Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2391: The words of the son-in-law of the dead boar

Yulin Fei was riding sand and stones, helping to fill the pond, and sifting out fine sand for the children to play with.

The cloister Yulin Feiqi can't do it for the time being. They are responsible for setting up swings and making small toys.

The corridor was built quickly, and cement was needed. Lijiazhuangzi was transporting it, and it was ready for the school in the county.

Send craftsmen, including carousels and pedal boats.

The school building of the county school is not cartoony enough, and someone is responsible for drawing and coloring it.

Paint on the walls of some of the other yamen buildings facing this side, and pile up the sand.

Li Yi looked at the time and dealt with the meat, the meat of the wild boar, just a wild boar.

Everyone is catching poisonous snakes, and all those that are not poisonous are let go, for fear that someone will be bitten by poisonous snakes when they enter the mountain.

There is a super big wild boar weighing more than 800 pounds, and it has to attack people.

It's enough to change to another ordinary person to attack. Do you dare to provoke this team? Don't say you are a wild boar, you are an elephant, if you say kill it, you will kill it.

The abbreviation of Henan is Henan, and there are also elephants now, but they are relatively few.

Plain areas appear, and the government has ordered that hunting is prohibited.

This wild boar is not as good as other people's tigers, leopards, and even wolves who see it and avoid it, even if it is still being chased and killed.

The key point is that this wild boar was not killed by anyone. It is too easy to kill, and everyone does not want to kill it, but wants to wait for it to reproduce.

It lacks heart and thinks too much that others are afraid of it, so it desperately hits a tree, a big tree with a diameter of more than two meters!

Its teeth were pierced in the back because of the impact, and it was still alive and struggling.

Let it go, it won't live long, the speed is too fast, and the bone structure changes.

Four of the little robots ran to the side, discussing whether to give a humanitarian, that is, electrocuting the wild boar.

The reason for the discussion is because it consumes a lot of electricity, and everyone discusses how much to use at a time and where to charge it.

Yulin Feiqi can't stand it anymore, don't, keep your electricity to protect Your Majesty.

So a short spear plunged directly into the heart of the wild boar, and then turned his wrist and tilted it.

The wild boar's heart was pricked, blood spurted out, and it could only twitch within two minutes.

The hunting ban in the Tang Dynasty ordered that people not actively hunt for a certain period of time, which does not mean that wild animals will not kill them when they attack.

The wild boars come down the mountain to see if the people will kill them?

The government must arrange for people to kill wild boars and other beasts, and people are greater than other things.

This wild boar is unlucky, and it will not survive if it is released.

Starting from the soaking before noon today, until now, Li Yi has cut it into pieces and cooked it.

Making braised pork is more laborious than domestic pigs. It is not enough just to fry sugar, and you need to put herbs.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan went to change things again and stood by the cauldron to watch.

The little girl from the Wang family followed after school: "Can you learn?"

"Impossible, I will never learn it in my life." Princess Yongmu gave the answer without even thinking.

Xiaolan next to her nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's too difficult, just watch."

"I think it will take a few more readings." The little girl of the Wang family didn't understand.

"One day you will understand, remember to meet the same man and don't lose it easily."

Xiaolan kindly said to the little girl that she was just talking.

For other women, sometimes losing may lead to better ones, maybe!

And she and Princess Yongmu are not good, there is no loss, she is just comforting others, and her own life is happy.

"Well! I actually want to find someone like the proprietor's brother." The little girl was simple-minded.

"If you work hard, maybe you will find something similar." Xiaolan suddenly didn't want to talk to the little girl.


There were no pickles at dinner, for fear that the children would be thirsty in the middle of the night after eating too much salty things.

The wild boar legs and big head are being braised, and they will be given to the 'teacher' of the school after the meal.

A wild boar weighing more than 800 kilograms will not be a master, teaching Yu to give a leg, and it must be decomposed well.

In fact, the families of these people ate with them, and they lived not far away, so it was specially arranged.

If the Master's home is forty miles away, how can he go to work? live on campus? What about the family?

They also have parents, wives, and children.

Of course, some do not have wives and children, and even their parents have died.

There are also children who go to other places as adults, and their wives are gone.

But there are also cases where both parents and wives are gone, and only children are left.

The happiness and suffering of the world, if you can't help, don't blame it.

Therefore, when allocating things, they are given according to the situation with the largest population.

Even if some masters have no family after giving it, they turn around and give the things to their children.

"Gangrou, is it important before the ferry here?"

Zhang Jiuling discovered the situation through two days of observation.

"It's actually more important to have a bridge, because it's not just a ferry, but a wharf.

The road from the Yellow River Bridge to Luoyang has been repaired, and the wharf is busier.

This is logistics, the imperial court's policy, which directly affects people's livelihood, does not allow people to flow, and proves that farming techniques are lacking. "

Li Yi never hated Zhang Jiuling, because Zhang Jiuling didn't bother him and always considered things from his point of view.

Moreover, there are many poems written by Zhang Jiuling of Li Yixiao, the most typical one is: The bright moon rises in the sea, and the end of the world is at this time.

Just how much is it worth?

There is also a song with similar content, Wang Wan, who is still alive and an official.

Klook outside the green hills, before the green water. The tide is flat and the banks are wide, and the wind is hanging. The sea day gives birth to the waning night, and Jiang Chun enters the old year. Where is the township book? Returning Yan Luoyang side.

Absolutely near-style poetry, can't pick out any faults, including artistic conception.

But it is not comparable to Tianya Gong at this time, this sentence is simply unreasonable, it stretches the image to the extreme.

In comparison, it is helpless to lose the flowers, and it seems that Yan has returned.

Or: forever and ever, this hatred will never end.

Or again: the water will flow more when the knife is cut off, and the toast is more sorrowful.

Or it can also be said: floating clouds and wandering children mean, the sunset is old love. This is Li Bai's.

Of course, it can't compare to the phrase "The End of the World", how could this be written by someone?

Li Yi regretted it, I shouldn't have copied your poems, I should have waited for you...

Eh? wrong! When you wrote this poem, you were demoted, demoted from the position of prime minister.

With me at I can make you demoted? I don't say anything, who dares to belittle you?

When you resigned in anger at first, I sent someone to look for you and give you money to build a road. You won’t be demoted. You have never had that insight in your life, so you can’t write it down.

Thinking about it, Li Yi feels better again. I copy your poems, and I will protect your political position. Which do you think is more important?

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi?" Li Longji shouted no less than five times from the side. If someone else didn't respond, he should clean up.

"Ah? Third brother, you said, I just thought about things!"

Li Yi returned to the soul, I'm sorry, my father-in-law is talking to you, what are you doing?

"I'm thinking about adding a wharf, and then someone will need to repair it by land. What do you think, Brother Yi?"

Li Longji chose to forgive Yi Di's son-in-law, otherwise what else could he do?

"I will consider the application of steam-engine ships on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and then I will say which place to choose to build the wharf, and the land road needs to be repaired locally."

Li Yi thought of something in an instant, which is wisdom in a hurry.

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