Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2415: Before reaching the top of the mountain, it has been sealed

"Uh..." Li Yi didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, don't be afraid of the wind." Li Longji confirmed that there was wind.

Li Yi: "..."

He didn't see the wind blowing, the sun was round now, and the grass around him didn't move.

There are some scattered Artemisia seeds on the roadside. Today is the seventh day of the fifth lunar month.

On the Dragon Boat Festival the day before yesterday, people went up to the mountains to collect wormwood seeds. As soon as the lunar calendar entered the fifth month, people gathered wormwood seeds, bundled them, and sold them to Lijiazhuangzi's fleet.

The fleet will be loaded onto the ship and flow downstream into Bohai Bay, down to Haizhou, and transported by train, which can save a day and a half.

Otherwise, you can only go upstream. If the wind direction is not good, the delay will be longer.

No matter what kind of Artemisia seeds are collected, those who can make Jue malaria pills are picked out on the boat. This medicine has always been a good seller.

They are sent to places where malaria can occur, and a few pills are also stored in people's homes.

The price of Jue malaria pills in Datang is cheap, but it is more expensive to take out.

The common people do not sell, they understand that good things are cheap for themselves, and selling them by themselves will harm the interests of the Li family Zhuangzi.

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At noon, everyone ate something casually, and in less than an hour, they were on the road again.

This time of stay is still for the livestock. There are horses, donkeys, and mules, but the cattle are not needed, and the walking speed is slow.

Unless the cow is stimulated, the cow runs like a gallop.

In the evening, part of the team had just arrived at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly there was a strong wind.

whirring, whirring, bluffing...

The team changed in an instant, and everything was in order.

Li Longji said to Li Yi, "Brother Yi, thanks to your advance notice, we arranged for manpower to deal with it. What will happen to Mount Tai tomorrow?"

Li Yi once again: "..."

I really don't know! I mean, in history, you went to Mount Tai and Feng Chan was windy, but why is it blowing today?

You were in autumn at that time, now it is summer, and there is one season left. It rained when you went up, can it rain now?

Thinking so, Li Yi said smoothly, "It doesn't matter if it rains."

"Yeah!" Li Longji nodded, understanding that it was going to rain.

The team outside completed the operation of setting up camp against the wind without the slightest problem.

The tents for rest and the sheds for eating were all set up, and it was predicted in advance.

Everyone knows why, they thought Li Yi figured it out, but in fact...

"Dongzhu Li knows how to pretend to be a mortal all day long, and an immortal is an immortal! What else can we say?"

"I guess it's because I'm afraid that other immortals will know. Haven't you read Journey to the West? It's easy to be calculated by others."

"The wind is really strong. If we hadn't told us in advance and we were prepared, it would have been messed up all of a sudden."

"At the critical moment, Li Dongshou's affairs are safe, can he watch His Majesty suffer?"

"Why didn't Li Dongzhu directly tell Feng to stop?"

"Stupid? If you do that, others will notice, come and see, ah! You're down? Haha! You always bullied me at the beginning, but now it's me."

"That's it, hurry up, stretch the rope again, don't blow it off."

The people in the team naturally regarded Li Yi as an immortal, because he was currently cultivating in the mortal world.

Gao Lishi hurried over and shouted from outside the car door: "Your Majesty... that county magistrate, Li Dongzhu, many people around came to help put sandbags and press the rope."

As soon as he was in a hurry, he forgot that Li Longji was the county magistrate of Fangqu, and only knew that it was the county magistrate.

"Go out and have a look." Li Longji looked at Li Yi.

Li Yi has nothing to do, just look at it! It's just that the wind is blowing unpleasantly, so I will recuperate after dinner at night.

There are many people living at the foot of the mountain. There is water on the mountain, and there will be a small plain that is impacted. Everyone lives here.

They participated in the road construction, but now that the wind is blowing, they rush to help.

Sand is piled up on the roadside, ready to deal with heavy rain at any time, and a lot of sand is packed in sacks, otherwise it will be washed away by the rain.

Now the people lift the sandbags and press them on the piling drills to prevent the drills from being pulled out due to the unreliable nails.

Li Longji and Li Yi went out, and the people helped out against the wind.

The animals took off their covers, and the people led them to the side, irrigating their eyes with water to avoid sudden irritability in the eyes of the animals.

More than a dozen children worked hard to lift the big sandbag and walked with their heads lowered. Suddenly, a child fell. He quickly got up and continued to grab the edge of the sack.

Li Longji rushed over, grabbed the sack, and carried it on his shoulders.

Li Yi reluctantly picked up another bag, ouch! It had to weigh more than 200 pounds, and he also ran over to put it down.

When they were done, the people smiled.

Li Longji pooh the sand in his mouth: "It doesn't matter whether you can climb the mountain, the seal of Zen has actually ended, and the people of the Tang Dynasty sealed it."

He was moved. Before him, there were four generations of emperor Taishan Fengchan.

Wu Zetian was not in Mount Tai, but went to Mount Song.

No matter how many times other emperors came to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen, they were all responsible for their own teams.

Today is not a team, the people rushed to help.

Feng Chan put it bluntly to use the name of heaven to get people to recognize it.

Now he has been recognized by the people, and if the people are sealed, it is sealed.

"Brother Yi, are you right?" Li Longji turned his head and asked Li Yi.

"There are men or women who have an ideal of happiness, they work hard, and then their wives and husbands silently support them.

They struggled up, thinking that they had touched happiness just by looking at it, but in fact they already had it.

But this mountain, we still have to go up, go back and share this joy with those who support As long as you don't abandon the people who support you, you have done nothing wrong. "

Li Yi knew what Li Longji was thinking. He first said what happiness was, and then said whether he wanted to go up the mountain.

Li Longji spit sand again: "Yes, go up, Brother Yi, you work hard so that the people of Datang don't have to pay rent in the future. It's polite for the brother."

Li Longji bowed to Li Yi, and then found that Yi brother was gone.

Li Yi hid aside: "Third brother, you treat the people so politely, the people are worth it."

He said you bowed to the people, there are people behind me, don't bow to me.

"At least let the living standards of the people around Mount Tai improve first."

Seeing that Brother Yi was not accepted, Li Longji continued to make demands. It was simple, he thought so.

Brother Yi, you've already gone to the local area. It is natural to look at the local conditions and help the people make money.

Li Yi nodded: "No problem."

The other ministers nodded, yes, Xiaoyi has already come. If he can't help the people of a place live a good life, something must be wrong.

As for how to operate, don't ask me, ask Xiaoyi, how do I know?

"Cook first, and let everyone check their bodies. The local medical stone is also good, not worse than Songshan, and there are plaster."

Li Yiduo didn't pause for a minute, and directly said how to make the people make money.

Picking medical stone and gypsum, medical stone has always been a good thing, especially when it is placed in a water tank to purify water.

When raising seedlings, use the water of medical stone, and the seedlings will grow well.

Gypsum has many uses. You can order tofu or make handicrafts, which can be used as industrial raw materials.

Other coal mines, iron mines, etc. can't be said, that will damage the environment of Mount Tai. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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