Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2402: Summary of people's livelihood forests

"Brother Yi, the shaking is not so violent anymore." After half an hour, Li Longji found that the ship was stable.

"Just get out of that sea area. Let's dock at night and rest there."

Li Yi said and found that the speed of the boat had changed again, the same as when it was sailing down the Yangtze River.

"Third brother, I'll give you a pulse." Li Yi felt the speed and turbulence of the yacht, and wanted to give the old man a pulse.

"It's okay, riding a horse is more bumpy than this, brother Yi, don't worry."

Li Longji waved his hand, no need to do so, I am strong.

Some others can't, vomit, look pale after vomiting, don't want to eat, and feel uncomfortable when alive, it is best to faint with a stick.

Nurses gave the 'patients' acupuncture and moxibustion, and fed Huoxiangzhengqi water and pinellia **** soup.

"The sea is really dangerous." Li Dan looked outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He is not seasick, important people take medicine in advance, and oxygen is always ready.

"Good men who go to sea work hard for Tang Dynasty, and they will be rewarded in the future."

When Concubine Doulu saw the sea, she sighed that it was not easy for soldiers.

"It is difficult to give a certain number to those who are more or less, so let them worry about such things!"

Li Dan doesn't know how much the reward should be, what if there is more? Continue to give more?

When the soldiers went out and knew the profit, they inevitably thought about it. For example, they went to buy and sell by themselves.

Thinking of the same question, Li Longji asked casually, "After knowing the sea route and trade, will the generals flee from the army to make a fortune?"

"Where do you get rich? In the end, you have to trade with Datang. If the fugitives don't come to Datang, they will confiscate the ships he sent, capture his staff, and send troops to capture them back."

Li Yi didn't let go of the plan to leave the army, and went out with the Tang Dynasty's boat. After understanding the situation, he went it alone? dream!

He doesn't say that there are soldiers who have families, and some people can abandon their families and find beautiful women outside to continue their marriage.

Direct force to solve, where to run? There are tribes in the area, offering rewards. If there is no one, what are you doing? Play wild survival?

"Wealth and silk move people's hearts, I hope not."

Li Longji suddenly felt compassion and did not want to arrest people.

Li Yi made **** tea and brought it to Li Longji: "Unless the Tang Dynasty treated them and their families unfairly, such as local forces bullying their family members, the imperial court would not care, or they would be reluctant to leave the Tang Dynasty."

He comforted Li Longji and lived a comfortable life in Datang. The people who went to sea last time built buildings.

Those who haven't built a house are waiting for the opportunity, and this time they go to sea to keep up with it and build it when they get the reward.

Going outside is considered a culprit, so aren't you afraid that Datang will send someone to arrest him?

"Take care of the soldiers' families. This year, Mount Tai has been enshrined in Zen. Your Majesty doesn't want to mention that the people live a good life. What do you think?"

When Li Longji thought of the soldiers' families, he remembered what he said to Zhang.

"It should be said that the people's life is indeed better, they know how to apply various fertilizers in farming, and test the pH of the soil with test paper.

The people of Shu enjoyed the benefits of the war, and the income of the people in Guanzhong and Hedong Road increased by a large margin.

The roads in Shannan Road are well built, and every year a large number of things are sold to Dugi Road.

Planting new indica rice in Nanjiang will not starve, let alone the people of Henan.

The people of Huainan Road have the Yangtze River water transportation, the canal, the local iron smelting, and the large iron ore.

Many mountain people in Lingnan Road became naturalized, and people in Guangzhou, Luzhou and other places lived well.

After Jiannan Dao withstood the Southwest Man, there was no threat of war, and there were other mountain goods to sell.

Didn't the Qianzhong Dao send special personnel to contact the mountain people and common people to build roads and engage in activities?

Longyou Road is a heavily guarded place, giving them a lot of things.

In a large area of ​​Hebei Road, wells were dug to produce water, and large animals were distributed, and they were sent to steam engines in a few days.

Compared with all previous dynasties, Kaiyuan was a prosperous age. "

Li Yi counted his fingers, and he arranged every place, and he has not been idle all these years.

Is this not enough? It will be a few years before the next Feng Chan.

Li Longji didn't dare, not because of himself. He said that the people were not doing well, and Li Longji felt ashamed.

Li Longji nodded again and again, yes, yes! All parts of the entire Tang Dynasty were taken care of.

According to this, Taishan Fengchan can be mentioned, which is great.

Li Yi continued: "At that time, our majesty can still say that the royal family is Ding Xingwang, and the queen is a character and a daughter. Together, it is a good word."

"Yes, what Brother Yi said is very true, I... I really have to tell His Majesty."

Li Longji once again found that Yidi was a good person and worried about his conduct.

It's not worth his many years of looking after him, and he didn't let him go down the wrong path.

"Brother Yi, sit down and go back for your brother." Li Longji wanted to find the ministers to discuss the matter of Fengchan again.

"I'm going back, this is your room." Li Yi got up, where are you going?

"Send you for my brother." Li Longji responded, sent Li Yi outside the door, and waved his hand.

Li Yi waved his hand helplessly and walked a few steps into his room.

"Have a meeting, have a meeting with them." Li Longji turned around and told the little robot.

"I'm Zero Three Three, the owner left me, I want to go back." The little robot didn't squeeze out just now.

"Find someone before you leave." Li Longji blocked the door, who cares who you are.

"Come on, goodbye!" Zero Sansan contacted the other little robots.

Not long after, the ministers pushed the little robot in.

The little robots greeted each other and ran to the wall to stand.

"Brother just changed..." After seeing the ceremony, Li Longji talked about the things that were negotiated.

The ministers understood, and hurried to rewrite the manuscript.

The yacht was fast and entered the Korean Strait where Li Yi was when it was dark.

Li Yi thought about going to the Japanese country to ask if they were coming, but found that the distance was too far, and sighed, forget it.

Wait for the letter to be delivered in the past, the Japanese country to negotiate, and then send a ship over, half a month is probably not enough.

For dinner, everyone eats seafood, dips in Sanhe oil, which contains **** juice, which is helpful for seasickness.

People who vomited during the day, slowed down and looked at the sea in the night, feeling even more terrifying.

However, there is a lot of seafood here, the yacht slows down, and if you take a net, you will catch a group of fish.

After the yacht stopped for a few minutes, the small robot went into the water to fish for something, and everyone had a seafood dinner.

"This big guy is a stone crab. It's big, and when I eat it, it has a lot of It's enjoyable. In fact, the taste is not as good as that of hairy crabs, so I can eat it."

Princess Yongmu introduced seafood to a group of women. The last time she and Li Yi went out, they ate a lot of seafood.

Big crabs are served on a large plate, steamed, and one person obviously can't eat a whole king crab unless he eats nothing else.

"It doesn't matter how it tastes, the meat is real meat. If the people can eat it, it's something to add eggs."

Concubine Doulu broke off a crab leg by herself, and she had already opened it, and she could directly use chopsticks to pick out the meat.

"If you go back to the Queen Mother, it's protein." Xiao Lan helped move the small bowl of Sanhe Oil.

She was allowed to eat at this table, and other women in the palace where Li Longji did not have a son were not allowed.

At this table, her status is the lowest, she is busy, but she is very happy, let her go to the next table, she has a high status, she is not willing!

"Yes, Xiaolan knows a lot. She plucks out the meat, sun-dries it, and brings it back. I wonder if the price is high?"

Concubine Doulu nodded, dipped it in Sanhe oil, and squinted her eyes to taste.

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