Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: Whose family background

"The 16th in the Jinshi Division A, Puzhou Wang Wei."

Li Yi and Zhang Jiuling talked to the sixteenth place, Wang Wei.

He is finally here, sixteen, a good result.

Wang Wei clasped his fists in front of the camera, saying hello.

"The 18th in the Jinshi Division A, Xiangyang Meng Haoran."

After another person, Meng Haoran appeared, but he seemed very excited, tears rolling in his eyes.

"The nineteenth place in the Jinshi Division A, Xingyang Zheng Zhi."

"The twentieth place in the Jinshi Division A, Xingyang Zheng Jia."

"The 21st place in the Jinshi Division A, Xingyang Zheng Fufen."

Gao Lishi shouted three people in a row, and they shouted together, without waiting for each other to stand up one by one.

When others hear it, they will understand that they belong to the Zheng family in Xingyang.

The three of them stepped forward together, clasping their fists.

"Sure enough, there is still some foundation." Li Yisi is not surprised. In recent years, all the major clans have come to the imperial examinations, and they are guaranteed to get a bunch of them.

"People of five surnames and seven tribes!" Zhang Jiuling said with emotion.

"Actually, seven surnames and ten families are willing to intermarriage at the moment! I don't care."

Li Yi remembered that forty-four people were forbidden to intermarriage, and their children were not allowed to marry others in the same way.

"It's okay. It's your Zhuangzi's." Zhang Jiuling just said, and shouted over there: "The twenty-ninth place in the Jinshi Division A, Lijiazhuang Zi Wang Shili."

An eighteen or nine-year-old young man stood out of love wearing clothes with a letter on his chest, with a smile on his face: "A fluke!"

"Sure enough, posting scripture questions will eliminate many people. Next year, I will test the Book of Songs? How about Spring and Autumn?"

Li Yi understands the situation. This year, only the Analects will be tested. The dealers memorized and memorized the medical book, and the rest belonged to the play questions.

This young man knows from his clothes that the son of a craftsman is also a craftsman.

Mathematics questions are basic skills, and the current affairs policies are well answered, so they are given high scores and ranked first.

"It seems unfair to other candidates who have studied hard for many years." Zhang Jiuling shook her head.

The conversation changed: "Yes! The court selects talents, selects available materials, and manages the place. Those books are not available unless they are edited."

"This summer, some local officials can be filled. People in remote areas need the leadership of officials the most."

Li Yi saw the large list, densely packed with words, and the candidates added up to more than two thousand people, and some of them were clearly calculated.

There are many children of businessmen, and there are even a group of fifteen or sixteen years old, which is relatively simple.

Mingjing, Mingshu, and Mingfa have high technical content, it is better to go to the Jinshi examination, so no one reported.

The questions of the current affairs policy have been given in advance, memorizing a medical book and practicing arithmetic, is the Analects a problem?

In fact, some people reported that before, regretted in the examination room, applied for a change, from simple to difficult, and offered to change.

"I think it's going to be autumn, and I have to study government affairs in the exam."

Zhang Jiuling reminded Li Yi that he had to study after the exam, and only after he passed the exam, an officer was arranged.

Except for those of the big clan, someone in the family is an official who does not study and is directly assessed.

Gao Lishi continued to shout with his loudspeaker.

The expressions in the exam were different, some were calm, as if they knew that they could get it; some were crying and had been taking the exam for several years; some were arrogant and young, look, I got the first test for the first time.

Of course, some of them pulled over, and the nurse next to them helped to wake them up.

There is no shortage of jumping and jumping, silently wiping tears.

"The 311th in the Jinshi Division A, Li Cide, the son of Lijiazhuang."

After Gao Lishi shouted three hundred and eleventh, he turned around and ignored them. Those who are the number one in the Jinshi Division A, and the others are going to watch the list.

Li Cide was also a seventeen or eighteen year old, he stood up and stayed there with a smile.

"What are you smirking? Go to work, there is still wood not finished, you run to see the list."

A person came by and kicked with his leg up.

"Father, don't, I got admitted to the first class, Jinshi, got admitted, oops!"

Li Cide yelled while hiding, and still approached.

"What's the use? Go saw the wood." The father continued to chase his son.

The two chased and fled, and ran away.

"I can be an official, first in the Jinshi Division."

"Dang, I will let you be an **** now."

The voice came from far away, "Puff~" Gao Lishi who was drinking water spouted out a mouthful of water, and the other eunuchs: "..."

"The father is so happy and crazy." Yang Sixu came over to comfort Gao Lishi, and said to himself.

"Crazy or not, our family can still arrest people? This year Lijiazhuangzi was admitted to the 26th Grade A, excluding Guan Shi and the children."

Gao Lishi is not angry, what happened to the eunuch? pretty good.

He was amazed at the harvest of Lijiazhuangzi. Li Zhi, who was ranked fifth, should be the first. No one took care of him.

Three hundred and eleven, Lijiazhuangzi accounted for thirty, and there were four special ones.

"Excluding four from Lijiazhuangzi, there are a total of 251 people in the test, the 26th in A, and the rest are in B. Among them there are 25 women."

Yang Sixu knew the data. People like Lijiazhuangzi took part in the imperial examination like a joke, and even women were allowed.

In the whole, they are inferior to the 42 students and 220 students before, all of whom are in the first place.

In the past, their identities were tenants, children of artisans, and then bought slaves.

Gao Lishi smiled: "If they participate in the assessment, they will pass directly. They know administration. What a pity!"

When he said it was a pity, he shook his head.

"The people Li Jiazhuang sent out to take charge of affairs have not yet come back, otherwise they will pass more exams. Where can I be an official or not? The same is true for the local government."

Yang Sixu talked about the identities of dealers from another aspect. They were sent out, just like officials.

When you go outside, you can guide the people to do things, regardless of whether the case is being tried or arrested.

"Go and say joy to Dongzhu Li." Gao Lishi shook his head again and asked Li Yi to congratulate him.

"This year, the big family was admitted to 141 people. That is a Jinshi degree, regardless of whether it is the first or the second. It really has a strong background, which is enviable."

Li Yi talked to Bi Gou and the others, calmly expressing envy.

Bi Gou and others didn't want to talk, the clan did have a lot of admissions. Of course! Are you Li Yi really telling the truth?

There are more than a dozen other families, first and second, one hundred and forty-one, you are two hundred and fifty-one Zhuangzi, you are the most powerful.

"From now on, the children in Zhuangzi will take the imperial examinations once a and enjoy themselves. Cultivate self-confidence, we are no worse than others."

Li Yi didn't get a response, so he went on to say that the imperial examination is not difficult.

"Oh! Xiao Yi, don't forget to treat yourself to rice noodles."

Bi Gou told Li Yi, spend the money! Make you so hypocritical, pay for it.

"While doing it, make rice noodles in a bamboo tube, soak it yourself, with a seasoning bag."

Li Yi smiled, his face resembling a flower, telling others to see how powerful Li's Zhuangzi is and how proud of his life!

"Proprietor, there is an old man outside the village who asks to see him and says he knows Qing Dai's grandfather."

Song De answered the phone, answered it with a small robot, and came over to report. He was also happy, and the people from Zhuangzi passed the imperial examination.

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