Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2357: unheard dream fear

The latest website: As soon as the train stops, people get on the train first, the cargo compartment is also filled with people, the two passenger compartments are crowded with people in the aisle, and people lie in under the seats.

The seated people alternated with the standing people, and everyone felt it.

Fortunately, no one sells sunflower seeds, beer, poker, instant noodles, and ham.

This is very happy, otherwise everyone would be too crowded to move, and they would have to make way for the carts.

Lan Bao and Nantian Kazuko sat still, not letting others let them go. There were boxes under his feet and on the luggage rack above him.

"The Tang Dynasty is getting more and more powerful." Nantian and Zixiang looked out of the window at the passing trees and fields, sincerely sighing.

"It's Dongzhu Li who is very powerful, such a big guy, how could he be made by someone, and he can run very fast on his own.

The phone call went from Haizhou to Luoyang in an instant, talking on both sides.

Don't worry, Kazuko, the food can definitely be prepared and stored in our local warehouse, so you are not afraid of disasters. "

Lan Bao was talking to his daughter-in-law. When the two came back, there was a light rain in the area and the surrounding area after the Chinese New Year, which was very abnormal.

Others who came to exchange things also said that they did not have rain there and that the water in the river was shallow.

Nantian and Zi were afraid that their family would not be able to support them, and their family had to support many people, especially the guards.

She is smart and knows her worth.

Lan Bao prefers his sister-in-law. He is a Japanese. If there is no place where he can help Datang, he will not be able to.

In fact, she thought too much. Lan Bao was because his brother died and his sister-in-law was suffering. He felt that the Lan family owed others.

Even if his daughter-in-law Nantian Kazuko lost his family, he would take good care of Kazuko.

At the beginning, the old man did not seize himself to persecute, but promised his daughter to betrothed to him.

The daughter-in-law is looking forward to bringing back more food, so it's not enough to always give others fish and meat!

So he grabbed his daughter-in-law's hand and told her not to worry.

"Bao Lang, arrange them outside, or in Zhuangzi?"

Nantian Kazuko was held hands by Lan Bao, much more at ease.

"Let's live in Zhuangzi, it's all my own people, and the unstable people of the Nantian family have been dealt with properly.

More people just want to live a good life, and some people like to fight for power, and even for the sake of power, they put all their own people in the pit.

They are not as good as Li Dongzhu, Li Dongzhu gets power by his ability, but does not fight.

When we get back to Zhuangzi, let's go to the cafeteria to eat and make up for you. "

Lan Bao felt hungry again, probably because the noodles digested fast.

Nantian Kazuo also swallowed: "The meals at home are too bad, but fortunately there are Jiangchuan and the others to help make a few dishes."

If she agrees with her man, Lijiazhuangzi's canteen is the best place.

In my own home, if it wasn't for Yulin Feiqi to help with cooking, I would probably be skinny.

The two said, the train went directly through Luoyang Station without stopping.

Walk for a few more minutes and arrive at the Lijiazhuangzi platform.

The people sitting in the truck jumped out one after another, all of them were the navy and Yulin Feiqi.

On the contrary, the fifty people who came from the Nantian family were sitting in the passenger compartment, and it didn't matter if they squeezed.

The first time they came to Datang, everything they saw was new.

Before they came, they had imagined what it would be like, and raised a grade according to the life of the Nantian family.

For example, children have clothes to wear and work with their parents. When eating, there is an extra piece of salted fish in the bowl, and there is only a small amount of wild vegetables in the bowl of rice.

The family is happy, food and clothing are worry-free!

What they saw was this: the children were wearing the same beautiful clothes, not working at all, and flying kites there.

When I eat, I can't see fish by the sea, but there are chicken, pork, mutton, rabbit...

On the table is a pile of small plates with small dishes in the format.

There is no cooked rice or wild vegetables in the staple food, either rice, steamed buns, dumplings, noodles, cakes, or something called rice noodles.

When I dream, I don't dare to dream, is this the case in the Tang Dynasty?

And the train, how did it run with such a big guy?

The patriarch has a few glass bottles that are very precious, and the side of the car is full of large transparent glass.

Everyone got off the platform, and Li Longji and others dressed up to greet them, including the minister. According to Li Yi's estimate, three million pieces of stuff, can't you welcome them?

"Your Majesty, Li Dongzhu, sister-in-law, mother!"

Lan Bao first greeted Li Longji and Li Yi, then saw his sister-in-law, and finally knelt down.

"Get up, it's cold on the ground." Lan Bao's mother stepped forward and helped her son up.

"Mother, your body and bones..." Lan Bao found a problem, why are you so agile?

"Dongzhu Li has been nursed back well. You can't see it in three or five days. After three years and five years, you will know that Dongzhu Li is amazing."

Lan Bao's mother looked at her son with a smile, patted it, and then looked at her daughter-in-law: "Hezi is uncomfortable floating at sea, and he will be raised on the ground for two days."

Nantian Kazuko also greeted each other one by one, and the newcomers who came with her kept bowing.

The etiquette of the Tang Dynasty is like this, just bow, no need to kneel.

In history, An Lushan was impeached once without bowing.

Li Yi does not bow, meets all day long, bows once every meeting? Don't you look awkward?

When the owners of Zhuangzi of the Li family met Li Longji, they just nodded 'Your Majesty' and said hello, just like calling Li Yi 'Proprietor'.

"It's a bit late for dinner tonight. Let's take a bath first. The things in the village have been updated again."

Li Longji patted Lan Bao on the shoulder, good boy, brought me so many good things.

As soon as they entered Zhuangzi, the fifty Nantian family members were even more dumbfounded.

There were some songs and dances playing on the big screen by the roadside, the fish swimming in the small canal next to it, the giant eagles circling in the sky, and the poultry nearby were not afraid.

They listened dumbly and arranged to take a bath. The original bathing place can be like this?

Can you blow dry your hair after taking a shower? Why do I have to change two sets of clothes after I get out of the bath and go out?

What is talking to you next to you? Sounds like a child.

Dinner is hot pot, the kind on the second floor of heaven and earth.

Let's put it this way, at Li Yi's time, apart from Zhongnanhai, there was no place that could compare to Li's Zhuangzi.

In terms of area Zhongnanhai is actually a bit inferior.

What seven-star hotel, the toilets are gold-encrusted with diamonds, it is not easy to use, the wood of those buildings in Lijiazhuangzi is not cheaper than gold.

"Proprietor, this Zhuangzi feels better than Chang'an."

Jiang Chuan packed up neatly, and when he went to dinner, he saw Li Yi and said with a smile.

"There is less land over there, and it is not suitable to occupy the royal place. There are many mountains in Luoyang, so I just got some, and the radius is only a few dozen kilometers."

Li Yi said 'modestly' that his Zhuangzi actually exceeded 1,000 square kilometers.

If you work from here to there, sometimes you can't ride a bicycle, you have to take a small train.

The people of Nantian's family saw it. A bicycle passed by after a while, and someone else passed by on a tricycle with something on it.

After entering the restaurant, eating hot pot with running water next to the large floor-to-ceiling windows, fifty people collectively feel inferior.

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