is not in the ninth family. You are the prime minister, and certain goes out to sea. Use theodolite and sextant to see the position, and take the boat under your feet."

Zhang Jiuling first corrected Li Yi's title error before mentioning other conditions.

"I use the instrument to locate my boat? Anyone, as long as they are not stupid, can ride out.

But you are right, artificial stars are used for positioning.

You can also communicate at any time, by the way, tell the people on board where there is a whirlpool or typhoon, and take shelter in time. "

Li Yi despised, you go to sea on my yacht, you play with theodolite? Calibrate the theodolite?

Zhang Jiuling didn't care: "When will there be little stars?"

"There are 100,000 people with knowledge like me, and they will invest in various basic industries, and then study hard and delve into it. It is estimated that they will be successful in the next ten years."

Li Yi thought for a while and gave an answer.

The manpower I have cultivated is not enough at present, and the number of subjects is small before the time of division.

Fortunately, foreign languages ​​and politics do not need to be learned. They are willing to learn foreign languages ​​and can learn them by themselves.

Mainly study mathematics, physics, chemistry, and then talk about the branches.

Zhang Jiuling showed a sad look: "I can't see in a certain life..."

"Yes, let's work hard. According to the current learning progress, the basic subjects will have another year and a half.

Then they studied and taught while being officials. It would have been faster if they were not officials.

The newly recruited artisans and children of artisans are the main force in technology learning and law research. "

Li Yi mentioned students, who study very hard.

He didn't want to train students into technical talents, he had to call them officials.

At that time, there will be a student in each state capital of Datang to guide the local political and economic development and train manpower by the way.

"Too slow." Zhang Jiuling was anxious.

"The days will pass day by day. If you don't arrange it, will the years stay for you?"

Li Yi doesn't feel slow. Starting from the founding of the country, his country has been building five-year plans one after another, and road after road is being built.

At that time, who thought that starting from the first five or three years of the five-year plan, the country would develop into that way after 70 years?

At that time, there were a lot of technical difficulties, because there was no information and some things involved patents.

I am in Datang, technical copy! Patent fees...Which dare to care about it?

Zhang Jiuling's expression changed. He lifted the wine bowl and raised his head, flattened the bowl again, and took a sip.

"Don't get drunk. So, don't worry, Gentle, I'll do what I'm supposed to do before entering the group."

"It's not that you can't do things when you join the group. It's just that you can't keep up with your energy, so that younger and more energetic people can come up.

Some people are younger than Jiu Ling's brother, but they have insufficient energy, so they can't occupy an important position.

The material basis is very important, allowing people to take in more nutrients.

In wealthy families, children are usually taller than others and live longer.

Coupled with medical conditions, fewer children died and fewer people died of minor illnesses, and Datang will gradually get better. "

Li Yi continued to drink and eat skewers.

Just stop for a while after taking a bite of the skewers.

"Okay!" Zhang Jiuling held the wine bowl in one hand, and left with a handful of skewers in the other.

"Good! Good!" The people were applauding, and some people from Liyuan were performing acrobatics.

They were forced to hang safety ropes on their bodies, and there was no big shed to block the rain, and they performed in the gradually decreasing rain.

However, there are groups of drones hanging on the rope, and several drones hanging one, changing the position in space with the actions of the actors.

When the small drone does not turn on the lights, others cannot see it.

This thing is the most convenient for sneak attack on the enemy. It doesn’t need a cloudy day. As long as you fly over it on a normal night and throw a small explosive bag, the enemy’s camp will be abandoned.

The people were happy, and some were still thinking about the things that Dongzhu Li had shown great power before, or called Buddha Wei.

They didn't regard Li Yi as a normal person at all, and Li Dongzhu could beat the Hades and kick the judge at will.

Their happiness is simple. Those who can eat enough and wear warm clothes in winter are good days.

As for how the country develops, they have no idea in mind.

The emperor who can let himself eat meat must be a good emperor. The emperor said that he collected taxes from the monk's way, and the monk's way is not obedient, and belongs to the bad person.

After three o'clock in the morning, the rain stopped and the clouds gradually dispersed.

In the sky, you can occasionally see the westward moon exposed in the gap between clouds, as bright as a jade plate.

Li Yi was still awake, too excited, he went to see Wan Zhaoyuan who was in the yacht inpatient department.

Wan Zhaoyuan said that his leg hurts, faintly, blisteringly.

Li Yi put on some drops and added analgesics: "I will give you good medicine, including hormones, for a few months."

"Then it's all right?" Wan Zhaoyuan wanted to cry, how many days would it hurt?

"Then ushered in a new wave of pain, which was refreshing."

Li Yi tells the truth, he takes good medicine and removes the steel plate when the time comes.

Continue afterwards, including rehabilitation exercises.

With this injury, if you don't have oneself, you will either have a big life, your legs are long and you will be lame, or you will die under normal circumstances.

The wounded guards in Zhuangzi belonged to the most fateful ones, and more people who did not survive the war died after the war.

There is no need for analgesia, it hurts all day, the wound is not healed all at once, but pus, scabs, hyperplasia...

The blood of desperate killing of the enemy in the battle is no better than the suffering of wound recovery after the war.

One hundred people whose feet have been cut off by the enemy can survive. This person's physical recovery, will, and luck are extraordinary.

"Proprietor, I'll talk about it then."

Wan Zhaoyuan's leg was fixed and unable to move, he raised his hand to wipe his tears, and finally cried.

"Big man, do you care about this?" Li Yi stared.

"I think my daughter-in-law is worrying about me all day long, and she still has to learn from others, so she can't help. I finally know how difficult it was for her in the first place."

Wan Zhaoyuan shook his head and wiped away tears.

"I'm looking for someone to teach you so that you can learn more."

Li Yineng understood that some of his previous patients were worse than this.

"Don't learn, UU read and I learned, what should my daughter-in-law do? She is used to taking care of the house and letting her take care of it."

Wan Zhaoyuan shook his head and refused, and would listen to his daughter-in-law in the future.

"At least you have to know, in case your wife gets tired...too busy, help yourself, husband and wife! Just like me, I don't know anything, and I..."

"Bah! No, I'm right." Wan Zhaoyuan couldn't help but expressed his true meaning.

"It looks like you don't hurt. Okay, I'm leaving. No pain relief will be added to the next medicine."

Li Yi was sad, turned around and left.

"Dongzhu Li, do you ask someone to teach me something?" Wan Zhaoyuan shouted regretfully.

"Look, find someone to teach you how to endure the pain." Li Yi's voice came from outside.

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