Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2397: How many benefits are exchanged

"I also invite Bishop Li Dong." Yang Huanjin surrendered, he was not stupid enough to think he had to figure out a way.

Since the person next to him opened his mouth, he said he wanted to help.

"One is business expansion. In some places, transportation is inconvenient, and eating salt is still very expensive. The Salt Gang organizes people to deliver salt by hand."

Li uses chopsticks to stir the cold noodles, otherwise it will be a mess.

Yang Huanjin nodded: "As the cost increases, the price increases."

"Twenty percent of the profit, then every year after that, the profit is reduced by 2 percent, and finally to 5 percent.

If you know how to operate, I allow you to monopolize the way of sending salt, and other salts are not allowed to enter for ten years.

Ten years later, within 20 years, others will go in and pay 30 percent of the salt tax.

You develop your own business, keep your brand and people's heart in mind, and perseverance will pay off.

If you don't do it, the Tang Dynasty Fund will do it. If you want to go in again, there will be a 30% salt tax. "

Li Yi finished eating cold noodles. This is not cold noodles. You can't eat it after soaking for a while.

Yang Huanjin looked at Huang Xianrong, the two of them didn't eat, and wrapped the towel around to find other people, the little leaders of the Salt Gang.

The little bosses gathered to eat in the pool less than twenty meters away, and they also chatted while eating.

They found that the impact of sea salt was greater than the impact of the salt lake east of the river.

Some people are very pessimistic and feel that there is no way out for selling salt. One pound per pound, and one pound or two for sea salt. When did the price become this?

"Xiaoyi, if salt is sold exclusively, will it make more money?"

Song Jing was smart and thought of the state monopoly and tax increase.

After he finished watching Bi Gou, I helped you!

Bi Gou didn't make a sound. He used chopsticks to eat the garlic cloves of the spicy fish. After the fish was processed for a long time, garlic cloves would appear. It also depends on the fish.

Li Yi took another sip of cold noodle soup: "With me here, I won't be charged the salt and iron tax. I can't imagine the day when I will consider charging this tax again.

Only when the wealth is stored in the people can it be obtained from the people, and only when it is obtained from the people can it be used for the people.

I, Zhuangzi, can't make a lot of money in a short period of time now, and the people have a certain amount of money.

The rich have no spare money, how can I sell luxury goods?

For the imperial court, money is just a figure, but for the people's livelihood, the material is real, and the food is there.

Every movement of money, in the state of profit and taxation, is a devaluation.

If the currency circulation cannot be based on the production technology and the transformation of production technology into productive forces, the money will become more and more worthless.

The reason why I do not use credit currency to issue, but use collateral to issue exchange certificates, is to stabilize the economic and financial system.

Because I don't need to look at other people's faces, and I don't need GDP and GDP to deal with external shocks. "

After Li Yi went on to eat, he didn't need to explain the terms to the ministers. The ministers knew everything.

He did not want to follow his own country's tax policy and economic development rules at that time, because the interests of the people were sacrificed.

When you go to the supermarket to buy things, you have to pay the tax, but in some countries, the tax is on the receipt.

When you need to pay personal income tax, the receipt will be deducted.

Taxes are high and deductions are allowed.

His country does not have it. When collecting taxes, look at other countries and say what percentage of taxes other countries charge, we will also collect them.

When it comes to tax deductions, it is said that national conditions are different.

Li Yi also has absolute military power, but he doesn't want to be a hooligan, Li family Zhuangzi wants shame! where the faith lies.

The ministers didn't say a word, they pondered while eating, some money could not be earned, and Xiao Yi refused.

"Master Li, we have negotiated and are willing to build the road."

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong came back, and Yang Huanjin made a statement.

He understood what Li Yi meant. The Shudi Salt Gang went to other places to sell salt. The road conditions were not good, the cost increased, and the profit ratio told you.

The profit from the early stage will be used to repair the road. Once the road is repaired, the transportation cost will be reduced, and others will not be able to enter.

The previous 20% profit may become 60% profit. As for others who want to make money using this road, they have to ask the Shudi Salt Gang whether or not they agree.

Li Yi nodded, it's good if you can think of it, but...

"There are also five models. One is that you are optimistic about the situation in the early stage. After the road is repaired, the court spends money to buy it and give you a profit.

The second model is that you choose a place, the imperial court builds the road, you save costs, but you have to pay 10% tax, and your profit is maintained at 5%.

The third type is that you work with the local people to clarify the profit relationship. The imperial court will review it, and I will review it, and I will not worry about others, and build it together.

The fourth is that you look for mountain people and ask them to become naturalized. As long as it is not hard violence or soft violence, one naturalization will give you a reward.

The last one is that you invest in local people, including leasing land, but you must hire people to work and build roads, giving you a ten-year monopoly.

In fact, there are several kinds, but they are not useful. Your organizational structure is too loose, and your interests and loyalty are the most important. "

Li Yi clenched his fists first, and went out finger by finger.

Yang Huanjin and Huang Xianrong: "..."

I just discussed with my brothers and thought of an additional method, which is the first one that Li Dongzhu said, and I think it is very powerful.

It was only now that I realized that what I thought and thought, Dongzhu Li knew long ago.

They look at the other people, aren't you shocked?

Bi Gou and the others bowed their heads to eat, what can they say? Isn't this normal!

Xiaoyi has a series of strategies, routine operations, and nothing bright. You will only understand what it means to be overwhelming when he uses foreign troops and logistical support.

The Later Turks barely maintained last year, but because of the wrong move, Xiaoyi seized the opportunity, and at the same time mobilized the resources of the four paths, and finally drove the Later Turks to Xiaohai.

Tubo too, Xiaoyi sent someone to bring something over there.

The loophole that Tubo made first, Da Lun gave Datang an excuse for handling affairs, a little bit, just a little bit.

The birth of Princess Jincheng's soldiers came under the city.

Now he only solves an internal problem and gives you five solutions. You have a lot of face.

At least he considers it from your point of view. You ask Da Zuorong, how did more than 60,000 people get back to the Tang Dynasty?

For dinner, this cold noodles can't be soaked for too long, but why are there peppers on the side dishes? Oh, the cake was not put in.

"Hehehe..." Li Longji smiled: "Don't worry, choose one before you go, none of them will make you suffer, your own people."

Li Longji knows his son-in-law, Yidi, and will not cheat on the inside.

When fighting the Southwest Man, the Yan Gang contributed, and when they seized the source of the Yellow River, the Yan Gang desperately tried their best.

The Yan Gang combined with other Shu gangs to transport war materials at any cost, and many good men fell on that road.

The one with the broken leg is still undergoing rehabilitation training. Brother Yi took out a lot of good medicines.

The other party is no longer dead, and he prefers to use his lifespan to change the medicine to make the other party recover quickly.

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