Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2346: Reserve enough as nature

The latest website: "Let's set sail~~~" "Good luck!"

Haizhou Pier, people on the shore waved flags and shouted words of blessing.

Among the 200 galleons, ten steam-engined sailboats hoisted their anchors and hoisted their sails, and the team marched in a mighty southeast direction.

The fleet needs to bypass the Zhoushan Islands. If it does not go through the Taiwan Strait, it will circle from the east and pass the Diaoyu Islands.

Some of the ships go to Luzon, the Philippines, and other teams go to other countries in Southeast Asia, but the Strait of Malacca.

The rest of the past, passing through Myanmar, Bangladesh, Tianzhu, and finally reaching Sri Lanka, no longer going forward.

This year's arrangement, let's take a look first, if it is too far, it will be too hasty.

After these routes became familiar, ships built later entered the team and explored further west.

At present, there is no fleet in the whole world that is larger than the navy of the Tang Dynasty.

On this voyage, the merchants brought the goods, went to see them, and when they came back, they would consider whether to rent a boat, or build a smaller boat themselves.

For example, the Zhang Ruibo family, who traded between Japan and Japan, had their own boats, and the scale was getting bigger and bigger.

Cooperate with Sapphire to have its own stronghold in Japan.

This year, his family will send two ships to follow the team to go to Luzon. When the team is about to arrive at the location, the state government receives a telegram, and his family's ship goes out to join.

His home is in Jinjiang, Quanzhou, and it will take a few days for the team to arrive.

Construction is underway on a mountain surrounding Haizhou Wharf, mainly providing accommodation, catering, medical and other services.

The storage of the warehouse is below, and many families are involved.

They have built workshops and leased shops. At present, shops are not making much money, and it will be a capital.

Seafood processing workshops make money and pay taxes once a month.

Someone is tempted and wants to buy a mountain. Seeing the large scale of the fleet, don't wait to come back to buy it.

As a result, the local government did not sell it, they had no right to sell it, and it was directly managed by the imperial court.

The place where construction can be carried out on the mountain is the land occupied by the Great Tang Dynasty Fund, which was not worth much at that time.

The people looked at the shadow of the sails, waited for a while, then turned back to work, the boat would take a long time to disappear from sight, and it would not be possible to continue to wait.

'Woo~~woo~~' The train pulled its whistle into the station, two passenger cars, and the rest were all freight cars.

The dock workers are preparing to unload the cargo, and the ice cubes brought by Lijiazhuangzi are used for refrigeration.

The price is lower than buying ice stored in winter from other places, and it belongs to the money earned by Lijiazhuangzi himself.

There is an ice-making workshop in Zhuangzi, which is used in various aspects. As long as there is electricity, salt will participate in the ice-making process.

It is not part of the overall development of Datang, and it lacks a little help for the development of Datang. Li Yi makes money by the way.

If you have an account, you can use the money to offset the tax. It seems that the money is all given to Datang, but it is actually much worse.

After paying the tax, the money is managed by the Ministry of Household, and it is up to the Ministry of Household how to spend it.

Li Jiazhuangzi spends his own money, and the Ministry of Household cannot control it.

"Xiaoyi, will the price of ice be raised in summer?"

After a busy morning, I only found Li Yi's Bi Gou at lunch time.

"The ice melts faster in summer, and the price is too expensive for the common people. Anyway, I can make some money."

Li Yi refused, and the price of his ice increased, and the prices of other commodities would follow.

In the summer, he plans to exchange another set of ice-making equipment to increase the supply.

For takeout, the price ranges from 500 yuan per cubic meter to a tin, depending on what kind of ice you want.

The one that makes cold shaved ice is Yijin, a few taels of ice, selling for one to two dollars, and a small serving of fifty cents.

If you are allowed to buy small pieces, Li family Zhuangzi will be responsible for cutting them, plus natural losses. If you can sell them all, the profit will be about 50%.

Because it is impossible to buy a cubic meter of cold drinks, the small and fast contact with the air has a large area, and it will melt naturally when stored.

Plus the juice is poured up, and now there is no blended juice, all pure juice.

After deducting part of the tax, the daily sales are basically fixed.

Now the cold storage in Zhuangzi produces more than 2,000 tons of ice a day, and Li Yi wants to start a production line with a daily output of 3,000 tons.

In fact, this money did not make much money. Zhuangzi himself used a lot of ice. He made ice sculptures in winter, and his consumption rose sharply in summer.

Zuixianju and Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion must have ice.

Palace maids and eunuchs also like cold drinks, so many craftsmen and their families, members of the royal family, officials and family members...

Li Yi doesn't care if they ask for money. Once they ask for money, the people who work below are not allowed to eat it.

Of course, the ice supplied to Zuixianju and Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion will be converted into profit in another way.

"I'll change the production line of popsicles, Zhuangzi has to make money." Li Yi muttered.

"Okay." Bi Gou immediately supported him when he heard the money.

"It's hard work, it's allowed to change, brine process, this production line is the cheapest."

Li Yi remembered that he ate popsicles when he was a child, two cents, three cents.

A bicycle that sells popsicles with a box on it and a thick quilt in the box.

Buy a popsicle and lick it around first to see if there is any bitterness in the brine. If there is any, eat the one next to it, and leave a little at the end, usually one-half to one-third.

Give it to the popsicle seller, so you can get a new one.

The other party took it back, and the popsicle factory also exchanged it.

However, this situation does not increase the lifespan. The production line he exchanged is not a production line built by himself using technology.

If it cannot be promoted, it will not give life.

But if you have money, you can solve some problems with the money you earn, which increases your lifespan.

"I think I can make compressors and amines with my current craft and put it on the agenda this year to see if the artisans have time."

Li Yi thought about the issue of life expectancy, comprehensively considered the technology possessed by his Zhuangzi, and decided that he could do it.

It is relatively easy to have power generation equipment, storage equipment, compression equipment, and electrolysis equipment.

Zhuangzi's technical reserves can make liquefied gas tanks, and put petroleum liquefied gas into them.

"First change a popsicle production line, let everyone eat it, and then go back to Zhuangzi to make it himself, and the basic technical reserve is no problem."

Li Yi waved his fist and lowered his head to eat dry pot rabbit meat. He has been eating this for two days, and there are too many rabbits.

Bi Gou blinked, but he didn't understand. He couldn't keep up with technical matters: "Xiao Yi, is there something good again?"

"There will be bread, and there will be milk. UU Reading Our slogan is: don't take detours."

Li Yi showed a confident smile, feeling full of strength.

"The price of brown bread has dropped, eighty cents a piece, the size is still the same, and you can eat it all day with free soup.

I heard that for the healthy growth of children, Chang Sun Xin wants to accumulate yin and virtue, and prepares to take out 50 cents each.

He has been fiddling with the dough and gluten recently, saying that it is a convenience food. The old man suspects that the products in the household department are those noodles. "

Bi Gou told Li Yi that the current bread market, brown bread, was as big as eighty cents.

A normal child can eat a large piece of bread for two days without any problem, without eating other non-staple foods.

"Noodles? Yes, it can be stored for a long time after drying. It is the same as dry rice noodles. Unlike yuba, it can only be stored for a few days without any extras."

Li Yi thought about it for a moment, there is nothing wrong, he can do it.

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