Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2475: Relocation of coffee location

In the pouring rain, King Sinhala and others waved goodbye to the yacht under the umbrella.

The yacht took six local patients and walked diagonally against the southwest monsoon to the Arabian Sea to the Gulf of Aden.

Entering the Strait of Mandeb, it ends up at the port location in Djibouti, from where it disembarks, heading southwest.

The straight-line distance is more than 1,600 miles, and it needs to pass through the Grand Canyon of East Africa and finally reach the Jima area.

According to the information, the coffee is produced here.

When it came to the specific operation, Li Yi chose to get coffee directly in Yemen, instead of going that far, he had to cross the Grand Canyon.

Yemen is in the north of the Gulf of Aden and is directly there. .

At present, Yemen is also under the rule of the Umayyad Dynasty, that is, Baiyi Dashi. Sulu, who was previously in Tuqishi, joined Tubo and Baiyi Dashi to attack the Tang Dynasty.

Now Sulu didn't dare to fight the Tang Dynasty, so he just stared at the white-clothed Dashi, and captured the prisoners by the way, so that he could get back the people who were captured by the Tang Dynasty.

In theory, the Umayyad Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty belonged to a hostile relationship.

"Li Lang, will they beat us?" Princess Yongmu asked expectantly.

Li Yi shook his head helplessly: "The white-clothed food is different from the white-clothed food. Their main strategic point is not in the Tang Dynasty, and the two sides have maritime trade exchanges."

In the place of Sinhalese, there are Arab ships docked, and they are going to the Tang Dynasty, by sea, for long-distance transportation, and the journey is difficult.

At present, the Arab shipbuilding technology is not good enough. They are all small boats, rowing with oars, and need to find a nearby place for supplies. They cannot directly pass through the Strait of Malacca like yachts.

When they saw the Datang fleet, they were very friendly.

The white-clothed food that went to Yemen is so far away from the one who grabbed the territory with Datang, how could it be a group of people?

"Oh!" Princess Yongmu looked very regretful, not to fight!

"We will fight in the future, depending on the opponent's will."

Li Yi comforts Princess Yongmu and tells her that war is bound to come.

In the early stage of trade, when there is enough exchange in various places, trade and peace are maintained.

When more good things from the Tang Dynasty are delivered, and the locals can no longer get it in exchange, they will choose other means to obtain it.

After stealing and robbing, a war was waged, and some people even deliberately incited them to do it directly.

Two days later, the yacht arrived in Mukalla, Yemen, Li Yi called it that way, but I don't know what it's called now.

There are no boats docked here because the southwest monsoon is blowing.

The yacht did not stop and continued to walk along the shore.

"Here is a leaf, called Carter, that is very excited after eating, and many of the symptoms are the same as after eating too much poppy cream.

At the same time, like poppy cream, it is a medicine. I will collect some and bring them back to the ground to plant them in order to avoid being eaten by mistake.

When some patients are particularly in pain, they can be given medication, but they are addicted to eating too much. "

Li Yi saw the land, and by the way introduced a local plant, Carter.

No one has chewed it yet, and the Arabs don't know the effect of this thing after eating.

The coffee was grown here by Arabia. According to the data, in 570, Persia drove away the people of the Kingdom of Aksum in Yemen.

Immediately after 575, I got coffee and planted it here for many years.

Right now, they have not sold coffee to Datang as a commodity. The specific reason is unclear. It is estimated that Datang has tea?

The fixed-wing drone took off and looked for the Carter tree and the coffee tree. The Carter tree has always been there, and you can pick it casually.

Coffee is not good. Yemen's coffee will not mature until September. Now it's July. What should we do?

Li Yi plans to dig a tree, or look for the seeds of the next year, planted by the local people.

If they leave dry seeds, they exchange them for something, like... paper.

They don't know how to make paper yet. It is said that they fought a battle with the Tang Dynasty, namely the Battle of Hengluos. They caught the craftsmen who went with the army and then they knew how to make paper.

Otherwise they keep using parchment paper, which ordinary people can't afford.

There is also a kind of paper, papyrus, which is like bamboo. This grass is made into something like bamboo slips, and writing on it is not resistant to moisture.

It is easy to handle in a dry place and can be stored for a long time.

At present, the two sides have not fought the Constant Rus War, nor will they fight again, and they will fight on the land occupied by the Arabs.

"Our Datang paper can be used for export. This thing is cheap to manufacture. If you sell it for export, it will be 100 times the cost. Not much..."

Li Yi waited for the drone to give feedback, and by the way explained the paper and some things used by the white-clothed cannibal.

People who had nothing to do on board ran to the deck and listened to them together. They liked to listen to Li Yi popular science, and their knowledge also increased.

The drone came back, said no, and moved on.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, I will arrive at Mansoura, Yemen, where Li Yi was at the time. Come here and see if there is any.

If you haven't gone to the narrowest part of the strait, if you find it, you won't go to the deepest part of Ethiopia.

Drones continued to fly in the sky, photographing the terrain and people in coastal areas.

This is a plain area, dozens of kilometers of plain, and then there are mountains.

White-clothed food is also cultivated, and by the way, she grazes, raises sheep and horses, and also brings camels from desert places.

They don't care about the drone in the is too high, a small point, like a bird.

People by the sea saw the yacht, and the closer the yacht was to the sea, the farther the drone flew.

Some of them are also fishing, and they run their boats around the beach. When they see the yacht, they are stunned. Is this a boat? so big? Why no paddle?

These fishermen are not all dressed in white. The clothes they wear are of different colors, mainly hemp.

It is estimated that only formal occasions will take out the good white clothes and put them on. They are also poor.

With the development of the Tang Dynasty, there are many people who can't eat enough. How can people in white clothes eat meat? Are you that rich?

"These people will all be enemies in the future?"

Xiaolan looked at the screen, the drone took the picture, and the picture was clear.

"It's not necessarily the enemy, it's not easy to deal with anyway, they have been religious for too long.

It may take dozens or hundreds of years to change. To change with economic strength, of course, the military must be strong.

There are also many people who believe in Buddhism, local religions, and other religions on the other side. "

When Li Yi talked about this matter, he was worried. Religion was too powerful, and the Tang Dynasty's territory was guaranteed to be expanded.

In the future, I don't care if it splits or not, at least when I'm here, I want to turn some sites into Datang's.

It is very difficult to change other people's beliefs, as well as some folklore.

In Hainan at that time, there were still ethnic minorities who raised and planted Gu.

He hadn't researched it, was that thing really as powerful as it was rumored to be?

Put parasites in other people's bodies, can't they take medicine?

Parasites kill people, it is difficult to understand with the knowledge he has learned.

The key is to learn from others in the past, and they don't teach you.

If you can't catch people and ask questions, that's a crime.

If the family really has any special means, it is easy for them to be recruited.

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