Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2264: Life is not worthy of fame

"The minister thinks it's okay." Lu Huaishen supported Song Jing.

"The minister agrees!" Liu Chong followed.

"The minister seconded." Everyone seemed to understand.

"Will Brother Yi take the test together?"

Li Longji understands that you want to get more foreign policy from Yidi through this matter.

"Your Majesty, don't take the test." Song Jing refused, what's the joke? Who will test whom?

"It's a pity that Yi Di has no fame!" Li Longji meant that Yi Di had no official academic qualifications.

"Your Majesty, fame is a stigma to Xiaoyi." Lu Huaishen helped Li Yi speak, fame is to belittle Xiaoyi.

"The ministers seconded!" A group of ministers seconded again.

In their opinion, Li Yi could not take the imperial examination.

Then it will be written in the history books: Li Yi, born in the first year of Shen Gong, his clan is gradually dying, and he will be recruited into the clan. Yi is born to know it. The study is untestable; the merit is unqualified. With all the luck in the world, and the common people in their hearts. Paint the four barbarians of the Tang Dynasty to surrender and compose the eight directions of the prosperous dynasty. The more a thousand years have passed, the wisdom of the minister will cover the general selection of the gods of all ages.

If you give him a Jinshi, or Xiu, it will be over, and his status will be lowered.

He shouldn't have fame. The lower the official status given by the court, the more powerful his historical records.

Now this loose official is the best. If he is willing to become the real power, he will temporarily act as a chant! Anyway, just one day, let's play!

Everyone is willing to let Li Yi get a better position, that is, the position of Qingshi, and no one wants to cheat Li Yi.

"The same is true of all Qings." Li Longji was in a good mood.

Sure enough, there is no minister Li Yi at the critical moment, regardless of his usual faults.


When the food is ready, the children stare at the big pot and want to eat the rice crust. Why do they make so much rice? No need to dig the bottom of the pot.

"Collect the rice crusts, I cut them into pieces, then fry them, as snacks for the children."

Li Yi knew the situation as soon as he looked at the tangled expressions of the children in the village, he said loudly.

The children are really happy, they are still their own, and they do better.

This Chinese New Year is so happy, there are popcorn, rice sticks, candies, and crispy rice crusts.

It was as if the night was shining brightly, and God was coming, no, let's go, it was the proprietor's brother coming.

Then the children discovered that not only the proprietor’s brother gave a delicious "come", but also a large group of beautiful young ladies.

Princess Yongmu came over, and she brought her team, all of them women.

There are five big and three rough guards by her side, and more brilliantly around.

Yu Lin Feiqi gathered around Li Longji, they were not afraid of Princess Yongmu's **** attack, they were worried that they would go on fire.

These women are carrying a lot of hidden weapons, in case something goes wrong.

They acknowledged each other's combat effectiveness. Two women from the Women's Rangers team felt a lot of pressure when facing them alone.

Fighting against each other, two fighting one, and close fighting, it is very difficult to win.

If you change to three female guards of Princess Yongmu and fight a Yulin Feiqi, Yulin Feiqi will run directly and stop playing.

Unless Guo Ziyi is like this, he will kill one every time he makes a shot.

The three women fought a Yulin Feiqi close to the body, and their fighting skills were not bad, but there was a gap in resistance and strength.

They fight to death, and would rather let you kick and vomit blood while holding one of your legs, the other two pounced on them, opening their mouths and chewing, like eating meat.

If you have a knife in your hand, and a knife goes in, she will grab your hand, and the other two...

Princess Yongmu's guards will not retreat, or even hide.

It is to delay your time with your own life, and then other sisters will kill you.

The villagers don't know! They saw a group of beautiful women coming over, and the women felt that these women were pretty and weak.

Boys are shy when they see beautiful big sisters. These big sisters are all short skirts and wear silk stockings.

Many of the men in the villagers turned their heads and broke the customs. How can they dress like this? Isn't it cold in winter? If the wind blows your skirt...

"Here?" Li Yi ignored the guards. The clothes he designed were confusing.

"Come over and eat beef stewed radish. Today Zhuangzi didn't have any cattle dead, and all the beef was brought out."

Princess Yongmu stood beside Li Yi, and she was indeed not dead today. The beef now is from yesterday.

"Opening on the fifth day? There should be a lot of people on the day. On the fifteenth day, there will be one less opportunity for publicity."

Li Yi asked Wentian Lanxiangge's business hours this year.

He is not responsible for the specific operation of Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion on a daily basis, but occasionally thinks of something new to be produced by the workshop.

On the contrary, Princess Yongmu herself occasionally went to a day's work, and when she came back, she would write analysis and summary, and she looked very serious.

"Yeah! The fifth day, they have just passed the new year, they have a lot of money, they want to buy things, and they will use it until the Yuan Festival."

Princess Yongmu talked about her career with great interest.

After she earns money, she will donate to the soldiers at the frontier to protect Datang with her.

The expenses of the family, she heard that the money made by Tianlan Xiangge, including the salary of the guards, was all paid by Li Yi.

Marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat.

To put it bluntly, Li Yi is rich and can support her.

She can play at will according to her own mind, and such operations must not be promoted or promoted in Datang.

But she gave Song De the salaries and rewards given to her by the clan, Li Longji and others.

Song De keeps the book and doesn't spend it.

The two find a place to sit down and eat, and Xiao Lan will be together.

The children in the village opened their eyes to look at the beauties, while the men took a sneak peek while feeling outrageous.

Even the minister, occasionally took a look.

Only Yulin Feiqi ignored them. They knew their situation was a combat tool, just like themselves.

"I'll get a cold dish for you to try."

Li Yi got up and went into the ambulance. When he returned, he broke a cold plate made of cucumber, water radish, and watermelon.

"Try it, my newly prepared sauce, I can eat it personally, just two bites, it's too greasy to eat."

Li Yi asked two people to taste the salad dressing he made.

Zhuangzi's craftsmanship has improved again that the craftsmen have mastered.

The complete set of craftsmanship is placed there, and the craftsman will learn it by himself, and try to apply it wherever he learns.

Including vinyl, polyethylene, polyester fiber, synthetic resin, etc., as long as the craftsman wants to learn, he has a book to read at any time.

And all kinds of earthenware, that is, the production and working principle of processing tools.

Li Yi has no other good way. He does it personally, which is much worse than the craftsman, regardless of his abundant information.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan stretched out the chopsticks, placed them carefully in their mouths, and chewed slowly.

"The taste is special, sweet and not very sweet, but it feels oily, like cream and cheese."

Princess Yongmu gave an evaluation, and she stopped eating after saying that, she didn't like it, and it didn't smell like braised pork.

"Hmm!" Xiaolan gave the same evaluation and stopped eating.

Li Yi thought about it, and went into the ambulance again. This time he took a basin, poured the dishes in, and sent someone to the children.

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