Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2331: Youzi Wancheng welcomes the family

Li Yi took the old man Gu Yue in to teach some things to use.

By the way, measure your figure, make new clothes, and ask the elderly if they have other needs.

"President Li, there is something to say."

The old man accepted all Li Yi's kindness, and when asked what he wanted, he spoke.

"It's convenient?" Li Yi asked in cooperation.

"Four years ago at this time, I passed by Henan Mansion and saw a family in Gongxian who was oppressed by the relatives of Zheng's family in Xingyang.

The family was set up and lost their property and house.

In the winter, six died in a family of seven in the thatched hut, and the man was very sick when I went there.

He was a student, and after he was rescued, he was given two sets of books, a set of Qianjin prescriptions, and a set of A and B classics of acupuncture and moxibustion. "

The old man paused at this moment, and then continued after a few breaths.

Li Yi heard that the man's name was Wan Cheng, and he said he was going to take the imperial examination, and the old man left afterwards.

When I came here this year, I happened to meet Wancheng again. Wancheng worked as a volunteer in Beitianfang in Gongxian County to help the people inside.

Large families in Gongxian County also think he is good at medical skills and are willing to invite him.

He collected medicinal materials and processed medicinal materials by the way, and made money from large families.

With money, continue to buy medical books.

However, many medical books were not available. After meeting the old man, he knew that the old man was going to Lijiazhuang. Wan Cheng said to clean up and come over.

Wan Cheng had a problem. He didn't have a registered permanent residence. He was afraid that the other party would kill him, so he cheated to death and left Gong County.

Wan Cheng didn't come back until the family caught fire and burned to death the owner's family.

Is it very difficult for a person without a hometown to enter Zhuangzi to see a doctor's book?

Gu Yue, the old man, wanted to help talk about it, and let him come!

"Old Zhang is too worried, Lijiazhuangzi never rejects others, no household registration is easy to say, if you are willing to naturalize, Lijiazhuangzi's officials will do it."

What a big thing Li Yi thought was that he had let another person in.

If you enter, you can be a volunteer in Beitianfang. It's too late to welcome Lijiazhuangzi.

"It's enough to live in the courtyard where I live temporarily, just to teach him again."

The old man said this is not polite, teaching others, not talking about communication.

"I asked people to stare outside Zhuangzi. Someone claimed to be Wancheng, so they invited in." Li Yishun said.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu." The old man was also polite.

"Lao Zhang can do whatever he wants." Li Yi was unwilling to think about every word.

"Good, good!" The old man nodded.

When Li Yi left, a small robot arranged for the old man. The old man had to take a bath, bring new clothes, and then eat.

During the reception dinner, Li Yi participated, and the others did not see Gu Yue, and the status of the prime minister was too high.

The people in Luoyang are close, get the rice noodles first, keep them, and don't eat them first.

When you encounter a festive event, take it out and soak and eat, a good thing from Lijiazhuangzi.

The most lively place is in Si Gong Fang, where people who passed the exam ran to find someone to share their joy.

Those who are far away write letters and send them to their hometowns at the inn. Some people come from Guangzhou, and the family must be thinking about it.

In addition, those who have not passed the exam for several years, and those who have no face go home even write letters. Not everyone is single. Those who have wives and children at home rely on their wives to provide for the elderly and take care of their children for several years.

The content of the letter is almost the same, waiting to go home for a long vacation, and then arrange it later.

Those who have not written a letter of resignation will divorce their wife as soon as they are admitted. Not to mention that the law permits or not. If Xiu writes it out, it is a letter of resignation.

The people from Lijiazhuang who sent reports to the prefectures were very busy, telling the officials of the prefectures that in the counties below, the old and young people who were admitted, the state and county records had to be written.

State officials received the telegram and immediately arranged to deliver things, money, and rewards to people’s homes.

Looking at other people's lives, the house is a new one.


The next day, the sky was clear and no cloud was seen.

As the temperature rose, the people responsible for repairing the road scattered the weathered rock and gravel on the side of the road to the potholes after defrosting.

When the driver sees the situation, he will control the animals to adjust their angles, let the wheels of the truck press up, and help.

The waiting person arrived at Lijiazhuangzi, not Wancheng, but the family of Qingdai Little Girl.

More than one hundred people started to set off after the New Year, the third day of the first lunar month.

The straight line is the closest to the south, and the road is not good, so they go to Chang'an first.

The road conditions from Chang'an to them were good, and Li Yi took a trip, instructed the local officials along the way, and helped the big family find things by the way.

When I arrived in Chang'an, I took a car. I only arrived last night. The animals and cars I bought were thrown at Lijiazhuangzi.

Waiting for the bus to leave in the middle of the night, I sat inside and squinted to Luoyang.

Among them are many children, apprentices of Feng's family.

"Grandpa, father, mother..." When the Qingdai waiting at the station saw people getting off the bus, they ran over, jumping and jumping, saying hello one by one.

The whole family treats her well, she is smart enough, and her life span seems to have not been long before.

New apprentices from other families came over to say hello, Feng Qingdai is their idol.

"Yeah! Why is there such a small one?" The little Qing Dai girl saw a little girl with baby fat on her face, big eyes and double eyelids.

"Sister Qingdai, my name is Feng Guoguo. I am four years old this year, no, five years old!"

The little baby is not afraid, and introduces herself while watching Feng Qingdai.

"Yeah! You are only five years old. It's Chinese New Year, right? One year longer." Qingdai was depressed about this matter.

"Guoguo memorized the Tangtou song written by Dongzhu Li." Qingdai's mother explained the situation.

Four years old is not important, and five years old does not matter, so a little bit, Tang Tou Ge's sings are memorized, and speak with strength.

"So awesome? Guoguo, sister teaches you something else!"

The little girl from Qingdai expressed her understanding and recognition, and the smart child is studying medicine.

If you can't memorize a sentence for a long time, don't learn it. You can't learn so many medical books.

"Wow, wow!" Guoguo lit her head vigorously, her head is bigger.

It should be able to grow to coordination afterwards, but now it is a special case.

Many children are so cute when they are young.

"Grandpa, see who's here, look at it, Grandpa Gu."

Qingdai suddenly thought of herself, said to grandpa, and looked back.

His grandfather had already looked over there, and Gu Yue was also in a daze while standing.

"Lao Feng, you are not dead yet?" "Lao Gu, you are not dead yet?"

After a few breaths in a daze, the two screamed together, and then laughed.

"Where is your medicine box?" The two said the same thing again.

"I brought it." "I put it in Lijiazhuangzi Zhuangzi."

"Grandpa, I haven't eaten yet. Go to the yard to put things in and then take a shower and eat."

Qingdai urged on the side, it was time to reminisce about the past.

"Right, yes, eat." Qingdai's grandfather petted, and the granddaughter was right.

Only then did Li Yi come over to greet important people and take everyone to the yard.

They used to have a courtyard in Lijiazhuang, Bashui, but Luoyang still kept them for them. It is close to the library and the hospital for easy travel.

A group of children walked all the way to look at the surrounding environment. Their oldest was eleven years old and the youngest was five years old. Most of them were girls.

When other people saw Feng Qingdai's direct third-grade official, they felt that they had a promising career in studying medicine, and they just threw the girl over.

The son inherited the family business in order to take the imperial examination in the future.

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