Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2377: Wet stuffing ground conditions are moving to low

Latest website: The dock is used as a temporary barbecue site, and the dock workers participate together.

The Wang family's little baby has an extra toy, a walker.

You can see from his movements that he rarely goes to the ground during normal times.

Always hold it for fear of bumping.

Li Yi instructed the villagers to talk to the baby's family about the situation and how to take care of the baby.

Just like those girls, as long as there are no sharp objects around, wrap the corner of the table and other places, and the child will run around.

Thick cushions were placed on both sides of the threshold, and he stayed by the side when crossing the threshold, and his family had plenty of hands.

The first time he walked on his own, the little baby ran like crazy.

He is already one year old, and he is well nourished. Now he is pushing the cart and running backwards, slamming.

Next to a little robot shouting a slogan: "Ya ya ya! Ah ah ah!"

It doesn't say anything to be careful. If you are tired, take a break, the baby will not understand.

Under the shocked expressions of the Wang family, the little baby stopped, his face painful.

The maid next to her rushed over, picked it up to change the diaper, took off the seat cushion, washed it, and replaced it with a new one.

"Sac, sac!" The little baby waited for others to deal with it, and opened his arms to look at his mother.

"I'm hungry." The palace maid handed the baby over.

The woman took the child and went to the side, and the maids at home followed, pulling the curtains and delivering chairs.

"Xiaoyi, the Ministry of Housing can make this walker." Bi Gou never forgets his responsibilities.

"Okay! It just so happens that the newspaper will give the drawings, and then the Ministry of Households will see if the design is not good enough."

Li Yi agreed happily, the Ministry of Household will sell it, I will give it in the newspaper.

Others, as long as they have a little bit of craftsmanship, can do it themselves.

Like a baby carrier, expect big bucks and dream.

There is no technical difficulty in that thing, and others will know how to do it at a glance.

What really makes money is the brand. Wentian Lanxiangge's baby carrier is usually just a gift. The workmanship is good, and when someone else takes it, it has a collection value.

Some merchants want to buy goods in large quantities from Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion, but they do not sell them.

Only ladies can buy them for their distant relatives and mail them through the post.

"Eat meat, tomorrow morning, let's go into the mountains to pick mountain vegetables, go to bed early at night, and don't stay up late."

Li Yi took a knife to cut the meat, and cut off the burnt area on the outside. Don't, leave it to the local people who feed the pigs. Cook the pigs and you can eat them.

"Xiaoyi, aren't you going around the county?" Su Ting didn't want to go up the mountain.

"After picking the mountain vegetables, come back to see the situation." Li Yi insisted on going up the mountain.

The local terrain has mountains and hills, and a small part is plain.

The plains are used to grow food, and the mountains mainly provide firewood.

Due to the large amount of loess, there are also many gully subsidence areas, and the loess collapses itself. Fortunately, the drainage function is strong, and the people of the natural ditch can maintain it by themselves.

Normally, this kind of terrain has less water storage, but Heqing County is not.

The people have terraced fields, the terrain is high in the north and low in the south.

Li Yi knew the situation, and since he was here, according to his normal reaction, he had to help the local people find new profit points in life.

In a few days, or even within a day, he will come up with a plan for the county he arrives at.

What resources does this county have and how much benefit the people can get from it? Other officials don't care, how can I know where to go?

He wants to go up the mountain to see the soil, crops, and terrain. Picking thorns and sprouts is a recreational activity, and it comes along.

"Proprietor, are you under pressure?" Zero Sansan was bored and leaned over to Li Yi.

"What pressure? Air pressure or water pressure?" Li Yi continued to process the meat.

"Psychological pressure, you said that if you came here, if you can't come up with a good solution, what will the people think? What do the officials think?

The little robot put pressure on Li Yi next to him, are you worried?

"Look with your eyes, lose, shame, lose the little robot, throw it into the Yellow River, don't hide, is there any pressure?" Li Yi turned his head and stared at the little robot.

"Don't bring this, I mean I'll give you an idea. I know the exact location of the coal mine. It's in the open air! Do you want it? I want you to beg me."

Zero Sansan said and stepped back a little.

"Okay, I beg you, I beg you to say good things to the sky, speak kind words, and give them to me." Li Yi was angry.

Several small robots appeared around Zero Three Three, and moved to Li Yi's side against it.

"It's wrong, the proprietor, the kind and generous proprietor, I'm wrong! I don't want to go to heaven, and I don't want to go to the underworld. Don't push me, I'm wrong about you, brothers, why bother?"

Zero Sansan's lights flickered, and he wanted to run, but the surrounding robots gave him a hug.

"Hahaha..." The people around laughed, they liked to see the naughty look of the little robot.

"There is an open-pit coal mine here? Xiaoyi, give the old man a face, let him die after he finishes talking about the location of the coal mine, and live two minutes longer."

Bi Gou understands, and sure enough, the places where Xiaoyi goes will give the local mineral resources, plant resources, animal resources, land resources and so on.

"I'm so stupid. As expected, the prime minister's heart is dark. Proprietor, I want to be transferred." Zero Sansan ran over by himself.

"Restore the factory settings and change the place for you, I beg you? Humph!" Li Yi gritted his teeth.

"In the past, there was no preferential treatment for correct answers, and if you made a wrong statement, you would die. Woohoo~~ Really, being with the king is like a tiger." Zero Sansan was pitiful.

"There are indeed coal mines in the area, and it is convenient to burn cement, and there is no shortage of materials for burning glass.

There are abundant water resources, we must do a good job of drainage, and tomorrow we will go to the mountains to the north for a walk.

See if a cement plant needs to be built or not, and a fixed canal for drainage should be built.

It is okay to plant terraced fields, but not if there are households under the terraced fields. Move to the riverside plain, even if the fields are destroyed. "

Li Yi touched the head of the little robot and told others about the local situation.

The fields on the plains are used to build houses for the people to live in, and the terraced fields on the mountains are planted.

Grain planting is not the main business, and industrial production and manufacturing are the first.

In this way, even landslides and mudslides will not cause substantial harm to the people.

Right now, people are guaranteed to live on the mountain. Once it rains heavily, it is a wet area.

There is coal, quartz, limestone, loess, and in fact, iron ore, but it is not worth mining and smelting.

Once these resources are integrated, anyone with a little basic knowledge will understand how to develop industry, provided that it does not cause too much pollution and there is a Yellow River nearby.

"Brother Yi can do it. UU reading" Li Longji said sincerely, he didn't say hard work.

How many things Yi brother has done, he sees it in his eyes and remembers it in his heart, saying that hard work is too hypocritical.

"I'll talk about it after reading it tomorrow. I've already come here, so I can't just run for nothing." Li Yi nodded, not being modest.

Bi Gou and the others bowed their heads to eat and operated routinely, otherwise why would he allow us to join the group at any time?

If you don't agree, you can give it a plan yourself, but you can't really give it. God knows what's going on here. I just came here.

"The small garlic can't be dug out, it's still small, the big folic acid and the dog's tail should be there, and the thorn sprouts and bracken are there."

Zero Sansan, who saved his life, became active again and told everyone that there was something to eat when they went up the mountain.

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