Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2446: farewell today

"Boiled peanuts really taste better than boiled edamame."

Yin Sizhen was about to cry again, she felt wronged just now, but now she is happy.

Your Majesty takes care of himself, edamame can be found anywhere, and peanuts are from outside, and Li family Zhuangzi focuses on cultivating them.

"Xiaoyi, are the peanuts harvested now?" Yin Sizhen found that there were a lot of boiled peanuts.

"It'll take another half a month. Now I'm cooking and eating the big ones. It's not bad."

Li Yi shook his head. The peanut harvest he said was normal planting, not a greenhouse.

The greenhouse is not limited by time, it only depends on the planting time and growth cycle.

The peanuts everyone eats are normally grown outdoors, and some of them are cooked in advance.

The lowest person who eats in front of you is the waiter, so there are still some benefits of eating peanuts in advance.

I also packed it for them, cooked two kilograms per person, and went back to the family to eat.

Not two catties of dried peanuts, but two catties after cooking.

Everyone, have a taste, and next year, a lot of crops will be eaten casually.

At that time, the potato seedlings pulled out will be fed to the livestock, the sweet potato seedlings will be picked out for pickled vegetables, and the rest will be fed to the cattle and sheep.

"Brother Yi, I heard Wen Tian say, are you going out?"

Li Longji greeted Li Yi to his side and asked in a low voice so that no one would hear him.

"I will be back in less than two months. There are good things over there, all kinds of seeds, I can bring them back. Some are like tea. After drinking it, I am very excited and can't sleep. There is also a kind of fruit. After you eat it, If you eat sour food, you will find it very sweet…”

Li Yi admitted that he was leaving, and by the way introduced what good things there are in Africa.

In fact, the watermelons that Datang ate came from Africa. God knows how those people chose to bring things?

Li Longji listened, there are many good things in any place Yi Di is going to: "When will you go?"

"After returning to Luoyang, we will set off. At that time, I will not leave the box, and the telegram can be communicated remotely."

Li Yi was in a hurry and quickly brought the oil palm back.

There are also sausage trees, baobab trees, rice bananas, and messy fruits, all of which are sent to Qiongzhou to see if they can take root.

"Pay attention to safety." Li Longji took a few sips of wine before saying this.

"There is something very important at home, I can fly back."

Li Yi was afraid that Li Longji was worried that in the event of an emergency, such as who was sick, the nurses' means could only be maintained and could not be treated.

At that time, he exchanged for a helicopter and flew over jungles and oceans, grasslands and mountains. The aircraft was not good, it was too far and the wind was strong.

"Drink." Li Longji held the cup.

In the next few days, Li Longji will be diligent in his administration, and he will ask about everything.

The yacht returned to Luoyang on a cool rainy day, only moored for one night, and set off early in the morning with a large amount of fuel, weapons, bullets and other things for exchange.

Li Longji and others saw him off by the artificial lake. When the yacht disappeared from view, everyone suddenly felt that Zhuangzi was missing something and was empty.

On the yacht, Qingdai's little girl looked excited: "Master, are there more people going to the places we're going than last time?"

"Many, and they can kill people, make weapons, and have special beliefs.

We actually had exchanges with there, because the people in the middle spread technology and species.

After the past, look for things first, without too much contact with the locals. "

Li Yi briefly explained the situation, the way he chose to deal with it was different from that in America.

America is the place he wants to occupy for a long time, and Africa is not suitable for the past at present.

They have their own wars, who knows which fight they are staring at?

In the future, when there is a need for local things, let other people go to exchange, such as Arabs, Indians, and other people in Southeast Asia.

The exchange process costs a lot, and the advantage is security.

After the Bohai Sea and Silla are dealt with, I will free up my hands to look at the countries of Japan and Southeast Asia.

Africa does not colonize, and India does not care. The Tibetans are responsible for crossing mountains and mountains to India.

Colonization is everywhere, and it collapses quickly in the end. When someone masters the same technology, they will not obey the discipline of the suzerain.

"Master, is there anything valuable there?"

Li Guizang held a bun in his hand. When he ate breakfast, he said he couldn't eat it, so he specially kept four big beef buns.

As soon as he left the Li family Zhuangzi, he could eat again.

"The most valuable thing is the seeds. We don't use too many resources at the moment, but it is where a river is, and there is a lot of good oil."

Li Yi glanced at the second disciple and made sure that the other party didn't want to eat more steamed buns and said he had no appetite in the morning.

It is estimated that it is too exciting to go out to sea and go to a far place.

The Middle East may not be the best, but it is the best mining.

With more oil that can be scooped out with a scoop like the Tang Dynasty, there is no need for a kowtow machine.

At present, we don't have the conditions to make a kowtow machine, but the brine well is better, and light oil is the most convenient to pump out.

There is no need to steam, inject water, or grout.

Li Guizang was a little regretful. The valuables he wanted were gold and silver jewelry: "When will the master send troops to collect oil there?"

"Datang's army is outside to attack, not to defend.

Where there is oil locally, let's make it clear to the local ruler.

Give them some things, and that belongs to us, and we hire others to help mine and guard them. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

They want to go back on it, we have reason to beat them, but they do not comply.

Others beat them and knocked down the site. Let's tell others that the place is ours and we bought it. other people…"

"I know Master, and others disagree. Let's fight others, take the initiative in the offense, and be passive in the defense."

Li Guizang understood, staying behind in the army. When the enemy wants to fight, he has to find an opportunity. The pressure on the army is great.

After the enemy takes over, the army will attack, and the enemy will always have to spend more energy to guard against it.

"Ruzi can be taught." Li Yi was satisfied, this is his own disciple, what's the use of occupying a place?

The yacht went down the river and arrived in Haizhou before noon. A train in Haizhou unloaded the oil barrels in advance, and the yacht was reloaded with oil.

If you can bring more oil, Li Yi will exchange less oil.

The food on board is less, and more is seasoning, for cooking.

The ingredients can be found at any time outside. When you go to the shore, you can exchange with the locals when there are locals. If you don’t see anyone, go hunting yourself.

In East Asia and India, there is farming, and food is abundant.

The big deal, everyone eats seafood, no carbohydrates for a short period of time, only protein is fine.

After landing, get some fruits and dig up edible rhizomes to add carbohydrates.

Amid the cheers of the people in Haizhou, the yacht ran away again, entered the East China Sea, and then passed through the sea between Taiwan and the Philippines instead of going through the Taiwan Strait.

The next route will go directly to Singapore, namely Puluozhong, and cross the Strait of Malacca from the local area.

You can stop in the local area to see the situation. By the way, you can stay on land for two days, eat the food there, and get supplies.

Yachts need fresh water, otherwise they have to reverse osmosis to get water.

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