Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2337: How can it be difficult to return to the army?

Facing Li Yi with a sincere expression on his face, the ruler with bead pill pursed his lips: "Doctor Li, I have also read "Guan Zi"."

"You are not allowed to plant all the medicinal materials. It is not appropriate to plant other crops in the place where the medicinal materials are planted, such as snow lotus."

Li Yi didn't feel the guilt when he was discovered to lie, but was calm.

"Snow lotus! There are safflower and rhodiola, so choose a place where you can grow it?"

The ruler belt Zhu Dan was embarrassed, thinking that he had misunderstood Li Yi.

He thought that Li Yi wanted Tubo to plant medicinal materials hard, Datang harvested, and then sold the food to Tubo.

Suddenly one day Datang stopped harvesting, Tubo had no grain, and Datang banned grain exports.

The strategy in "Pipe", economic warfare.

"Send some new seeds, try planting them, just in case!"

Li Yi promised to give seeds. Tibet has a special climate. If any seed can suddenly take root and germinate in the local area, there will be new crop varieties in the area.

"Doctor Li bothered." Shidai Zhudan was happy, he thought the seed would be kept secret from him.

Another way of saying that is that you are allowed to bring seeds to prove that you are not excluded.

When Datang's son-in-law, accompany his daughter-in-law back to her natal family, no one will despise it, nor is it embarrassing.

Stay for another year and wait for the second child to be older, depending on the situation.

"Uncle, if you can't go back to the Red and White Palace now, you should send a telegram to the people over there to send an army to Datang for training."

One thing Li Yi thought of was that there were few troops coming with Zhu Dan.

It is inevitable that others will be tempted when people are outside for a long time.

"This..." The head of the ruler belt Zhu Dan lowered slightly.

"Uncle, did you forget the time of cooperation at the source of the Yellow River? There are dividends, and the money will be given to the people who come first, and the dividends will be enough for food and drink when they arrive at the place."

Li Yi knew the reason for a movement of the ruler with Zhu Dan.

Soldiers have families, and they greet each other when they fight, and each family goes out of men, horses, and weapons.

She usually grazes and hunts wild animals, and her family grows barley and rape.

It is not an exaggeration to transfer people over, and each person represents the labor force of the family.

Datang could not contribute money to Tubo to raise soldiers, and even Lijiazhuangzi could not.

Isn't that a deceptive cooperation agreement? Make money and lose money in one thought.

I said that making money is enough to raise soldiers. Let's look at it together. Will it make money? Guaranteed to earn.

The ruler belt Zhu Dan looked up: "Are there dividends?"

"The year before last, I earned more, enough to raise soldiers, and there is still surplus." Li Yi nodded firmly.

"How can you raise soldiers?" asked the ruler belt Zhu Dan.

"It depends on what you need." Li Yi replied.

"Huh?" Is the ruler so flexible? Feed as much as you need? Dividends are not fixed?

"There are many low-ranking soldiers, but few intensive ones. You say the number and I see how to raise them."

Li Yi quickly corrected the mistake, don't get me wrong.

"Oh!" The ruler belt Zhudan recognized this statement: "One hundred thousand?"

"Okay! Ten jin for one person, and willing to help after the Datang training, you can make an extra ten jin." Li Yi nodded.

"So much money?" Shakudai Zhudan swallowed.

Datang’s currency has a strong purchasing power. The telegram said that Tianzhu accepts exchange coupons, and as long as they are approved by Tubo, they can be used as currency.

Tubo naturally recognizes it, so you can buy things with Datang.

The source of the Yellow River was delimited. Datang transported the goods and used the money to buy things from Tubo. Those who got the money then bought things from Datang.

In terms of demand and productivity, an adult who can graze and hunt in Tubo can not earn a four-legged exchange voucher in one year.

As long as you are willing to help with work in Datang, it is equivalent to five years of income.

"The dividend is there, no problem." Li Yi emphasized the dividend.

"Okay! I'll send a telegram to mobilize the strongest army to come over." Zhudan Shidai believes that everyone is willing to come over.

"No, you can't send the strongest. They need to take care of the family, watch the young people in their family, and transfer over. Because they can't get enough to eat, they are not afraid of the weak."

Li Yi persuaded, if you bring in powerful people, who will expand to Tianzhu?

What's more, those veterans are all soldiers, so it's not easy to control them.

"Twelve years old or older?" Chi Tai Zhu Dan suggested that he would hunt at the age of twelve in Tubo.

"Yes, just say an inch of mountain and river and an inch of blood..."

"One hundred thousand youth and one hundred thousand troops." Li Yigang said, and the little robot followed.

‘Wow! 'Zhudai Zhudan stood up, everything on the table was knocked down.

"One inch of mountains and rivers and one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young men and one hundred thousand troops." He repeated with clenched fists in a low voice.

"Wake up, one hundred thousand young people refer to students, like Yu Lin Feiqi, you can make your own tactics."

Little robots don't give much face to face. You can have a hundred thousand people? Do you know what these 100,000 young people are?

The ruler belt Zhu Dan was taken aback, and then sat down again: "Oh! Want to be able to read, write and arithmetic?"

"Why don't Auntie be upset? When someone comes over, the church is fine." Li Yi was relieved.

"Oh oh oh! Yes, yes, yes! If they can learn, they can still learn." The ruler belt Zhudan was excited again.

At the other table, the little baby who was being held by his mother Jincheng for dinner followed him with excitement: "Ten thousand, millions of men have ordered Qing to return to their pilgrimage... holy."

He has learned, always recite, he doesn't know what it means.

"It's a good back." Princess Jincheng was really happy and kissed her son.

"Hmm! Hmm!" The little baby laughed.


After the meal, Li Yi was invited to have tea, and a group of old men added Li Longji.

"Today's braised pork is fragrant, but it's a pity that Xiao Yi can't make it every day."

Before talking about business, Bi Gou complained first.

"Eating braised pork every day can kill you. Do you dare to eat fat?" Li Yi replied.

"Boiled lean meat is not good? You can help others to raise soldiers."

Bi Gou said that the purpose of inviting Li Yi to drink tea is to provide one hundred thousand soldiers in Tubo, and you will feed them and teach them to learn?

"At the beginning, your Majesty brought me three thousand Yu Lin Feiqi. When I said,'Your Majesty let me take you to play,' they laughed loudly."

Li Yi told the story of Yulin Feiqi, and once repeated it himself, Yulin Feiqi smiled.

Bi Gou narrowed his eyes, and the other ministers showed a stunned look. That's it.

Song Jing stared at her tea bowl: "No wonder the young soldiers ~ so good!"

"Good management!" Su Ting continued.

"After this one hundred thousand soldiers..." Zhang Jiuling left half a sentence.

"Where does the money come from?" Yao Chongshun asked.

"Dividends! The source of the Yellow River occupies a large area, and a large collection of wild animals and plants contains many medicinal materials."

Li Yi pointed out that the area in the northwest was occupied by the Yellow River and lost money?

Bi Gou came to the spirit: "Making a few million yuan? What about the investment?"

"Input is input, output is output. Input is prepared for a 30-year return period, and the annual profit can reach a certain amount."

Li Yi never thought of making money back in a few years. There is still a cycle for horses, cattle and sheep to breed.

After a pause, he added: "The 100,000 people who come here are at least twelve years old and can work. Let them participate in repairing water conservancy as a training, and the court will allocate funds."

"Why, why?" Bi Gou was very suspicious that it was because he asked a question that caused the court to pay money.

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