Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2151: Model project selection officer

In the afternoon, waiting for the food to be digested, Li Yi took the nurse and his apprentice to the hospital to see a doctor. If the people were sick, let them see.

The imperial physicians and local medical practitioners also conduct free consultations, and local medical practitioners can make a profit by selling drugs.

People from outside are sick, so they are reluctant to spend money to buy them, and get them from Lijiazhuang.

The locals are rich, and the money earned from breeding and handicrafts, coupled with the high annual output of indica rice, makes life better year after year.

They do not drink raw water, wash their hands frequently, the route of infection of germs has been reduced, and fewer people are sick.

The monks and Taoists in Henan Province hurried back to the monastery, and the officials and Lijiazhuangzi followed.

Go to places to seal things up, estimate the value, and give Li Yi half of it.

The monks and priests of Jingzhao Mansion put on torn clothes and put many patches on them, their sleeves, trouser legs, and robes were neatly cleaned up, and they worked voluntarily.

The older people such as Ye Fashan, Shan Wuwei, and Sima Chengzhen did not move. They stayed on Zhuangzi to maintain their health. Ye Fashan said he wanted to live a few more years.

Ye Fashan is one hundred and three years old this year. It is obviously inappropriate for such a person to carry wood.

In fact, people over fifty years old in the monks do not work hard. Some of them are responsible for continuing to translate the scriptures, and some of them find ways to preach.

Ye Fashan belongs to the mascot, a person over a hundred years old, looking at the celebration, the little robot never angers him when he talks to him.

Everyone has read the memorial once, and there is nothing to change, so please post it according to Li Yi's comment.

An additional map is added to the receipt where Yizhou is located, indicating that there is a coal mine in the approximate location, so let's dig it yourself.

The local people are ordered to repair the road first, and everyone should work hard at the place where the suspension bridge should be used.

The canal was heading from Luoyang to the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River went upstream. When it reached the corresponding location in Yizhou, the local people led things.

Tools for iron smelting, tools for daily use, grain, cloth, salted duck eggs and salted goose eggs, malaria pills, soap...

Yizhou has more than 1,000 households with fewer than 7,000 people, and the area of ​​Yizhou is not small.

There are many local mountain people, most of the local area belonged to Zunyi City at the time of Li Yi, and the number of ethnic minorities in it...

Right now, Yizhou mountain people live mainly in small communities and do not have a place of naturalization. I can't find it in the search book. God knows how many people there are.

No place of origin, no rent, let alone mediocrity.

If you want to work in the local area, you can only find someone with a native place, which is not enough.

Tell the officials of the state government to make it clear to the locals that it is good for everyone to repair the road and walk together after the road is completed.

Chang'an Bashui Lijiazhuang guarantees that it will not deceive, rest assured.

The local people are really willing to cooperate, they are close to Yuzhou.

Li Yifei used to stabilize Wan Zhaoyuan's injuries. The news reached Yizhou early, and Yuzhou was cooperating with other places in coal mining and gold mining.

The host mustard mustard comes from nearby Fuling, a key place where the Fuling River flows into the Yangtze River.

Many people saw the Datang cruiser passing by, and Li Yi flew in the sky, picking up the stars.

Tell the locals that the place of naturalization does not charge rents, and the original foreigners will be wiped out.

The place of naturalization gives tools and soap, and takes Lijiazhuang’s food and salted eggs for building roads.

Li Yi is ready to look at the specific number of people before making follow-up arrangements.

Suddenly increasing the number of people on the register of 100,000, Li Yi dared to throw away the past 100,000 yuan to help the local development and make a difference to the surroundings.

Guizhou Province is located there, and the development speed has not been fast enough. The tourism industry has come up and it is not suitable for Datang.

"Your Majesty, if you send a team of officials over, the two hundred and twenty students of Lijiazhuangzi will be selected twenty, plus other officials."

Zhang Jiuling finished the last memorial he was responsible for, and proposed to Li Longji, who was staying in the political affairs hall and reading on the tablet.

Li Longji's fingers slid around on the screen: "Metamatology watched his head hurt, take a break, and read Journey to the West."

He said that he put the tablet in the drawer of the little robot, and the little robot began to charge the tablet.

"The local officials may have conflicts in their hearts." Li Longji considered sending a team, and the local officials were unhappy.

Zhang Jiuling continued: "The number of households and the population increase, and the jurisdictions are different. The villages are the main areas, and the villages must be surveyed on the spot."

"Um~~" Li Longji pondered for a moment: "So, transfer, take a train from Chang'an to Luoyang."

"Your Majesty, they should be ordered to go directly south from Chang'an by land. They are not allowed to take a boat. It takes too much time."

Zhang Jiuling suggested again that it was too slow to follow the goods.

Li Longji nodded: "Yes! Where will the other officials be selected?"

"Luoyang, select forty people who are most worried about the assessment, go to Yizhou, everything will be done, Xu Zhongcheng, the master book, the county prince, the county lieutenant, and the knife and pen are all acceptable."

After Zhang Jiuling finished talking about Song Jing, he needed Song Jing's support to mobilize officials.

Song Jing revises the memorials annotated by Li Yi and needs to be polished up.

Hearing what Zhang Jiuling said, he gently put the edited volume aside, waiting for Mo Gan to close it.

By the way, put down the pen: "If Li Yi visits himself, Yizhou wants to come to Yizhou without any worries!"

"Huh?" Li Longji was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Di Yi has never had any experience as an official in a place, and the Qing has made a lot of achievements as the governor of Guangzhou."

"Your Majesty misunderstood. The minister said that Li Yi was very capable, so I was sighed. The minister thought that Jiuling was right."

Song Jing was taken aback. He didn't want to be the governor of the small Pozhou again. It was difficult to manage.

Call Li Yi to go, really don't worry, did you make a mistake?

Bi Gou was anxious: "Your Majesty, Guangping is straightforward. I always want to support younger generations like this kind of age, but I prefer the younger generation to be by my side. In case of headaches, the younger generations can also bring some water."

He reminded Song Jing that Xiao Yi is only good at managing the place, and he is as good at treating diseases, so don't you worry about his absence when you get sick?

"Go, go. The minister will choose the manpower."

Song Jing didn't dare to say more, he needed someone to see a doctor, and the Supreme Emperor and Empress Dowager needed even more.

Otherwise, why does Li Yi follow wherever he goes? Does Lijiazhuangzi live in Bashui uncomfortable?

"The minister agrees!" Seeing everyone look at him, Su Ting quickly agreed that he didn't want to be a governor.

A telegram was sent to Chang'an, and 20 students from the second phase of Lijiazhuang were selected, and they took their things to Yizhou.

Henan government chooses forty people. They should be in good health.

The specific situation was not mentioned during the election, only Yizhou was mentioned. The selected officials only found out when they had dinner, and the distance was far away.

Send them a large box of things for the settlement expenses. UU reading www.uukānshu. com

On the last night, leaving tomorrow morning, hurry up and say what you should say to your daughter-in-law, and your family will not follow.

At dawn the next day, there was a car to pick him up, but no time for breakfast.

The parting words are brief, whether it is laughter or tears, it doesn't matter.

At nine o'clock in the morning, four officials gathered in Lijiazhuangzi, and Li Longji met him in person, but did not say anything.

After the greetings, everyone felt uneasy.

The ministers were also silent. Li Yi looked around and said: "In the past, the first priority was to take care of your body and communicate more with colleagues elsewhere. There is no need to worry about safety issues. Your Majesty's private army will follow."

"Dongzhu Li, who else is there?" an official asked questioningly when he heard the words ‘colleagues elsewhere’.

"Some younger generations, you should wait patiently to teach you with rich experience," Li Yi replied.

"Where did it come from? I have too little knowledge. I am also a Jinshi, Yidi." The official stood tall.

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