Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2409: What to say about parting is eternal worry

"Anyway, we have something to give back, right?" Li Yi shrugged.

"I don't want to eat anymore, I just want to cry." Liu Chong was sad and scared.

"It turns out that it's so simple, it's not difficult for those who know it, but not for those who are difficult."

Lu Huaishen thought about it for a while, showing that he didn't care.

He believed that no one in the audience would speak out. He knew that soap was made of oil, and then he could de-oil it.

"Is it true that if you have oil on your hands and wash your hands with plant ash?"

Li Chengqi said that he never asked about the specific skills of Li Jiazhuangzi.

Li Longji nodded: "Use local resources to make things to give back to the local people, good!"

He doesn't care, he believes that people around him won't speak out, what can he gain by speaking out? What was found to be lost?

The whole family lives in Zhuangzi of Li's family, and if there is a headache, Brother Yi will show him.

Moreover, some of the armor and weapon manufacturing technology before the Tang Dynasty, the ministers also know, who dares to spread it? Artisans are tight-lipped.

Zhang Jiuling glanced at Li Yi helplessly: "It's a good idea."

"We still have to continue to collect sea cucumbers and shellfish and take them back to eat. Soap is useless. Our fishing fleet can fish."

Li Yi emphasized, don't ask me to take soap away, I want seafood.

In the middle of the night, the little robot went into the water to fish, and the yacht left the port to catch fish.

The problem of salt is solved by the yacht itself, not osmosis or reverse osmosis, which needs to be exchanged.

Electricity-consuming distillation purification is sufficient, and solar energy is used during the day.

The saponification reaction is waiting, and then the glycerin is separated, leaving the salt and impurity solution, don't, just throw it away, and there is no shortage of brine.

Then in the middle of the night, Li Yi was tossed, Yao Chong and Song Jing had nightmares, and they told about the technique of making soap, and woke up scared.

Li Yi dealt with it, and regretted it. If I knew this, I would not say it. I also want to sleep well. Do you two have a ghost in your heart?

Or... would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go?

In fact, there is no major problem between the two of them. Isn't it normal to wake up from a dream! There is nothing more than Li Yi, and if you have a nightmare, you will find Li Yi.

For three consecutive days, the villagers' new sheds were built, and six boats were also built waiting to be put into the water.

They watched as such a large piece of wood turned into a plank with a thump, and turned into a boat with a thump.

These six larger wooden boats with nails have to continue to be anointed with oil and continue to dry, and now they are reluctant to go into the water.

They fish the seafood, and they don't need to deal with it. The yacht has equipment, otherwise, it doesn't take long to wait for it to be dried.

The injured person is currently in good condition, and Li Yi is willing to take medicine.

Like when he was in the Ryukyu election, someone was shot, and the bullet went in from one side of the jaw and came out from the other side of the temple.

With such a serious injury, the person was able to come out to participate in activities normally the next day, and no swelling could be seen.

In fact, the wound was pasted with something, and makeup was applied outside.

The medicine is good. For example, during the epidemic, the madman in that North American country was infected. Why did he recover so quickly?

Li Yi always felt that the other party was not using the propaganda drug, but that the other party was injected with the protein of other people who were sick and produced immune antibodies, just like the tetanus immune globulin injected by tetanus.

There was a period of propaganda that people who survived could use the blood and protein tissue, and people were asked to donate it.

After that, it was no longer publicized, and the whole world blocked it.

The medicine he gave to people bitten by sharks fell into this category, and it worked quickly.

He either takes the other party away or makes the other party recover quickly.

After weighing it, he chose the latter.

As long as the other party doesn't exercise vigorously and takes medicine according to the doctor's orders, he will be able to act like a normal person in a few days. After half a month... Do you still remember that shark? Kill him with weapons.

The villagers cried again when a large pile of separated soap on straw mats appeared in front of them.

They understand that the time to part has come.

And when twenty Yulin Feiqi stayed behind and said that more people would come over in the future, they laughed.

The yacht slowly left the pier, and the villagers on the shore looked at Yu Lin Feiqi, who was left behind, and waved, followed by waving.

"I don't want to, say goodbye..."

"Go away, what are you inciting?" Li Yi slapped Zero Sansan's head with a slap.

"Just sing a song, but I won't let you."

Zero Sansan muttered and turned around, but Que turned his head from time to time to look at Li Yi, looking aggrieved.

Li Yi: "…"

So he slapped again: "You are an intelligent robot, not a dog."

"Can dogs sing? I will sing, when yesterday becomes tomorrow, and tomorrow becomes a fragment of memory..." The little robot became stubborn.

"When I go back, I'll be Fengchan from Mount Tai. What tomorrow, what episode? Fengchan knows what it means?" Li Yi continued to shoot the little robot.

"That is, when meeting becomes goodbye, goodbye becomes distant thoughts, tears and smiles are not forever. Can you remember what happened after Feng Chan in normal history?"

The little robot lowered his voice when he said the last sentence, tears and smiles are not forever, people's hearts...

"Just be happy, why don't you live so tired." Li Yi shook his head, unwilling to think.

In fact, I have already thought about it. In history, Zhang said that Taishan Fengchan was in charge, and Li Longji used him to balance others.

Zhang said that he arranged for his own people to go up the mountain, and then a lot of five-rank officials were rewarded after Feng Chan.

Afterwards, the group attacked him, sharing the same hatred with the enemy, and Zhang said to step down.

Li Longji is the master. At the beginning, Zhang Shuo was demoted and Bi Gou died. Behind Song Jing was Yao Chong, so Yao Chong had a hard life, and Li Longji would also ask Yao Chong for political affairs.

Behind Su Ting is Zhang Shuo, Zhang Shuo moved to Shanxi after Dongting Lake, UU Reading is also Wang Han's place.

Later, Li Longji found that there was an imbalance of power in the DPRK and China, and changed Zhang Shuo back to Zaifu.

When Zhang said to help Li Longji clean up other people, he arranged for relatives to do small tricks while Feng Chan, and Li Longji knew it.

When others criticized him, Li Longji took him down, and others regained balance.

Li Longji at that time was really awesome! Too bad he died too late.

According to the theory of later generations, he could have died twenty-five years early, a generation of Ming Jun.

"Yeah, if you live a tired life, you won't be tired if you die early." The little robot said again.

"Earlier, why do you have to die? Then why isn't anyone alive?"

Li Yi responded to the little robot, who is Li Dan.

"Yes!" The little robot felt right.

Others didn't hear what Li Yi and the little robot whispered behind, how could they know that the two 'people' were discussing whether Li Longji should die early.

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They only heard the previous words: that is, when meeting becomes goodbye, goodbye becomes distant miss, tears and smiles are not forever.

There is no metrical format, of course, the inner touching is the same.

"When can I come again?" Li Dan felt deeply. As he was getting older, he was afraid that every meeting would be the last fate.

"When there are more steam engines, it will be convenient to come and go, and you can arrive at any time. At most three years, no, two years, to solve the Silla problem."

Li Yi made a guarantee, no problem. Our weapons are powerful. Under the automatic rifle, I can't win Silla. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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