Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: Your Majesty begs for rain to continue

"Where are you staying tonight?" In the evening, it will take more than five hours for everyone to go back.

Li Longji wants to ask, the office is not affected, the small robot and the drone in the sky are responsible for transmitting the data.

The state capitals are used to sending telegrams every day. If there is any paperwork, don't talk nonsense, just send it directly and simply.

Before, I always praised Li Longji or Datang before talking about business.

How can the telegram have time to say useless content? Get the groceries now.

"There is a place in front of the Funiu Mountains. I don't know if there will be a mudslide. We will walk there in half an hour."

Li Yi suggested that he was worried that there would be a lot of rain and landslides there.

"Yeah!" Li Longji agreed, let's go, set up camp at a stable location below, send Yulin Fei to ride up the mountain to check, and call the people down regardless of whether there is any danger.

There is no danger. I normally have fun with the people, that is, eat together.

There are dangers, the landslides, the people's houses and the things they support are gone, and the people are still there.

When the team set off, the people in the village showed regretful expressions. His Majesty and Li Dongzhu left, and the rainwater they received was not allowed to drink, and they would get sick if they drank it.

An hour later, the tents were set up, and the people who lived on the mountain came down, bringing their prey caught in winter.

They have land, a lot of land under the mountain, but they live on the mountain.

The living on the mountain is dense, and even if the mountain is opened, thorns will be planted.

Thorns can't stop people, but some beasts.

Naughty children also only eat leeks and shallots grown by others, and if there are sweet potatoes, they will pick two.

For the beans grown by others, children will not steal the boiled edamame when they are green, and they will not cook the beans when they are mature.

Stealing vegetables is not stealing food, unless you grow corn and roast two of them, you can't cook them. You need to take them home when you cook them.

There is no corn now, and a little field on the mountain is basically planted with cowpeas, lentils and soybeans.

Sprinkle a circle of perilla seeds around, and the perilla will grow to prevent some insects, or the millet will be planted to block the birds.

Cucumbers are not planted in the mountains far away from home. This is guaranteed to be picked by the children and eaten as fruit, and none of them will be left for you.

"Have meat to eat, hey hey hey!" There was a village guard in sixty or seventy households.

"Duan Cunzheng, whose family is it?" Li Yi asked the villager, and his name was Duan Baihe. Not many people here have the surname Duan.

"I picked it up when my father was here, I don't know who threw it away, and put it in the place where the river fetches water and washes the laundry for 30 years.

In the summer, there is a wooden basin, the child is in it, a fine linen cloth is used as a cushion, it is covered with lotus leaves to shade it, and there are more than a dozen copper coins.

When I raised them, I found that the children were stupid. Our village is small, and there is no guardian of the village, so we stayed.

It turns out that the village is not in this location, and it has to go three miles away. Twelve years ago, I remember it very clearly.

He shouted that it was over, the house collapsed, and everyone didn't understand. It was as if he was crazy and scared.

Just moved to the current place, and after a month or so, it rained heavily, and it was about the same as today. There was a landslide. "

Baihe, the main section of the village, told Li Yi that the village guards we raised were not raised in vain.

Li Yi's sweat pores all over his body opened, and he had goose bumps all over his body. It was too scary, too mysterious, is it true?

"Did he call for the house to collapse today?" Li Yi asked with a slightly trembling voice.

"No, ah? Li Dongzhu, you mean..." Duan Baihe looked at Li Yi.

"I didn't say anything. I waited for a while to eat. When I came here, I hunted on the mountain. It took more than half an hour to eat."

Li Yi is currently unclear about the situation. Yulin Fei rides up the mountain to see if there is a danger of landslides.

Li Yi decided to ask other villagers for a lie detector test. He was really frightened.

I was told by others that I was fascinated. I know why. This idiot predicted the landslide a month in advance?

Change it to the situation on the mountain of Zhuangzi, I know, what data does the fool have to support? By feeling?

The lights were turned on, and the people were bathing in the river in the mountains.

The man and the woman are separated. After washing and dressing, they feel decent.

When there are small babies, they are naked, especially the little boys. They are caught by the adults and put on a bellyband to protect the front chest, especially the navel.

From the appearance of the little doll, you can tell that the people in the village are living a good life.

All of them are white and fat, and need enough nutritional support.

Otherwise, there are children in some parts of Africa, as well as parts of Central and South America, with thin limbs, big stomachs, and malnutrition.

Seeing that dinner was about to start, Yulin Feiqi came back to report that there was no problem, and there was no landslide.

"It rained suddenly today, and we thought it would last for two days, but we're not afraid, but it's just troublesome, we're going to water the vegetables. Master Li, do you think it's God's blessing?"

Duan Baihe helped Li Yi. He said he could cook.

Li Yi patted the cucumber, and he patted the garlic next to him.

"Your Majesty ordered the Four Seas Dragon King to rain today, and set up a platform more than four feet high.

Your Majesty said that the wind was rising, and the gust of wind suddenly rose. Your Majesty said that the clouds surged, and the clouds were densely covered. Your Majesty said that the rain was coming, and the rain was falling.

This is how the rain came. You will know tomorrow that the platform over there is still there. "

Li Yi couldn't miss the opportunity, hurry up to publicize it, His Majesty did this.

"No wonder!" Duan Baihe believed it in an instant, and Dongzhu Li said yes, there must be no mistake.

He paused when he patted the garlic: "Master Li, has your Majesty beat the Dragon King of the Four Seas?"

"No! It's not like they didn't come. I'm here. I promise to stop me. It's not easy for the Dragon King of the Four Recently, it's raining in the East China Sea.

His Majesty saw my face and didn't take action, just reprimanded me, alas! Sometimes blocking is the hardest.

Before, His Majesty Taishan enshrined Zen, you know Houtu? Hades, open, Hades said that he wanted to come out and catch ninety-nine boys and girls to pay homage.

Your Majesty said that none of them were allowed, and the King of Hell was angry. I gave the King of Hell a piece of candy, and the King of Hell said it was very sweet, so that's it.

So in the future, we will need a variety of sugars. It's good if you grow beets here, and then you will receive boiled sugar. "

Li Yi could see the topography and soil conditions of the village, and it is best to grow sugar beets, fudge! You won't suffer when you plant it.

"Master Li, I also think it's good to grow sugar beets in this area of ​​the village."

Duan Baihe sweated out and was nervous about Li Yi's story, so he decided to plant sugar beets in the future.

"Yeah! There is a certain destiny in the sky, planting beets." Li Yi achieved his goal.

"Master Li, didn't you send sucrose?" Duan Baihe was afraid that Li Yi had made a mistake.

"Promise it's not, beets. I still can't tell the difference between cane sugar and beet sugar? Don't shoot, it'll become garlic juice."

Li Yi turned his head as he spoke. Are you still taking pictures? I want garlic cloves, not garlic juice.

I want to mix cucumbers, not dumplings.

Duan Baihe quickly took some garlic and patted it lightly.

"What I told you, you remember not to tell others easily. For those who are uneasy, you can't reveal a word."

Li Yi looked around and lowered his voice.

"Don't worry Li Dongzhu, I understand." Duan Baihe almost slapped his chest with a knife to assure.


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