Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2268: Spring water runoff internal road

As soon as Li Chengqi said, everyone in the village understood.

When Xiaohan saw rabbits, he wanted to catch rabbits. He always caught pheasants and rabbits and brought them back to Cunzheng.

The village will air-dry, and collect the beautiful chicken feathers and rabbit skins.

When you get a certain amount, ask the whole village to have a small meal of wild game.

Every family has some wild vegetables, seasonings, staple foods, and pickles, which are basically stewed.

Xiaohan had been in the village for ten years, and the village had eaten twelve times, a little more than once a year.

The two extra items were bought for rabbit skins and pheasant feathers, and the village is not hiding personalities at all.

In the past two years, Xiaohan helped collect the eggs. Chickens sometimes lay eggs on the mountain, and Xiaohan took them back after strolling around.

The village Zheng asked who had fewer chickens and came to collect it.

Sometimes Xiaohan can get back thirty or forty eggs, everyone fetches them separately, the egg is placed there, the one who fetches the egg first must choose the smaller one.

However, there is no new chicken in the house, and the blood on the eggs will not be taken.

That is a chicken that has just opened its crotch. Whose chicken knows it. This kind of egg is said to be good.

This time through Xiaohan's words, he obviously saw the rabbit, chased the rabbit, and chased it here.

The mountain didn't know how the landslide came out of a cave, the rabbit went into the cave, and he followed up.

There may be hot springs in the cave, but why doesn't it flow out?

"A few people go up and look around first, so as not to continue the landslide or cave in."

Li Yi took a binoculars and took a look, and ordered.

Six Yulin Feiqi stood up, unloaded their weapons, tied ropes to their waists, and hung oxygen cylinders around their necks.

On them, in case of a landslide or a landslide, they are supported by oxygen cylinders underneath.

Others are easy to dig along the rope. Under normal circumstances, this kind of soil cannot kill people, and they are all suffocated to death.

"Proprietor, I'll fly in first." The dealer raised the remote control.

"Go!" Li Yi stretched his arm forward.

The drone rushed up, and the villagers looked up. They were always curious about this and could fly.

Three minutes later, the drone went in for half a minute.

The farmer was upset: "Proprietor, the lighting is not enough, so I dare not operate it for fear of bumping into something."

Li Yi patted the head of the little robot: "Think of a solution."

"Okay! Take control! Let's go!"

After the little robot answered, five other drones flew over at the same time.

The six drones coordinate with each other to illuminate, move, hover, and adjust angles in the cave.

The dealer unfolded the projection screen that was rolled up and carried, and there was a projector, and a section of it was hidden from the side.

There are six areas on the screen, six drone shots.

Li Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, which was much better than his artificial intelligence at the time.

Don't let him enter programs and open application software.

The people in the village stared wide-eyed, and it was a magic trick.

Li Longji and others continue to be accustomed to, and have seen more complicated than this, when they preached the scriptures and the Dao.

The river that was divided into rivers is still flowing continuously.

"Xiao Yi, nowadays, even if you accept temples and temples, people don't go to incense, do you know why?"

Bi Gou liked Buddhism and Taoism, and asked me with a look of jealousy.

"Why else? At home, set up a longevity tablet for me and... for your majesty and me. If you worship, you will worship at home, so why run so far."

When Li Yi said, he changed the order and put Li Longji first.

"Xiao Yi, this kid, just know Li and Shou Li."

Concubine Doulu said to the person next to her, looking at Xi'er.

Xi'er is the queen's maid, and the queen is here. She nodded vigorously: "Hello, Master Li Dong."

She doesn't care what other people think of her, she just supports Dongzhu Li, if she doesn't support it, it will be troublesome.

For example, Lu Huaishen always said Li Yi's kind words. He took a lot of things from others, and he had to say good things without violating the principle.

Xi'er is the same. Whenever she considers other circumstances and does not support Li Yi, it is ungrateful and life-saving grace.

The court ladies and eunuchs around hurriedly agreed, saying Li Yi's kind words.

They didn't dare to say that Li Yi was not in front of Concubine Doulu, Concubine Doulu had no children for a lifetime, and finally had a son.

Concubine Doulu felt that she would have no regrets if she died now, but she could not die and had to raise a child.

"Mother and queen, uncle is good at it." Queen Wang laughed.

She discovered that the people in the harem didn't care about Li Yi's official position, including making money.

The harem, or the clan member, valued Li Yi's medical skills even more.

Are you afraid of having children? Want to be treated if you suddenly fell ill?

What? Not afraid, don't want to? Then why did you go to Lijiazhuangzi?

Your Majesty, why don't you continue to stay in Chang'an?

The Ziwei city of Luoyang Palace is not a place where you live, so why bother to live in Zhuangzi?

Isn't it because I'm afraid that the distance of less than thirty miles will become an insurmountable gap between life and death!

"Oh~~" This person was talking, and a new image appeared on the projected screen, and many people exclaimed.

It suddenly lit up in the cave, not the light of the drone.

The screen showed a picture of spring water surging. The gurgling spring water entered a pond, and there was water flowing out from the other end of the pond.

The outflowing water moves forward dozens of steps, and then flows into a hole.

It doesn't flow outside the cave at all, so you can't see it outside.

"Hot, hot water." Xiao Han pointed to the water on the screen and shouted, leaving five hawthorn candied haws flickering.

"If you don't eat it, you'll be gone. Go in for a while and melt away." Xiaolan said to Xiaohan.

"No, don't go in, give it to Xiao Ai, I'm sick." Xiao Han shook his head and didn't eat.

"Qin Cunzheng?" Li Yi turned to look at Cunzheng.

"Girl Xiao Ai got a hot bubble on her hand, and her left thumb, lifted it away, and washed it with soap and water."

The village is hurried to say the situation, it's not that someone in my village is sick. I won't tell you. Your thumb gets hot. Is this sickness?

What should I do if I wash it with soap and water?

"Qin Village is well-organized, would you like to work in the county?"

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Han was really stupid, and you have to leave candied haws for others when you burn it, so cute.

"I'm in the village, not going anywhere, I can't let go of leaving the village."

The village shook his head and refused.

Li Yi stepped forward: "Xiaohan, there are a lot of candied haws, as well as jujube, grapefruit, and yam. Give Xiao Ai, you are too sour. Xiao Ai has a toothache, and it hurts the tooth."

"Yes? I eat Xiaohan took a closer look at Li Yi's eyes, and made sure he was not lying to himself and eating the leftover candied haws.

"Looking back, remember to start a workshop." Li Longji ordered.

"The ministers know!" a group of ministers responded.

The so-called archway is the archway, and the village should set up a ethics workshop to commend kind deeds.

If you can raise a idiot without worrying about food and clothing, and care about others, you know how good the village is.

The archway is erected, and the future Henan Fufu Yin will come over every New Year and New Year to send warmth.

Then this village is qualified to bypass all the upper yamen and directly hand over the book to Li Longji.

A villager pressed his fingerprints to impeach Henan Yin, and Li Longji had to send someone to investigate.

"Look at the geology to see if it can be supported inside, and the soil is loose. If there is no major problem, the village can provide at least 300,000 yuan in tax revenue for the Ministry of Households in the coming year."

Li Yi didn't care about the archway, he looked at Bi Gou and said.

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