Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2208: Guan Yushang has its truth

The moon in the sky is gradually turning round, the moon is cold, but Luoyang Palace is very lively.

The nightlife of the people who have made money has gradually enriched, and a large number of food stalls have appeared.

The most seafood products, fried fish, fried fish steak, grilled fish, large and small shrimps of various methods, fried meatballs with bean dregs and shrimp skin...

Today, two trains of shelled oysters were shipped during the day. In the evening, everyone started to deal with them according to the method written in the newspaper and taught by the Lijiazhuangzi propaganda team.

The starch is low, everyone uses flour and egg paste to fry, and then puts a variety of shredded vegetables, it tastes fresh and fragrant.

It is a pirated version of oyster fried. Li Yi once had to eat oysters all the time because the local people were so poor.

Just like the people in Luoyang are so poor that they have to eat chickens and eggs, there is no way, life is forced.

At the moment, these oysters plus scallops and sea rainbow are not for the poor. A large one costs 50 cents, a medium three cents, and a small one cents.

The person Ji Yizheng called Kuro was strolling slowly, instead of stopping in front of a certain stall and bowing his head slightly.

"You know how to counter-reconnaissance. It's a pity that you don't know that the attack is above the nine heavens. The two of us are not of the same magnitude."

Li Yi sipped wine to eat seafood and looked at the screen.

"The salt-baked prawns are delicious, brother Yi, how about the wine?"

Li Longji peeled the shrimp and ate it himself. The wine came from the palace. His wine was old.

The year before last, Li Yi helped to filter it and then continue to cellar. Lijiazhuangzi will make thousands of tons of wine every year and pack it in oak barrels.

Not necessarily the longer the year, the better, unless it's too long, it's drinking history, not taste.

Li Yi said that to help the people who grow grapes solve the problem of overcapacity, he actually wants to make a lot of money.

The price of wine depends on how he promotes it. At the moment, Datang has three types of wine on the ceiling.

Good wine, Xinfeng wine, sake.

Sake refers to wine that is filtered particularly clean, not Waguk's sake. Waguk still chews rice grains and fermented it to make sake.

Li Yi doesn't buy wine, unless he is insecure, he drinks from the palace and doesn't give money.

"It's okay, you can drink it, you can swallow it."

Li Yi told the truth, he had drunk a lot of red wine, and what he drank today was just improvised.

Li Chengqi was eating small potatoes baked with salt. He didn't want to eat shrimps. He took care of seafood and was tired of eating.

He sipped his beer: "Luoyang Palace should be busy again next year. You call for registration. The first floor of the house will have three floors. The time is tight.

When I came just now, I heard Bi Zaifu shouted to take oxygen and drink ginseng soup. "

"The brick-burning and cement-burning taxpayers have been staring at me all day.

Isn't it done? The people gave up the land and built a three-story house, giving the people the upper two floors, and I used the bottom as a shop.

I am using the land of the common people. What taxes do I pay to the court?

When renting a shop, you have to pay me back, and then collect my lease tax.

NS! If someone else rents out a shop, they will pay taxes when they do business. Doesn't this make money? "

Li Yi looked at the screen and talked about serious matters. What Kuro was not worth discussing too much.

The opponent's ending is set, promise to kill, no practice.

Looking at the other party's layout, are you bullying yourself for lack of temper?

Can't everyone live a good life? You are not aimed at the royal family and me, what is the purpose?

If you are an aristocratic family, don't I give you investment opportunities and assistance time and time again.

This can't make you live in peace, don't blame my ruthless heart.

If you are a hostile force, not to mention, it's the right thing to deal with you to death.

"Brother Yi, I peeled you a prawn for your brother."

Li Longji put a salt-baked prawn he had peeled on Li Yi's plate, a large prawn that was long in length.

"Thank you third brother." Li Yi did not dislike it either.

"Brother Yi, the money for renting shops will eventually be passed on to consumers." Li Longji looked very knowledgeable.

"The third brother is talking about local people? Local people make more money when they are hit by prices.

In the future, Haizhou will be an important port, and the location where foreign merchants want to anchor most is in Guangzhou.

Then transfer to Quanzhou, Hangzhou, and Haizhou to form a line.

Because of the train, the Yi merchant ships that stop at Haizhou, the convenient place to reach is Luoyang, followed by Chang'an. "

Li Yi understands what Li Longji is talking about. Luoyang is important. When the economy is prosperous, the people will make more money.

The biggest role of Chang'an is military support. Then, it will use the current political economy of Chang'an to reopen the Silk Road.

Li Longji thought about it, it was indeed such a rationale, and nodded: "Very good!"

Li Chengqi peeled the skins of small potatoes with his hands, with a layer of salt and frost: "The private kiln that burns cement makes too much money, right?"

"That's why they were guided by me to invest in other economically unfavorable places. By the way, I can sell them kerosene lamps and bicycles."

Li Yi understood. Li Chengqi felt that others were making more money.

According to this big brother's idea, no one else can make a lot of money, so let's take it easy together.

People like Yu Huaide and others are guilty! Why do you have so much money?

Li Yi smiled: "Brother, as long as they are willing to consider the court and do not violate the law, encourage them to develop.

It is impossible for us to control all transactions in our own hands. That is called a state-owned enterprise.

There is a problem with state-owned enterprises. The manager makes little money, so he will find ways to make money through other means.

Some officials still think about keeping their name in history and dealing with business affairs, they don't care. "

"I can't think about it for a while." Li Chengqi smiled apologetically.

"In the future, officials will continue to be respected, and the children of officials will enjoy the treatment and set up more archways.

Let the people around you know that people who have money are more respected than those who don’t work for the people.

Not only is the glory of the harvest, but also the financial, high salary and honesty. "

Li Yi wanted to develop the economy, but he didn't want to raise the status of a businessman too high.

What about officials like that? This is the reason why today's scholars, farmers, industry and commerce are arranged.

The actor is not among them at all. The actor gradually emerged in the Republic of China, and was influenced by Western culture.

Later, because of propaganda, the military's actor came to power, and then after the reform and opening up, everything looked to the west, and the actor filled the spiritual needs of the people.

The other party also attacked to use political forces to clean up folk art and stipulate the scope of creation.

Now that the status of merchants is elevated, how should officials in various places who are dedicated to the people deal with themselves?

The merchants paid enough taxes before their children could participate in the imperial examination. At the same time, the salaries of local officials were increased, and there were additional benefits.

After listening to Li Longji and Li Chengqi, they fell into a state of contemplation almost at the same time.

Li Yi took a look, ate it by himself, and stared at the person on the screen by the way, that Han Jiulang actually bought a bunch of small crabs and fried them.

The train does not specifically transport such small crabs, such as Chinese square crabs and Chinese mitten crabs, which are the size of a Yiyuan coin.

Obviously, these little crabs were brought together when they were transporting other seafood, and then they cleaned the carriages and swept them out with a lot of money, or even no money, just swept them out.

The people bought it or picked it up, put it on and deep-fried it, and it tasted crispy.

"It's a good one." Li Yi was greedy. If he brushed a little garlic chili sauce, it would taste good.

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