Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2362: Basic education defines the future

The latest website: "Abacus is good, and abacus is more convenient than counting." Li Longji recognized.

Nowadays, some people in Datang go out with a calculation chip, put it in the sack or sleeve, and take it out for calculation when needed.

If you see people who buy things squatting there with a bunch of small wooden sticks when you go to a big fair, don't feel strange, they are doing the accounting.

Most butchers cut the meat and say how much they weighed, not calculated, but memorized.

When people need to use silk in their daily life, they also carry it.

However, merchants generally do not deceive people, and the common people will give it a quasi-accreditation if they do not count. Otherwise, when people buy something, when they go back, when someone asks, when they say, they tell him that they have been deceived, and he will get it back.

The problem of getting it back is bigger, the population mobility is poor, and there are only those people in one area.

Someone is looking for you, standing in front of the stall and saying that you are a liar, and other people who would never count will never buy from you again. I won't count. You can lie to others, and you can lie to me.

"Basic education is important!" Li Yi said with emotion.

Children in elementary school can make mistakes in addition and subtraction. When parents cannot tell the answer directly, they try their best to guide them from the side.

In the end, the parents were mad, why are you so stupid? Just like when I was a kid!

Adults in the Tang Dynasty have very little math skills, and they don’t know what to do with a little complicated numbers.

Li Yi's requirements are not high, everyone can learn the mathematics of the sixth grade of elementary school, and he does not expect full marks. Recalculation is allowed when buying and selling things.

"Is there a better way for Brother Yi? People read newspapers to read and write, but arithmetic is not easy to learn."

Li Longji can't think of it himself, so ask Brother Yi, he has always asked anyway.

"There is money to spend, but there is no money to spend." Li Yi answered simply.

"How to spend money?"

"Let them go to night school, and the workshop will take half an hour of class every day. After they have worked, they will be paid.

Either they are not allowed to work, which is cruel, because work does not require arithmetic.

Moving stones does not calculate the amount of earth and stone, but how much is paid for how long it is done in a day.

Give them three extra dollars to learn for an hour, and then cooperate with them in the newspaper, saying that it is their own ability to learn, and others can't take it. "

Li Yi knew what the people needed, money, three more money, an hour of study, and increased skills, the people would be willing.

"How much is it?"

"Actually, adults have the ability to think logically. It's simple. After five classes, the simple ones are taught, and the rest is practiced by themselves.

If one person costs 15 yuan, two million tins are enough, and they can't be used up, because the children will be in the school, and some people will.

People who are too old don't need to know. According to the population of the Tang Dynasty, it is estimated that 1.2 million can do it, and 2 million is the bottom line. "

"That's enough money?" Li Longji said casually.

He just saw 5 million tins, is more than 1 million tins worth it?

He had forgotten how much the imperial court's fiscal revenue was for a year when he first became emperor, more than seven million yuan.

"I'd better advertise, print an extra newspaper, practice arithmetic for adults, and children can learn it too."

Li Yi doesn't think that more than one million people are few. How much does it cost to invite the people of Jingzhao House and Henan House to have a meal?

There are 2,000,000 kilns, and you can fight Tubo again.

"How to do it?" Li Longji really couldn't think of it this time.

"For example, third brother, if you sell thread gloves, you usually sell a pair of gloves for one dollar.

You have 100,000 pairs of gloves, and you can't sell them. You say you want to sell them for 95 cents. When others sell them for 1 cent, you are 5 cents cheaper.

You don’t take any advantage of retail, not all people are willing to buy it, and people can’t use it, and I can…”

Li Yi talked to Li Longji about the role of advertising and simple means of operation.

Gloves that cost 90 cents will be taxed at 1/3 per cent, which is overwhelming.

Ninety-five cents is not easy to sell. If ninety-five cents can be sold, the tax will become one-third and one-hundred cents.

The tax for 100,000 pairs is three hundred and sixty-six cents and sixty-six cents.

Ninety-five cents can be sold, and there is money to be made, but I let you set the price at ninety-four cents, and you don't have to pay advertising fees.

In other words, one penny is the advertising fee, and for 100,000 copies, I charge a handful of advertising fees and print it out in a separate place.

A newspaper can print a lot of advertisements, all of which are arithmetic problems.

Your glove workshop wholesales gloves. The original price is one dollar, and the tax is thirty-one. Now it is ninety cents per pair. How much is the tax?

100,000 pairs of gloves, how much tax is paid in total?

In this way, there is a calculation, and by the way, I tell the people that there is indeed such a glove to sell, so buy it!

Li Longji: "..."

He never imagined that there was such a means of operation: "Brother Yi, do you have enough money for the newspaper?"

"Of course it's not enough, print a newspaper and lose money. But the advertising effect is good, normal advertising, everyone can see it and go.

Such advertisements have arithmetic problems to do, everyone will do the problems, remember your gloves.

When other merchants think this method is good, and then find me to advertise similar products, it will not be this price. "

Li Yi does not pursue immediate profits, he can even advertise for others for free and earn money later.

Just like selling medical equipment, you have to give it a free trial to other doctors. After using it, the doctor thinks that the profit is considerable, so he will find you to cooperate.

Li Longji once again: "..."

"Brother Yi, look at the arrangement." He had nothing to say, he was used to it.

"Okay, this matter is really important. Not to make money, Datang's basic education must keep up, and it will be useful in the future."

When Li Yi is ready to turn around, he will find someone and a businessman who needs to ship.

Generally, in this case, if the merchant does not want to lose money, he will not advertise, and what if he can't sell it after adding an advertising fee?

Lijiazhuangzi needs to talk to the merchant and make a guarantee. If something cannot be sold within a certain period of time according to the stipulated price, the rest of Lijiazhuangzi will be sold.

It is the first time to give benefits, and if there is such a thing in the future, all of them will be sold, and if a certain profit is guaranteed, there will be additional contracts to discuss.

For example, free advertising, taking a share from the profit, in the business, if it is about to go bankrupt, Lijiazhuangzi can provide low-interest or no-interest loans after evaluating the situation.

"Your Majesty, Bi Zaifu, Song Zaifu, Su Zaifu, Zhang Zaifu are here."

Gao Lishi made a series of gestures after seeing the little **** guarding the door looking out through the cat's eyes and reported ah? "Li Longji was startled, and then he reacted: "Quick, open the door." "

Four people have arrived at the door, wondering, why do you close this door in broad daylight? Palace changed? Then you have to find Xiaoyi.

As soon as the door opened, the four people saw that Li Longji and Li Yi were there, and immediately felt that something was wrong, especially Bi Gou.

"Although the investment budget this time is a bit larger, I think it can be reduced by 10% after adjusting the details.

I know third brother, you don't have any money either, so if you add a little bit of money from overseas trade, it is estimated that there is a 50% chance of making a profit, and besides..."

"In addition, the old man doesn't believe that Xiaoyi, you can lose money by doing business."

Bi Gou didn't even bother to salute, he was sure that there was a problem.

When I came in, I heard Xiaoyi say that he was short of money. Could you be more fake?

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