Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2260: Multilateral calculations without leaving a trace

Under the same starry sky, Xun'er Qian'er was swimming in the hot spring of Zuixianju.

New Year’s Eve, Li’s Zhuangzi brought good things, and the adults ate here, and they jumped down to swim.

The whole Xu family is full of festive atmosphere. The longer the two little guys are, the more cute they are. They are darlings even now.

A group of people are in charge of the nursing, sitting on the main table as a mother.

When offering sacrifices to ancestors on the first day of the first month, the daughter-in-law who gave birth to two boys ranked first.

She had to personally report the situation of the two dolls to the tablet, so that the ancestors would know.

Wang Xing, a **** from Huangzhuang, sat in the chair tonight.

He pushed back many times, but was still held in the lead.

He is an official, not that anyone who has that can be called an eunuch. It is polite to call an **** to an ‘eunuch’ who is not a eunuch.

The deputy director cannot call the deputy director, he must call the director.

I am the deputy director, and when I call the director general, I should call out the ‘overall situation’ to show my secondary status and the authority of the director in controlling the overall situation.

Li Yi’s system had to do this, and now Wang Xing came over to give things to the children he dug out of the pit, he himself gave a lot of gifts.

The Xu family let him take the lead because of his official position and saving children.

When the eldest grandson was gone, the second grandson cried all day, and the two children stopped crying when they met again, and played happily together all day.

The call came in and Tan Xiaoguang answered. He is always in charge of Zuixianju in Lantian County.

By the way, he was cultivating his deputy, mainly for human relations and contact with other people.

The selection is very strict. What is the requirement?

I just saw a person and came over to eat. A month later, when I saw this person, the other person said to eat cold noodles and turned around and shouted: "Add an extra bowl of cold noodle soup."

Only at this level, watching people remember people is particularly powerful.

Li Yi had this at that time, and even the locals always saw your cousins, who often eat in restaurants.

When you eat in the past, the other person will look at you and immediately add food.

When you are at a loss, the other person asks if you are a relative of someone.

Such people can be used as police officers to find suspects, and the faces of their cousins ​​can be seen.

Tan Xiaoguang has this ability. He wants to train a deputy, and wait for the proprietor to let him go to another place, so that he can safely explain Zuixianju.

After answering the phone, Tan Xiaoguang came to Wang Xing's side: "Supervisor Wang, my proprietor called and said to take the Xu family to Luoyang for the New Year, and ask if the Supervisor has free time?"

"Go to Luoyang? I...My Huangzhuang...I will find someone to arrange, I will go."

When Wang Xing heard that, the first thing he considered was who was responsible for it. It must be safe, and the cherries in winter must not be less than one.

So Tan Xiaoguang went to the Xu family's father again, explained the situation to the other party, and chose whether to go to Luoyang or not.

This so-called choice is the same as voluntary donations from some departments. It is voluntary and no one is forced.

So Father Xu chose to go, the whole family went, and immediately prepared gifts.

You don't need to spend money to get there, you live in Lijiazhuang, and you have to be polite when you go.

That Wang Xing was the great benefactor who sculpted his own child, and Dongzhu Li was the benefactor who forced him out from the underground mansion.

It is estimated that it is the Chinese New Year. Li Dong mainly sees whether the child has a problem.

I must go, the baby is probably named in the Palace of the Kings of Yama.

The two little babies were picked up, don't swim, get ready to go to Luoyang.

The little baby wasn't happy yet. Later, when he said that he could see Dongzhu Li, he danced to show his support, hurry up.

Especially Xun'er. Regardless of his age, some of his memories are particularly deep. Even when he was rescued by Li Yi, he would have them in his dreams.

The key point is that he always goes to Lijiazhuangzi in the following days, and the mark of his life makes him feel at ease when he sees Li Yi.

It was good to arrive at noon tomorrow and take the morning train.

The Xu family operates very fast. It takes less than half an hour to pack everything up, and all the people who can go are in place.

Tan Xiaoguang helped to contact him, and a passenger carriage was hung on the back of the train coming from Chang'an.

Wang Xing also arranged for people to carry things on the carriage to Lantian County.

He arranged three supervisors, and the work content was differentiated and overlapped.

He deliberately made it impossible for the three people to unite because of overlapping work problems, and played a role in mutual supervision and small reports.

Why not the four in charge? The four will form two-by-two cooperation and reach a compromise with each other.

Three are the strongest forces. If the other two are united, this one is weak. He promises to sue, otherwise the rights will be lost.

It is impossible to say that tripartite cooperation is possible. Only the first one should be selected for overlapping working positions.

The first one wants to silence others, how much does it cost?

The first reward is 100%, the second reward is 50%, and the third reward is 10%.

A total of one hundred and sixty rewards, how much is the first one? Give to the third forty? The first one was sixty, and the second one was not let go.

The three Li Yi cannot reconcile unless it involves external operations.

There are fourth, fifth, sixth...

They were just a little bit close, and the result was a big difference. Why?

Wang Xing used his power to retain three managers, and he threw out a lot of fruits with his actual job performance.

When he is not here, there will not be a voice that everyone agrees with in the entire Huangzhuang. This is his purpose.

The train came, and a group of people got on the train. The two little guys were very active just now, but now they are sleepy.

The rumbling of the train became the background music, and some people fell asleep as they listened.


On the morning of the second day of the first lunar month, the neighbourhoods that we know each other greeted each other for the New Year.

The train left two carriages in Lijiazhuangzi, one for cargo and one for people.

The two little guys were still sleeping soundly, and their voices had nothing to do with them.

Huan'er ran up and shouted to the two little friends who were In an instant, the two little guys woke up, struggling to get to the ground, ran in front of Huan'er, and happily jumped again. Jump again.

"This is friendship!" Wang Han sighed. He felt that this moment was so precious.

"That's because they still don't know the difference between the hardships of life and the future interests and will.

Even if it is a male and a female tiger, it is impossible to stay together forever in the future.

Survival is the first, and the difference between humans and animals lies in this.

The green hills can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward. Only if you have the world in your mind can you justify the country, and you can only treat one country for your own private if you don't have the world. "

Li Yishun talked about major national affairs and had no ambition to caress the world. How could he come to the world’s share of pensions? Do you rely on force?

Li Yi said that he grabbed the pancake fruit to eat, but his pancake fruit was different from the normal ones. There were other things inside, like burritos.

Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, who stipulates that pancakes cannot be put in other things to turn into burritos?

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