Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: Troops in the Northeast are in danger during the first month

Latest website: Li Longji listened carefully, the emperor needed someone to teach, or to take the initiative, just to ask others to explain.

Including the leaders of Li Yi's time, they didn't know everything, so they had to ask someone to ask.

It's just that his leader at that time came from the grassroots level, and it's impossible for people who generally want to fool around to be interviewed.

There are layers of checks, and if people can sit in that position, it's not something you can lie to.

But not necessarily in other countries, like Ukraine.

An actor, he was chosen, how can he know how to govern the country in an instant?

In fact, he doesn't understand anything, because there is a team to teach him, and the team is politically inclined.

He is actually a puppet, he is nothing and can't do anything.

Change to Li Yi’s country, an actor can be in power, and is the top one, are you kidding?

Have some art troupes cancelled after not seeing it? And no longer comment on any generals.

The actor has no political experience and can only become a puppet for others to play.

Li Longji is not, Li Yi can't play with him, and there is no need.

It is precisely because of this that he believes in Li Yi, he is the emperor who has been killed all the way, he is skilled at playing this.

The only thing he couldn't play with Li Yi was that Li Yi opened up everything at first.

It is still open up to now, I tell you what I want to rush, for what.

"Brother Yi, if you go to other places, you are also the king of a country!"

To tell the truth, Li Longji never doubted that his brother Yi would not be the emperor.

"Impossible. When I go to other places, I think about going back to Datang first."

Li Yi denied that it was impossible.

He has also seen a lot of history, and there are things in it that are worth learning.

But he felt that some of the protagonists finally left their own country to become the King of Xiaoyao outside, which is a manifestation of the weak.

Why run? Explain that you have not handled well the relationship of interests between people.

What do you think is the king, so the protagonist must run, otherwise it won't work.

Either it is to overthrow the original emperor and become the emperor himself because of human nature!

It feels a bit reasonable, but **** doesn't make sense.

In that case, there are no other people in your country? Just a chairman? He exists alone?

Isn't this hostility! Can't be prime minister? Can't be a vice chairman? Must run out?

And when you are an emperor, you must have someone to govern the country with you!

Really reach that position, all the glory is one's own?

Isn't this for the continuation and growth of a civilization, to cooperate with others, and then to compromise with each other!

Why do you have to be emperor? Can't you use political skills if you don't be an emperor?

Why do you have to go overseas at the end? How inferior you are!

You can't even balance this, do you have the face to say that you have the ability to go overseas?

You have improved Datang’s economy and technology, and in the end you have been playing jealousy with the Emperor of Datang.

Datang’s artillery and rockets have all appeared. You run, go overseas, and don’t compromise with the powerful.

is it possible? If you can help Datang improve to this level, you are a powerful man!

The emperor is jealous of you? The emperor was jealous of you at the end, waiting for you to run?

Ok! There is such a second emperor who wants to kill you.

If you go overseas, can't the rockets hit you?

The more you go overseas, the more worried the emperor will be! If you don't kill you, wouldn't someone else become the new emperor?

You said that the emperor dared not beat me because I have advanced technology.

You are technologically advanced, why should you run!

"Third brother, you said that one day your Majesty saw that I was too powerful, and when he wanted to kill me, would I run or not?"

After Li Yi despised other situations in his heart, he asked Li Longji.

"Brother Yi thinks what did your majesty do wrong?" Li Longji asked.

"No, I just think of some thoughts and influences of some insecure people.

They haven't touched this position at all, and then they still have to think about things as this position, which is quite sad.

Our Datang is unified, imperial power is justice, am I also a member of the royal family! "

Li Yi made it clear that he was not the kind of existence that some of the protagonists had to escape to overseas in the end.

A person who has developed a country into a modern industrial level, can you escape abroad?

What? See Fan Li?

Fan Li just failed to handle the relationship between the emperor and his ministers, and he felt that all the ministers were opposed to the one at the top.

This is not a joke! All the courtiers are opposed, how did the emperor become?

He exchanged heavy machine guns in this way, and whoever objected to them would rush one by one?

Obviously not, there are people who support such an emperor.

As a modern person, I can’t support myself and want to be king?

I'm really kidding, this nation pays attention to inheritance. How difficult is it to overthrow an inheritance? Wu Zetian finally knelt.

Li Longji didn't know how much Li Yi thought about. He had a question and asked: "How is the arrangement made on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month?"

"Sacrifice to heaven and earth to sacrifice to ancestors." Li Yishun said, turning his head to find someone. It was too far to find someone.

"Di Yi is looking for Guangping?" Li Longji understood, Song Jing should be in the Ministry of Rites.

"Never mind if you see it, forget it if you don't see it." Li Yi used the same grammar to rhetoric different situations.

"Xueqing today, there is no other place to go, I will return early."

Li Longji wants to go back. It’s an open-air meal and it’s a bit cold.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yi turned to look at other positions and found that he could withdraw.

In the afternoon, Li Yi slept comfortably until night.

It will be the sixth day of the first lunar month in a while, it's too late.

"Very good, six or nine heads in spring." Li Yi said.

"The sixth and sixth day of the first lunar month are okay."

Princess Yongmu calculated and calculated, unable to count the two expressions together.

"It's the fifth day of the fifth year, Wen Tian, ​​look at it, these six and nine are sometimes a morphological feature.

Look at your clothes, the one on your chest, it's a horoscope, a pull...Don't cover it with your hands, let's take a look at how it becomes different? "

Li Yi talked about some technical issues, including clothing.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, come out quickly, something is up."

When Li Yi just talked to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan about the shape of the clothes and the performance of the body, Bi Gou shouted outside.

It's not just Bi Go other people also said, "It's a big deal, it's troublesome."

At this moment, Li Yi has the thought of destroying the galaxy, you guys... don't tell me the sky is falling.

Li Yi took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down, and sorted out the clothes he had just adjusted his artistic form.

Stable and stable, after putting away the murderous mind, walk out.

"Xiao Yi, Xin Luo has risen." Bi Gou looked serious.

"Who hit?" A map appeared in Li Yi's mind for a moment.

"Bohai, they attacked the Bohai Sea, and our people in the An Dong Protectorate got the news." Su Ting continued.

"They fought Bohai, and we Datang... Hey? How dare they send troops? It shouldn't be in the big winter!"

Li Yi looked at the map and said, suddenly reacting, there is no such situation in history.

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