Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2326: Self-interest

Tonight, many candidates couldn't eat, and they were very worried.

As the sun sets and rises again, the candidates still have trouble eating, so they only drink soup, then vomit, stomach acid.

Personality problems affect endocrine.

Therefore, officials who are exiled and distributed will always change places, and will die on the road if they are disturbed by emotions.

When Li Yi went to school in another place, once he got on a long-distance bus, he felt uncomfortable, and so did he go home.

But if you are always on a business trip, you will get used to it after a long time.

Today, you don’t need to go to one place to see the list. The big screen will show it. Just find a place with a big screen.

The candidates were all staying in Lijiazhuang. Someone put on oxygen bags. Don't faint. Regardless of the excitement of passing the exam, the disappointment of failing.

"Are there many people who failed this year? Add two eggs, more chopped green onion and coriander, and want small fruits."

Li Longji served a bowl of shredded radish soup with a lot of ground ginger.

Li Yi is making pancake fruits, including large fruits and small fruits, as well as fruit grate and burnt rings, which taste differently.

Big fried dough sticks and small fried dough sticks seem to be just the difference in size, which actually affects food intake.

The volume of six small fried dough sticks can be as big as a big fried dough stick, which can be eaten by children. The older children don't want to eat half of it.

If you replace it with a small one, you can eat the eight roots, because eating is a hard work for the child.

Opening the mouth repeatedly makes the child feel uncomfortable and the eardrum is affected.

Therefore, use a spoon to serve porridge and soup for the child, and the child will turn his head as soon as he eats it.

By changing to a straw, the child can eat a lot on his own, without having to open his mouth so wide, and he won’t be tired.

And the sucking action, human nature, babies know how to **** milk.

According to biological theory, when mammals drink milk, female milk providers also have a sense of pleasure.

In order to allow breastfeeders to provide milk to the recipients, natural selection.

Therefore, when Li Yi was nursing a child in public, the person most opposed was actually not a man, and the man just turned his head.

It is precisely women who have breastfeeding experience, and they save others by themselves.

Just follow the woman who can't give birth to a boy, and finally give birth to a boy.

The son married a daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law cannot give birth to a boy.

As a mother-in-law, she would not think about the cold eyes she had suffered, but give the cold eyes to her daughter-in-law.

The former victim is the perpetrator afterwards.

Including washing clothes, women do not think about washing men's underwear, it is different after washing socks.

Men think that underwear can be washed, what's wrong with washing socks?

It means that women pay more attention to feet than men, and most men pay attention to...

Different people have different choices, and now Li Longji chooses to eat small fruits.

Li Longji didn't want to open his mouth wide in the morning. When Li Yi spread the pancakes to him, he tried his best to make them as thin as possible.

"Here!" Li Yi really made two small pancakes for Li Longji.

"Li Lang, mine braised pork, don't chop it too much."

Princess Yongmu waited there and said, her face full of happiness.

Influenced by her traditional education, it is wrong to ask men to cook, but she wants to eat the food cooked by Li Lang.

"Okay! Chop it a few times, with the fruit grate, be careful not to break your palate when eating."

Li Yi spread out pancakes quickly and put things on top.

The little Qingdai girl, younger brother, and younger sister did not ask the master to do anything. They ate rice with braised pork in soup.

One person, one big bowl of rice, with garlic eggplant and spicy cabbage in front of them, which is the stick kimchi from Li Yi's time.

They are snoring and snoring to eat. Some rice in soup is not good for the stomach. They should not eat garlic in the morning. Spicy food is not suitable for children to eat.

The child's digestive function is particularly strong, the metabolism is fast, and the amount of exercise is large.

Nutritional meals are for children in captivity. Free-range children can eat whatever they want without problems.

It's finished eating as a big fat man, no one likes that.

Regardless of the records, the Tang Dynasty regarded fat as beauty, and others referred to the plumpness of women.

Looking at historical pictures, Li Shimin also has a big belly. This is nonsense. Li Shimin is the emperor of horses and is very good at playing polo. He is really like that. Ask horses to agree or disagree?

The Queen and the Queen lead a group of court ladies in the harem all day to kick shuttlecocks. Is she a flying pig?

She just has a good body and reminds her that she is even, and the king of Chu has a thin waist. Is the Tang Dynasty bad?

Li Yi used to think that people in the Tang Dynasty had the same aesthetics as himself, but when he arrived in the Tang Dynasty, he found that it was the same.

His underwear model at that time was normal in the Tang Dynasty.

For example, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan not only have beautiful faces, but they are also very attractive.

"Here!" Li Yi said to the person who moved his heart, and the pancake with braised pork and fruit was delivered.

"It's me, put more chopped green onion and coriander, and spread the chili sauce." Xiaolan swallowed constantly, she also loved it.

"Okay! Uh! Qingdai, show it to your sister." Li Yi turned his head and frowned when he agreed.

Qingdai hurried over and reached out to grab Xiaolan's wrist.

"Master, Tiankui is about to rise. Tonight or tomorrow, the red lips will fade and the cheeks will be stained. Yin should be supplemented instead of yang. Spring deficiency syndrome. Look at Tiankui.

This is very annoying, I have a prescription! For duck meat, let’s eat roast duck tonight. Eat tender green onions and a little bit. Spring green onions are not good. "

The little Qing Dai girl frowned and said, this season's situation, if you can't make up for it, you can't eliminate it.

Under normal circumstances, other healers let chicken soup be taken, and then Tiankui has a lot of venting, and there are lumps on the face, but there is no dysmenorrhea.

It is enough for ordinary people to reach this level.

Of course! Change to the little girl from Lijiazhuang Qingdai to shoot, no way.

No pimple on the face, there is no need for more or less things, and the food should make the other person comfortable to eat.

Body conditioning, eating happily, other things can be solved, this is walking in the Queen's Palace.

You Queen Tiankui, if you want to eat Shabu Lamb, I will let you eat Shabu Lamb, and then adjust it through other recipes.

In the current season, diet, and Xiaolan's physical condition, the little Qingdai girl, who is a big disciple, is struggling to formulate prescriptions.

"Why are there so many things? Don't eat soy products, eat veal skewers, don't put peppers, peppers, and chilies."

Li Yi didn't agree, so it took so much? What about tomorrow? This is not a matter of a day.

The key is that Princess Yongmu is almost the same. Two people always live together, and their physiology will be synchronized.

"Yes." Xiaolan endured the slander. She herself knew that it was quite exhausting. In order to eat a bite, how many yin and yang elements must be calculated?

"Yeah!" Li Yi responded.

He knows the situation. People in the West say that after giving birth, he can run out and bounce around the next day.

How about the rate of aging? A good confinement is to be younger than a Westerner at the same age.

And after major surgery in the West ~ ~ many people choose the theory of Chinese medicine.

Including basketball players, the back is obviously with traces of cupping when they are on the court.

Are basketball players short of money? In the top competitions, why are they cupping? They don't have their own doctor?

There are even Gua Sha, what did their exclusive doctor do? Why not stop it?

Because playing with ideology, or political oppression, athletes have to choose good things to make money for their careers.

------Off-topic ------



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