Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2339: Prepare for killing the chicken and the monkey

Twenty-two people from Dobugan Modi came, bowed their heads like a sinner.

"Foreigners kowtow to your Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty." Modi's voice trembled to kneel.

"Exemption." Li Longji said in time, and the person next to him stopped Modi, and the other twenty-one stopped kneeling.

All the officials stood up, and Li Longji sat alone.

Li Yi stood in the nearest right hand position of Li Longji, and Li Chengqi on the left hand position.

The others are arranged in order, and you can know the status by looking at the formation.

Twenty-two people were trembling and afraid, and their country's hierarchical system was strict, so they had to kneel.

If you lie, it's okay to kill you directly.

They know how big their country is. Compared with Datang, they are just a small place in Datang.

When I arrived in Datang, I was scared to death by what I saw. It was so prosperous.

After arriving in Luoyang, I didn't dare to speak loudly. Ever since I entered Lijiazhuangzi, I found that a Zhuangzi is better than my own country.

The only advantage is that you can go to the designated cafeteria to eat, so many dishes! Is this all for people?

I waited for people to eat one by one and became fat, and then became thinner sadly.

The whole Zhuangzi didn't know how old, the people inside actually rode that kind of expensive bicycles and tricycles. The tricycles were used for loading goods. It was too ‘advanced’.

In the eyes of Modi and others, tricycles are tall and tall, human tricycles! It's amazing.

"I lied, let my people lie with me."

Modi took the initiative to speak, admitting his mistake first.

After speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to move, for fear of death.

The ministers look at Li Yi together. It's your turn. We are struggling to deal with this kind of thing.

Li Yi said: "The third surname, what do you think about going back this time? Can you avoid the robbery of the first and second surnames?"

Modi looked up, looked at Li Yi in surprise, and then lowered his head: "Sneak up to the place, then lead people away, hiding them far."

"You want to sell things when you go back. You sell the good things of Datang. The average person can't afford them. Do you think people who can afford it won't take care of you?"

Li Yi pointed at the key point, do you want to sell it secretly? I don't know Li Longji, can I sell glass mirrors secretly?

"Sell it to a rich caste like me." Modi had already thought about the market.

"Others bring good things back and sell them to you. Have you ever thought about reporting them?" Li Yi asked again.

Modi burst into sweat, rushing.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's in Datang now, it's okay."

Li Yi's little robot hurriedly persuaded that if he didn't comfort him, the other party would fall down.

‘Huh huh. ’Modi breathe, save others by yourself!

The other twenty-one people panted, almost frightened.

"Give them a bottle of soda." Li Yi ordered.

The little robot with soda ran over and opened the drawer, and the maid came to help open the bottle cap.

This is not hot spring water. The soda made by Lijiazhuang himself with equipment is not for takeaway. Children can drink a bottle occasionally.

Twenty-two people have drunk it, and there is supply in the cafeteria in Zhuangzi.

Hurry up and take it, gurgling to fill up with water, while carbon dioxide stimulates the brainstem.

"You must provide more local information and explain everything about Poland.

Our fleet will take you back, and your small boats will be replaced by a ship several times larger.

Our team went over in the name of Datang and bought and sold things.

Get in touch with your little king, keep you safe, and continue to come to Datang to exchange goods in the future. "

Li Yi gave a plan. The caste of the country where the other party is located is highly hierarchical. As the other party cooperated, the people in the petty country thought that Datang had a low level.

"They beat me, you help me?" Modi asked the most critical question.

"You can go to the sea and you are guaranteed to live by the sea. We will set up a place for buying and selling there, and you can go in and help."

Li Yi didn't answer whether he would help you or not. He said to help you, who can bear the trouble of you? We are trade, not active aggression.

You don't pick things up, if the other party is bullying, it is Datang who is bullying.

First contact with the opposing king, discuss it, and then write the deed, and operate the trade in accordance with the methods stipulated and restricted in the deed.

A process of negotiation is required. Once the agreement is signed, Datang will not tear it up. The other party will tear it up and meet each other.

You Shibo Kingdom does not allow Datang to buy and sell there, and the fleet goes to other places.

Turning over after agreeing is not a question of not being able to leave.

"Okay, we agree." When Modi heard this, he thought he had a backing.

"Your Majesty, is that good?" Li Yi turned around and asked Li Longji.

"Very good!" Li Longji nodded.

"Please Modi and others go back to prepare and go to sea immediately." Li Yi ordered.

Twenty-two people have been invited out, hurry up, there are still goods that have not been changed, hurry up and go.

"Brother Yi, you want to use them to provoke war!"

Waiting for others to leave, Li Longji tells Li Yi's purpose.

"Brother, we are forced to be helpless. They still don't know how powerful our Datang is, they have to find a chicken to kill."

Li Yi's name has naturally changed. When he is called his majesty when he is outside, he is a minister.

Close the door and call your Majesty again. The officials are afraid. Is this a contradiction? Son-in-law is at odds?

Yao Chong also took a bottle of soda, and sipped: "The minister, please be equipped with weapons and increase the number of people in the fleet sent to Shibo."

"The ministers seconded." A group of people said tacitly.

They all understand that they are going to do it.

The arrangement of a third-class caste to an important trade exchange place is not recognized by the first- and second-class guarantee.

If you don't approve, take actual action.

The opposing king didn't understand Datang enough, so he would watch from the sidelines without making a sound.

Datang will inevitably fight back, and the opposing king may feel that he is finally qualified to come forward and clean up the mess, such as dealing with a few insignificant people.

Datang is looking for chickens, a small country, you have to pick things first, kill other small countries around you will understand what friendship is.

Of course, there is a certain probability that the other party is more friendly, and even knows how Datang exists, so he won't give this opportunity.

"I'm going back! Go to the hospital." Li Yi was about to leave, and the matter was over.

"Xiao Yi, wait, I have a book for you to read."

Bi Go shouted to Li Yi, turned a pile of paper he had arranged before into a book, and handed it to Li Yi.

Li Yi turned two pages and understood: "Tell the local officials that if the people suffer a loss, they will slap an official; the people will suffer a lot and be exiled; if the people are forced to die, they will be stranded!"

He doesn't know the specific situation in various places, but he understands that the officials have thoroughly studied the book and are willing to go down and investigate, and the possibility of problems is very small.

For a problem like planting fruit trees, it may be that someone builds a bridge from it. A person in a fruit tree nursery told an official that a fruit tree would pay two yuan in return.

If you plant five million, there will be ten million.

At the moment, Datang does not have such an economic exchange channel. It is very troublesome to make money from it. After all, there are law-abiding officials who are not yet rotten to the roots.

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