Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2489: coffee bitter paper push

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Li Yi wanted four coffee trees, and there was no place to pack the yachts, so they brought mud.

For four coffee trees, Li Yi exchanged five bottles of ink, twenty quills, and five pencils for five hundred sheets of paper the size of a newspaper.

The white-clothed eaters fell in love with the three treasures of the study instantly after watching Li Yiyi dipped in ink with a quill pen to skillfully write Arabic characters on the paper.

The price given by the person in charge of buying and selling was a bottle of ink, two pens, and twenty sheets of paper.

Li Yi gave the other party a lot, take it and use it, see if it works? Someone will replace it with you later.

The person in charge felt that he had taken a lot of advantage, so when Li Yi got on the boat and was about to leave, he sent another bag of myrrh, a bag of frankincense, and a large bag of coffee beans.

Yachting off shore, heading towards the Red Sea. .

"Li Lang, gave them so much paper?" Princess Yongmu felt a little disadvantaged.

The people watching the screen in Zhuangzi have their own thoughts. The things were given by Li Yi, and they didn't know if it was a loss.

"Open the market first, and then come later, it will not be at such a price. If there are more important places ahead, I would like to give them tens of thousands of sheets of paper."

Li Yi explained that when he used to sell medical equipment, he used it for nothing at first, and even put money when it was used by others.

Arabic paper is not good. There are many kinds of paper in the Tang Dynasty.

Arabs are not used to brushes, they prefer to use hard pens.

Then see if they use pencils well, and sell them pencils if they are good.

The yacht moves forward, more than 2,000 kilometers from here to the former Suez Canal.

When I exchanged things before, I asked the locals and said that there is a river there to pass through, that is, the canal is not closed.

Li Yi processes coffee beans under the camera, grinds them into noodles, and then brews them without filtering them. He drinks the original way first.

He doesn't add non-dairy creamer, and the yacht has milk and sugar cubes.

There is no special coffee cup, so take a tea bowl instead.

Each person on the boat has two glasses, one cup with milk, and one cup without sugar cubes.

Li Yi had a glass of his own, leaving out the milk and sugar cubes.

Others find a place to drink by themselves, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan accompany Li Yi to sit under the awning above the yacht and drink.

The little robot next to him started to play music, Laoban's childhood.

"Be lighthearted, this is too melodious." Li Yi looked at the sea and the sky.

"Okay!" Zero Sansan replied, followed by the Spring Festival Overture.

Li Yi gritted his teeth: "Shepherd Boy Piccolo, otherwise the data will be deleted for you."

"Okay!" Zero Sansan compromised, it likes to linger on the edge of life and death.

Princess Yongmu took a sip of the coffee without anything: "Why is it so bitter? It's time to catch up with Huanglian and Kudingcha."

Xiaolan echoed: "It is more bitter than tea leaves and cocoa, and it is not a kind of bitterness. This kind of bitterness cannot be described."

"It is also refreshing and can be used as medicine, but the use of it is limited, and some people can't drink it, especially those with a bad stomach.

For those who can drink, drinking this has certain benefits for the body, depending on how to drink it.

Don't drink too much, if you drink too much, you will be poisoned, and there will be negative reactions in the nerves. "

Li Yi took a sip and tried not to recall the past. Life is very good now.

"Li Lang, I feel like I've had a big sip of beer. I feel very comfortable."

After a while, Princess Yongmu discovered the benefits of coffee.

"Yeah! It's refreshing, and it can also promote digestion. You can't drink it at night, just like tea, you can't sleep after drinking it."

Li Yi looked at the shore, thinking about something similar in color to coffee, oil.

There is oil in a large area here, with high production, good quality, light weight, and low sulfur content.

The number of small boats on the Red Sea gradually increased, all short-distance and small fishing boats.

The fishermen and the crew of the boat, many shirtless, not all wore white clothes, which were expensive.

When the people of the Tang Dynasty can't afford to wear them, who in the whole world can live better than the people of the Tang Dynasty?

The speed of the yacht is even faster, and if it exceeds 40 knots, Li Yi can exchange it for fuel.

He needs to consume a lot of fuel once he goes out to sea, but as long as it can be beneficial, the life expectancy will definitely exceed the use.

"In the future, I will transport the fuel for storage at an important location here, and other places as well."

Li Yi thought of a way, Li Jiazhuangzi produced fuel oil, other ships brought it, and the yacht went back to other places, and there was a supply point in the middle.

Anyway, he won't teach people in other places how to refine oil, he just needs others to extract oil and sell it to Datang.

The refined oil can be used to light lamps, and the burning smell of oil is too great.

The smelting equipment in Zhuangzi will be increased, and others are not allowed to participate.

This kind of technology must not be spread out, and it is trans-generational.

"Li Lang, I don't want to drink anymore, it's bitter, even sugar is bitter." Princess Yongmu took two more sips, her mouth slumped.

"Mmmm!" Xiaolan echoed.

"I don't drink it anymore." Li Yi simply changed, replaced it with juice, and Fei Lin Feiqi picked a lot of fruit during the exchange.

Dump the coffee and replace it with juice and dried fruit.

"The biggest gain this time is to get an island. With this island, our navy will have a base.

The island guards a large area, and others want to go out from the current sea, where it is very important.

On land, it is necessary to start breeding more camels. Horses are far inferior to camels when they travel in the desert.

Over time, the horses can't stand it, and some enemies use camels as means of transportation, but the camels are not very useful when charging. "

Li Yi talked about future arrangements and told Li Longji and others who were watching the screen.

The island now was an important base for the pirates at that time. The pirates were kind to the people on the island and gave money.

The Yemeni government can't control it either, and this situation continues.

Some people who were kidnapped by pirates were even taken to the island, which is more fortunate.

Not so in Somalia, where daily water use is restricted.

Guard this island, and then guard the island of Sinhalese, and the two most critical places will be stable.

At present, only the navy ships of Datang are the most powerful, and in the future...


A day later, Egypt arrived at which is next to the canal.

The economic and administrative center of the Umayyad Dynasty.

More than 2,400 kilometers! Arriving in 21 hours, a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, is this called forty knots? Isn't a nautical mile 1.852 kilometers?

Li Yi is used to it, and he doesn't want to say more, the system is too shameless.

The key is that he always takes advantage of the 'loopholes', and he is embarrassed to say anything. He has never given 'money' to check the information.

You can't scold the system, you can't learn from the people who read pirated free novels at that time, and spend a few cents to scold the author when you see a chapter you don't like.

The author has no choice but to write it all out, especially the previous chapters. If he is scolded, will he delete it and rewrite it, and change it to follow up?

The key is that the author can scold, but the author cannot treat others how.

The system did not dare to scold Li Yi. After scolding, it was easy to lose his life. He lived very comfortably in Datang, and pushed the 'one nation' forward, with a sense of accomplishment.

You can only operate the upper limit of 40 knots, alas!

"It's here, their caliph is not here, let's find their minister, I will meet you as a Tang official."

Li Yi stood on the deck watching the screen, and the drone flew over to see the situation of the canal.

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