Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2395: histamine food-water-gut association

That night! The girl from the Wang family got on the yacht, Qingdai and Zhuozhuo slept with her and took her to bathe.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong also took a shower every time, and they did. There was a surfing bathtub on the yacht.

When the three giant pandas arrived, they quickly separated and separated the male one.

The villagers were very curious, and they were locked in a cage with the male, and they were able to be safe.

Bags of salt were unloaded, carried to the crates at the train station, and waited for the train to come and pick them up.

Tomorrow, they don't have to work with the salt of the boat to help people. They relax completely and go to Lijiazhuangzi to eat and drink.

They drank rice wine, ate lo-mei, especially smoked chicken, and ate each one with each other.

Along the way with the boat, there are only four pieces of fried noodles, dried bami, pickled vegetables, and mutton jerky from the Yellow River, less than two taels per meal.

Alcohol is not allowed, nor is there on board, including the gang leader Yang Huanjin, they all eat the same thing.

Fortunately, the security is better now, there are no water bandits robbing, nor officials patrolling the river to rob, just worry about hitting something.

In the past, even if the cargo was unloaded, the people who helped the wharf could ask for more money.

Let me put it this way, from transporting salt to and from back, I was on my nerves all day.

Not now, home now! Go directly to Li's Zhuangzi, drink, don't be afraid of drinking too much.

This is how "outsiders" recognize Li's Zhuangzi. Even if only one of Li's Zhuangzi is in charge of a place, the place he manages is the home.

No one dared to provoke him. If Zhuang Hu's words didn't work, or even had an accident, hundreds of people would have to be buried with him.

So far so good.

Everyone gives Li Jiazhuangzi face, from the heart, really!

There is a saying among the people: It is better to provoke the Palace of the King of Hell than to hurt the Li family dog. The judge can write back, but the proprietor has no fetus.

I don't know who spread it, anyway, everyone believes it, so scary.

The sky in the west of 'A Shou A Shou' brightened first, the sun in the east jumped out of the horizon again, and Yang Huanjin kept sneezing.

His nose was dripping with tears, and he was itchy all over.

If he changed the place, he felt it was over, but luckily he was on a yacht.

Huang Xianrong's state is not much better than his, he also sneezes, and his face is swollen.

Li Yi came over to take a look: "What's the pressure? Go to take a bath, drink Huoxiangzhengqi water first, scrub with Fengshui, rest for half an hour, eat wontons, and eat pure meat stuffing."

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong felt that they were about to finish, very serious.

Li Yi's eyes are gastrointestinal allergies, and histamine reactions appear on the skin.

This histamine reaction can be eliminated with warm water, and the effect of warm water with parsnips is faster.

Two people doing this together is definitely not the cause of the air. The allergen is not the yacht, but the gastrointestinal tract. Then drink Huoxiang Zhengqi.

Protein allergy is not like this, it will be accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, and you will know it at a glance.

So eat meat, wrap wontons, and drink more soup.

"Don't scratch, it will take a long time to recover after scratching, just bear with it and rub it with water." Li Yi added.

The two hurried to take a bath, and sure enough, it didn't itch when they touched the water.

After drinking Huoxiangzhengqi water extracted from alcohol, I felt dizzy and wanted to sleep.

It's as simple as that for Li Yi to deal with them, but in a different environment, they will really die, no joke at all.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong also think so, so they are not nervous, can I still die on the Datang cruiser where Li Dongzhu is there?

If not, they would both be short of breath at the moment.

"Master!" Qingdai's little girl could see the symptoms, but she was not satisfied with it.

"There are a lot of spicy things, and they usually eat peppercorns, but they didn't eat them all the way.

I ate it suddenly, and there was still a lot of fat, and there was a reaction during the absorption process of the large intestine.

The stomach and small intestine absorb normally, and the large intestine absorbs fluid.

If the large intestine absorbs too well, it will make people dry. If the large intestine absorbs too weakly, it is constipation. If the large intestine absorbs too much water, it is diarrhea.

The spicy food they eat works when they are absorbed in the large intestine, so there is a histamine reaction.

Many people experience allergies when they go to the toilet to defecate, and that's exactly why. "

Li Yi explained the symptoms, normal work and rest, and poor sleep quality will cause constipation because the large intestine has not fully absorbed water.

If you drink more water, you will have diarrhea, which is stronger than constipation, and you will go down.

The physical method to solve the unformed stool is to operate in the way of water poisoning.

Cover the quilt, turn on the air conditioner, and sweat hard, so that the body loses water.

If urination is difficult and dry, watermelon should never be eaten.

Watermelon is inconvenient for diuresis, and eating it is guaranteed to cause problems.

Some boiled water with bamboo leaves and fed them with sesame oil.

But in fact, as long as the traditional Chinese medicine is prescribed, double diarrhea will do, and the stool will be diarrhoea.

As for the loss after the diarrhea, that is another matter.

You can't make up when you're pursuing double diarrhea, can you? How to open the formula?

Give it to Li Yi, Li Yi has to look at people specially, who is it? Come on, check the whole set before I dare to give a prescription, I need to mobilize the system's big data reserve information to compare.

"I know Master!" Qingdai's little girl wrote it down and went back to the little robot to ask for specific data.

"Master, I don't want to study medicine? It's too difficult." Li Guizang felt aggrieved.

"Okay! As a teacher, I will start teaching you biology, plant biology, animal biology, and other subjects such as cultivating better seeds and cattle and sheep."

Li Yi is as good as he is, and students are tired of learning. It is the teacher's responsibility to not attract children during class.

"Master, as soon as I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry to mention two people, and my head buzzed, and I was confused and said the wrong thing."

Li Guizang knew that it was more difficult after hearing it. I should study medicine, at least I'm getting started now.

"Okay, learn medicine to a certain level and then learn those, because it involves the content of medical genes."

Li Yi once again understands the students, what a good child, he knows how to start from the basics.

"Junior sister, we passed the boy's subject, the jinshi subject, and the scholar's subject. As a result, we learned from scratch."

Li Guizang realized that everything before was just a wave when the yacht was moving forward. Am I a genius?

Zhuozhuo covered his mouth with his hand and yawned: "Senior brother, are you free? What are you going to do if you don't study with Master? Do you want to become a teacher?

"Junior sister, don't make trouble, UU reading As my identity, what I take in the exam is not up to me in the end. But I have one thing in mind, help Master, seriously, no kidding."

Li Guizang said with a serious expression, his emotional intelligence is not bad!

"Let's finish our meal! We are different from others. It's difficult for others to see 'Dongzhu Li' once.

The burning little girl is also very serious, she doesn't think that senior brother dares to make such a joke.

"Don't eat spicy food, yesterday we were busy taking the pulse of others, we didn't rest well enough, the gastrointestinal tract didn't get better, eat wontons, eat slowly, garlic eggplant and cucumber are fine, tofu and dried tofu are not good, spring onions mixed with tofu look Be greedy, don't touch it."

When the little girl Qingdai gave an order, she had the power to control her junior brother and junior sister.

When she was talking, she swallowed her saliva when she saw the shallots mixed with tofu, but she knew that she couldn't touch it. Wait a minute, and ask Master to make it again at noon.

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