Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2465: Legal Limitation Rules

"Tell me about it, Li Yi, why did you teach the locals how to fish with a pole?"

Song Jing knew about something else and quickly accused Li Yi.

"Not only do I want to teach them this fishing method, but I also order people in the future to come and publish newspapers, and teach them the Tang language by the way."

Li Yi told Song Jing, you think too badly, you should think about it again.

"If the other party doesn't comply later, how can you guarantee it?" Song Jing understood what Li Yi meant.

"If the other party complies, how can you guarantee it?" Li Yi asked back.

"Finally, are the locals easy to get along with?" Song Jing compromised.

"Is Saisuke easy to get along with?" Li Yi was not used to the problem.

"Brother Yi, let's see you! Consider your own identity, Datang is indeed stationed here."

Li Longji doesn't want everyone to bicker, it's useless at all.

To put it another way, before I became a prince, everyone was fighting each other!

It's really not easy for me to survive, I'm afraid of everything, even to the point that I don't want to work in the big house, so I go to Xingqing Palace.

Don't be afraid now, Gong, no matter which one, if you want to go back, go back, but you don't want to go back.

As night fell, the Datang Navy was busy, helping to boil fish oil.

Fish oil can be eaten as well as lighting.

In pottery, the fisherman sits on the pole, and the lights attract the fish.

The locals come to fish, and some people actually have no skills, so they come to learn.

Datang's fleet will also light the lights, and then use this to lure the fish and cast them down in a net.

Fishing is never as fast as a net, but under special circumstances, fishing has become a way for locals to survive.

Li Yi knew how advanced the technology he provided was more than a thousand years ahead of the local situation.

Sri Lanka's economy was not good enough for a long time, including his time.

War cannot solve the problem of people's livelihood, because the person who started the war only wants to show his will.

In fact, this is an ancient topic, and for some ethnic groups, there is no solution.

Theology has impacted modern science. What is God, Jesus, or Sakyamuni, they found that in the end they couldn't explain it with their own advanced science.

But China is different. China has always put politics first, no matter which belief, the people are the most important.

Li Yi wanted to use the situation of local Buddhism, coupled with economic problems, and finally turn this place into a part of China.

Ordinary people can't think of it and dare not think about it, because they have the limitations of the times.

Sinhala's original belief was not Buddhism, but it was later influenced.

Since it can be influenced, who influences is not influence? I slowly let you know about Datang.

All beliefs will ultimately be attributed to survival.

Therefore, he found Katuoji and told the other party that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty allowed himself to contact your king on behalf of the Tang Dynasty.

This is Li Yi, ministers can criticize him when he is internal, and even bully him occasionally and he endures it.

Externally, it is impossible. He does not agree with the method given by a group of people in the Tang court. The king does not need it. Because I was sent by your majesty, I will be your king.

In other words, my Majesty of the Tang Dynasty is higher than your king, and you can only be called a vassal.

Li Yi is so tough, if you don't agree, I'll do it.

Li Yi knows the current problem, many Sinhalese people recognize themselves, so why should I face your king from a lower generation?

After Katuoji communicated with Li Yi, not only was he not angry, but he felt that this was normal.

People can fly, and people can deliver messages thousands of miles away.

The most important thing is that the poor people here have finally found the skills to eat.

People are flying and preaching scriptures, and you ask them how to catch more fish.

The fishing spots that are being chiseled in the sea right now are things that no one else can survive in the future.

The local people all went to learn how to fish, and fishing was entertainment for the people of Li Yi’s time.

For now, fishing is survival.

Fishing is not entertainment from the very beginning. If you catch fish and eat it, you will not be hungry.

Don't take fishing as an entertainment product that you can catch and laugh, but can't catch a laugh.

Is fishing for tuna, especially bluefin, fun? That's money!

"Let's stay here today, there is no other operation, waiting for the king of the other party to come over is too much time-consuming."

Li Yi was not happy at all, he was in pursuit of speed, and quickly asked me to go to Africa to find seeds.

As a result, because of religion and the problem of the Datang team in this place, I was trapped and uncomfortable.

"Deserved, who let him run out."

Liu Youqiu actually wanted to talk about Li Yi, but he felt that his identity was low.

Others don't care about him, ignore him, you don't need to say anything, what's the use of what you say?

"Li Lang, do we still have dinner with them at night? The king will be here for at least a day. Let's wait?"

Princess Yongmu thinks differently. She doesn't care what she eats, but the meaning of her identity in the operation of society.

Just like the so-called Queen of the Federation of Flies in Li Yi's time, everyone gives you a face that you live long enough.

The real federation is the exchange of interests and the competition and compromise for everyone. Can you manage this?

Right now, the inheritance of civilization in the Tang Dynasty is like this. The local people donate the sapphire, and then the emperor can not see each other, and leave a buffer for the negotiation between the two sides at a distance.

At this time, any trade between far and near will be exchanged at a specific place, that is, the terminal according to the price comparison at that time.

"Have you seen it? We have made a contribution this time! It doesn't matter if you eat it or not, let's make a skewer!"

Li Yi knew how much benefit he got from his 'performance' this time, and the locals believed in Buddhism.

Now, when there is more contact with countries related to Buddhism, the local people feel very friendly.

Especially poor people, they know how to fish.

At Li Yi's time, fishing was easy when you said it was easy, and difficult when you said it was difficult.

But its essence is to catch fish, some people put bait, and even make nests.

Some people don't need it, they just find a place in the usual way, and then the fish are caught one by one.

In fact, the most important thing in fishing is the environment. You have to fish for grass carp in the sea, and then hang the bait. If you can't catch it, everyone will be very happy, silly you?

Now Li Yi waits, waits for the king of the other party to send more good things, and then makes contact with the king.

What he wants most is actually gold, and sapphire is not attractive enough to him.

"Li Lang, how much money will we lose if we delay this day?"

Princess Yongmu, who had learned a lot of knowledge, asked Li Yi, did she suffer?

"When the king of the other party arrives, let's communicate normally and don't bully others. If others find that shipping the same product to a farther place makes more money, we should set up another regional distribution in the same industry, and the deposit will limit jumping."

Li Yi does not consider the trade crowd, he cares about the trade rules.

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