Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2450: I don't know how lonely the administration is

"Semaphore, found the Datang cruiser, no response from wireless communication, suspected that the other party was electronically silent. In fact, it just ignored us, we are almost there."

The semaphore soldiers at the observation deck on the ship were semaphore. It was relaxing. There was too much nonsense. After gesturing for a while, they were not afraid of their arms being sore.

The key is that he has subjective intentions. When will the flag soldiers become commanders?

The flag soldiers were happy, this is not a ship, this is the entire Tang Dynasty.

My confidence has become strong, even though I have forty-one ships on my side, I will still be afraid when fighting.

The cruiser that comes can easily destroy its own team.

Look at that speed, is it flying low? Every time I fly up and hit the waves, I am afraid that it will fall off.

"They're doing stews. In fact, I always thought it was someone from another place."

Li Yi had already seen the situation from a high-altitude drone, and he deliberately sent a low-flying drone to make a joke.

This method of making dishes is the way of the primitive tribes of Australia.

The later white people in Australia were all criminals, political prisoners and other exile settlements.

The local people were suppressed by them, and even the traditional culture was not well promoted.

Unlike our own country, all the cultural traditions of all ethnic groups are recorded, inherited and carried forward.

The greatest part of my own nation lies in this, I know you, I learn from you, I teach you other things, and then we are together.

It's not how good I am, but how strong we work together.

Even if all the Jewish returnees from all over the world gathered together, the Chinese branch said: This place of peace of mind is my hometown.

Don't tout Judaism as so united and powerful, has China made a noise?

Li Yi Jiatong is good, coming here is not only to make money, diplomacy is more important, and the key point here is that the geographical location is unusual.

The yacht was moving fast, and the people left behind on the boat and the people on the shore stood up straight at the same time, raised their chests and raised their heads, and their faces were solemn.

The locals were frightened, who came? why is it like this?

"Hello, Proprietor!" Shuh, the nearest person raised their hands to salute, which was Li Yi's salute. He thought it was a good move, so he let everyone use it.

"Hello, lord!" Shuh! As the yacht approached, the people on board saluted.

The yacht quickly approached the shore, and the locals were afraid. Don't rush. The water below is not deep enough.

A drift of the yacht, just stopped at a critical water depth.

"Hello, proprietor!" Jia Tong shouted, leading the team.

"Hello, brothers! I'm here! Just now, how long does it take to wash socks?" Li Yi's voice came out.

"Hahahaha..." Everyone laughed.

"I'm going back to wash, I'm going back to wash, the task is at hand." The person who was going to wash the clothes shouted in pain.

"I heard it, don't be afraid. I'll give you a good washing machine when you turn it around. You can throw it in, oh my! The salt can be collected after drying. It will be collected one after another. The local weather is hot, and it will be better after a few days."

The yacht didn't look for a deep-water port, there is a natural one here, but it's a bit far.

Put down the boat, everyone came over in the boat, the dragon flag fluttered.

Li Yi wears official uniforms, and is of the first grade. He doesn't know what position he is, so he has no idea. Anyway, he will not be wrong when he is outside.

When he returned, he instantly became a second-rank civil and military officer.

Princess Yongmu wears princess clothes. The three little guys are all ten years old, and they are also wearing third-grade official uniforms. They look so cute.

Xiaolan has no grade, she doesn't want it at all, but the clothes she wears are gorgeous, no less than Princess Yongmu's princess clothes.

The locals were frightened again. Before, they thought Jia Tong's team was the best.

Seeing something... it was a boat coming over, all those people saluted.

If you can't see your status again, you're stupid.

Li Yi came down, and when he saw the local leader, he clasped his fists first, but didn't bow down: "This official, Datang's overseas reconciliation envoy, are you okay?"

The writing is like this. In fact, the other party's language is much more fluent than Jia Tong's.

The leader bowed his knees, and Li Yi said in time: "No gift!"

Someone was already ready to hold the leader on both sides, don't kneel.

The more this is the case, the less confident the leader is. He doesn't know what to do anymore. This man is amazing!

"Our Majesty knew that you were still out there, so I sent me here to tell you what our people of the Tang Dynasty are going to live, and I will stay here for two days.

You don't even know that your ancestors were from the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the Tang Dynasty was fighting with millions of people.

Now that we have finally won the battle, we can come to find you and let you return to the Tang Dynasty.

I didn't dare before. Tens of thousands of people will die in a war. Do we have enough to die here?

Well now, build a strong house here, and a tall lighthouse, our army comes to help us.

Let's have something cool in the afternoon. I saw what you guys did. It's great. "

Li Yi held the other person's hand with a caring look on his face, and just like that, he made the other person's place his own.

The key is to give something! There are a lot of good things, you don't have much faith in yourself, it's easier.

In this case, there is no need to conquer by force. If you want to conquer by force, it means that you are not capable enough.

In other words, when a country frequently launches wars against small countries, it means that the country is lonely.

How could the other party know so much about the situation? The hand was held by a dead pull, and as soon as it was shaken, it seemed to understand what it meant.

"You are better than him?" the leader asked Li Yi, pointing at Jia Tong.

"It doesn't matter whether it's high or low, it's just that the specific positions that serve the people are different." Li Yihao said hypocritically.

It's like a deputy city chief at that time who used to have a high-speed highway. UU Kanshu was different then, it was pure cash.

And then that person's car will not be allowed to pass, because this is related to the province where you are going. If you belong to the city, I will give you face if I say it. If you say no, you still have to pay?

It's not enough to pay the money. After paying the money, the province will come to check it. Once checked, it is accurate, but no one is clean.

The Tang Dynasty is relatively clean, because officials have beliefs, and this belief is not a doctrine.

Just like in the previous sketches, what do you believe, Auntie? Aunt: I believe in conscience.

Why doesn't she believe in some kind of doctrine? Because those who are 'in charge'...

Now that it's Li Yi's, Li Yi can guarantee that the Tang Dynasty with me is so clean.

I will deal with the unclean at any time, and it is definitely not a warning.

There is no such thing as dismissal or transfer from post. If you find out, you are usually exiled. Go with your family. If you can survive, just try to live!

That's what Li Yi did. He knew the root of corruption.

"You guys are here, there's not enough baked goods to eat."

When Li Yi showed his identity, the leader of the other party still explained the specific situation very honestly.

He is too simple, not enough to eat you and others to eat, but also to let key people eat.

Jia Tong gritted his teeth, are you stupid? You don't know who you are facing? He alone can kill you all.

"Enough to eat. I also roasted it on the boat. I roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes. You can try them. If they are delicious, you can plant them."

Li Yi responded, and his smile did not change.

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