Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2470: Skillful use of resource bamboo

"In the future, our two countries need to communicate more. Sinhala can send people to study in the Tang Dynasty. In terms of trade, we will follow the principle of mutual benefit and will not let any party suffer..."

Li Yi took everyone to the awning on the deck and continued to drink tea and eat dried fruits and fruits.

The yacht has a shallow draft and is close to the sea.

Seeing the noon, there are still locals climbing on the poles to fish, but they don't last long. After 20 to 30 minutes of fishing, they will take the fish back with them, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the high temperature.

The people on the shore treated the fish as before and put them on the sand to dry.

Li Yi lent everyone binoculars and asked them to put the straps around their necks. It really worked, and some people were so scared that they let go.

As a result, a group of people fell in love with the telescope again, which was a fetish in their eyes.

They look at the hard-working people in their own country and show a satisfied smile. They will take a look at whoever has more harvests. .

"It will make you confused when you are always in the sun, and the locals can't stand it either."

Princess Yongmu felt distressed, everyone was the same person, and she thought of the people at the seaside of the Tang Dynasty.

"At this time, you should make some preparations, collect materials on the spot, and ensure your own safety."

Li Yi shook his head, the local people's hands-on ability is too poor.

Xiaolan blinked: "What preparations?"

"There are bamboos in the local area, which are still very tall, and coconuts. If you don't make umbrellas, just for sunshade, both bamboo and coconut leaves can be woven into large sun umbrellas.

Tie the umbrella to the post, bring two coconuts on it, punch holes in advance, and use small bamboo knots as straws.

As long as you can stay still, you can fish at noon, unless the wind is particularly strong, and the weather is not suitable for fishing. "

Li Yi believes that in such an environment, there should be umbrellas and drinks for sea fishing.

If you want to put fish, make a bamboo basket and throw it into the water, fasten the lid with hemp rope, open the lid when you catch the fish and throw it in, and then close the lid when the fish goes in.

When leaving, the fish is fresh, and it is not tiring to drag the bamboo basket with the leak hole, and it is not a problem even to carry it on the back.

"Tell them not?" Xiaolan asked quizzically, Li Lang's good idea.

"This place is good. I got the rubber seedlings out and transported them here for some planting. We will have more rubber available in the next few years."

Li Yi found that it is easier to control here and make the area a rubber producing area.

Anyway, it's useless for the locals to hold rubber, play with balls? Not suitable for fire.

Other places are also suitable for planting rubber. There is no way to control it at present. People will pull it out for you.

Li Yi asked someone to fetch the bamboo, and the craftsmen on the yacht prepared it, took out tools such as a knife, made a sample first, and used it before others believed it.

Gebdo Degob and others continued to watch the people go fishing, and occasionally took a break to drink tea.

Coconuts and bamboos were sent to the pile, and the craftsmen were busy, each one was skilled and smooth, some were specially responsible for handling bamboo, some were weaving.

The people of Sinhala came close to watch the fun, and were addicted to watching craftsmen make things.

In just 20 minutes, a two-meter-diameter parasol and bamboo basket were all made, and a few fishing rods were also made by the way.

"Your people work fast." Katoji praised.

Li Yi nodded lightly: "It's okay."

It is indeed ok, the craftsmen brought are not the best, the best work at home.

It's just that the worst craftsmen in Lijiazhuangzi are other people's ceilings.

A few Yulin Feiqi took things down, tied them to a pole, and sat on it to fish.

The other locals who were fishing stopped and looked in amazement.

They haven't been stupid yet, they instantly understand the purpose of things, and they don't sit under the sun.

How was that shed made? What can I replace it with? Can you change the line with the fish?

The king saluted Li Yi: "Also ask the eminent monk to teach us how to do it."

He watched it from the beginning to the end just now, and it was very comfortable to watch, but at this moment, he remembered and forgot.

"That's what I meant." Li Yi returned the ceremony.

The king looked for someone, and went to the shore to find someone who was not qualified to go on a yacht. He chose smart people to come to school, and they would not learn how to lose their legs.

Twenty people were chosen to learn from craftsmen in the shade.

The nurse on the yacht was preparing to bandage the wound of the new student, hoping not to cut too deep, so that the stitches would delay things.

There is a little translator who can speak Sanskrit next to it, and the craftsmen teach it hand by hand, take it slow.

Other craftsmen took advantage of the free time to push out the lathe on the yacht and processed bamboo together with Feiqi Yulin, which was faster than before.

Connected to the electricity, the bamboo is cut like a play.

So Katuoji and the others set their sights on the lathe again and glance at Li Yi from time to time.

If Li Yi doesn't give it, the lathe is expensive, not to mention that you don't have electricity. If you use other methods as power, you have to change it yourself.

After changing it for you, will you maintain it?

"This thing should be controlled by electricity. You don't have electricity. The lights on the boat are electric, and you can't use it."

Li Yi used this excuse to dispel the other party's idea. The motor of this lathe Zhuangzi was made by craftsmen.

A river on Zhuangzi is used to generate electricity for motors every day, and there are generators elsewhere to burn oil.

Katuoji and the others nodded their heads, knowing that they had studied what happened to the lamp last night.

At the same time of regret, UU reading They are full of awe of Datang, Datang is so powerful now?

A top of the sunshade was made, brought to the sea, and the locals helped to fix it, and then discussed who would go fishing.

Their goodwill towards Datang has skyrocketed, and the people of Datang will be their own in the future.

Princess Yongmu was sleepy, and covered her mouth with her hand and yawned: "Li Lang, what else do you think? I'll go to bed after you finish."

She wanted to leave, but was afraid of missing something.

"The local area is suitable for the development of aquaculture, and their fish can't be eaten, and the heads, tails, and internal organs are thrown aside.

Not only is it unsanitary, it will attract flies, and it is a waste of resources.

Pigs, chickens and ducks are the most suitable. Some people in Datang believe in Buddhism and do not eat meat, but their people eat pork as well.

How good is this place, rich in natural resources, and ore, if I manage it here…”

"It's the same wherever it is for you. Tell them quickly. When the time comes, our people will have something to eat. Sailing at sea and eating seafood will be boring."

Princess Yongmu felt that it was a good thing to teach the locals how to breed. When the people of the Tang Dynasty came here, they had meat to eat and no shortage of eggs.

Songhua eggs are always not as good as fresh eggs, and pickled salted eggs don’t last long in hot weather.

"I make a 'video' to show them how to feed the processed fish, which is intuitive."

Li Yi is ready to use that good software again, no actual shooting is required, and the images produced are the same as recordings.

"I'm going to bed with Xiaolan." Princess Yongmu yawned again and went in with Xiaolan.

"I feel sleepy too. This day is similar to Zhenzhou. It's too hot."

Li Yi looked at the sun, confused.

Zhenzhou was his Sanya at that time. In winter, except in the morning, he needed to wear an extra jacket. At other times, he always wore a t-shirt and big pants.


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