Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2494: Teaching Admission Following 1 Pile

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Many people in Datang went to rest again. The time difference was no longer eight hours, but six hours. Some people were watching the screen.

There is a video on the screen, which can be viewed at any time.

But there are still people who are responsible for taking notes and writing down key content, when Li Yi introduces things or decides policies.

The dwarf natives are ready to eat, bring firewood, and bake.

Grilled bananas, grilled fish, and fruits can also be grilled.

The indigenous people do not have rice and noodles, and corn and potatoes have not been passed down.

Li Yi took a look, no, I don't want to eat roasted food. Come, I'll give you fried food. Anyway, I don't eat the rice and noodles that I brought. It's not enough for guests. It's okay to eat by myself. .

There is oil, the oil palm that was exchanged and collected on the road, and the craftsmen temporarily made small oil pressing equipment. Li Yi was not willing to exchange for the small oil pressing machine.

A large iron pan is set up, and the fish is cut into small pieces and the banana slices are fried.

A large group of indigenous people ate fried food with Li Yi and others by the sea, put a little salt, and ate it with salty dried tofu.

With such a simple cooking method, the indigenous people are about to cry.

This is the first time in my life that I have eaten dried tofu, let alone fried food, why is the salt not bitter at all?

The people watching the screen in Zhuangzi were so sad that they almost cried. The proprietor suffered. Is this what the proprietor should eat?

It's not easy for the proprietor. There are delicious food, but he dare not do it. The number of indigenous people is too large, and he can't afford it.

Sure enough, it is good to be at home for a thousand days, but it is difficult to go out for a while!

The people on the yacht don't feel wronged, what's wrong with eating fried food?

If you don't believe me, ask Yulin Feiqi, when he was played with Li Yi, he could have such a long meal time and eat such a meal, would he be happy or not?

Princess Yongmu was very happy: "Li Lang, I saw that there is oil palm in the local area. Let's squeeze the oil and make soap."

She found that oil palm has a higher oil yield than soybeans.

Restricted by the oil extraction technology, it is impossible to extract more oil, which is far from the theoretical ratio, and the oil residue is good for feed.

On the whole, regardless of the yield per mu, oil palm is not as good as soybeans. Soybean dregs can be eaten by people, but oil palm is not delicious, and it is far worse.

"It's done!" Li Yi planned exactly like that. He didn't want to bring a lot of oil back, and the yacht's loading capacity was limited.

Make soap locally and teach the dwarfs the correct way to open it.

After washing hands, it is not easy to eat and get sick. Wash injuries with soap immediately to reduce the infection rate.

If you eat the wrong thing, you can wash your stomach with soapy water.

If you need to wash clothes, if you have clothes before you can wash them, soaps are better at decontaminating than anything else at the moment.

The next day, the two sides communicated again, and the little robot became a translator. After collecting enough words, the rest became simple.

Grammar is the easiest to analyze for the system, and it is no problem to express the same sentence with different meaning.

There are open-pit coal mines nearby, and the reserves are not high, but they are sufficient for people today.

Iron ore can be picked up easily, and it is of high grade.

The craftsmen took the dwarves to build kilns and made simple lava furnaces with clay.

Not as good as the smelting workshop of Lijiazhuangzi, of course! You can still get some iron out.

Six days passed, and when the first pottery was fired, the natives began to sing and dance.

The kiln was left behind, and they followed the whole process to learn how to build a kiln, make leather blowers, mix mud, simmer charcoal, scorch...

There is a door opened in front of them, the world is so wonderful.

For a time, they felt that they were stronger, and they were number one in the world.

The next day, they watched the iron ore turn into molten iron, and after being able to continue processing, they brought new ore, gold mine.

The gold ore they brought can directly see gold with the eyes, not how many grams are in a ton, but how many grams are in a stone.

They also brought gold to Li Yi. The gold they picked up was about the size of a bean.

Li Yi took their leader on the yacht to see the animation produced and how to farm.

Seeds provided by Li Yi, of wheat.

Other craftsmen continued to teach how to make a stone mill, which was used to grind wheat.

The biggest leader in the local area came. When he saw Li Yi, he was willing to join Datang under Li Yi's flickering, no, propaganda.

It's very simple, just like religion, as long as you can fool, others can even convert to your religion.

Here comes another one, entering Datang's native place.

The old men of Lijiazhuangzi are used to it, and they will pay attention to changing an official. The official is powerful and has strong diplomatic skills, like Hao Lingquan.

Li Yi operated, they watched calmly, and their hearts were not disturbed at all.

"It's really important to want to come here, and let Brother Yi waste so much time."

Li Longji looked at the deep meaning, Yidi walked all the way to watch the flowers before, staying at most for one day, and staying on that island for two more days.

Li Yi is collecting specimens and making them into atlases to guide future visitors.

"This location is very important. There are many resources and it is easy to mine. As long as the ships come here, they will definitely stop for supplies."

Li Yi told Princess Yongmu to tell everyone.

South Africa! Countries with strong economies, unlike many other African countries, are always at war.

Here is the Cape of Good Hope, and other sailboats and oars shiver when they come.

Steamboats were also miserable at times, with the exception of his yachts.

There is no restriction at all, whatever the wind and the waves, the yacht can sail how it wants to sail.

No matter how powerful the Cape of Good Hope is, is it comparable to the Strait of Magellan and the Drake Passage?

The dwarf natives didn't care about anything else. When they saw that the gold ore was melted and turned into gold water, it became gold after cooling, and they told each other to look for gold mines.

In the future, they can refine gold by themselves, and they like the color of gold.

Gold has a low melting point and can be used to make utensils at any time. There is a metal plate for eating, which is different from using stone, right?

Iron tools are made and turned into various practical tools.

Li Yi led them to plant wheat, and in the future, those who boarded the boat and saw the whole process of planting, harvesting and processing of wheat took care of The sickles were all punched out. The craftsmen have not made such things as sickles for a long time. Well, that's the work of apprentices.

In other words: I have been graduating for so long, and you still let me be a little hammer?

When I was hammering iron, it was very boring.

When smashing, there is not a little bit of passion, and the operation is mechanical, but every time the hammer falls, it hits the key position.

Let's put it this way, you can sleep while you work, and you can't go wrong with something like a scythe.

The dwarfs were astonished, oh! so smart!

Something called a sickle is so useful, but why do people who sharpen knives always doze off? Aren't you afraid of hurting your hands?

The craftsman who sharpened the knife was annoying, because he was in foot mode and stepped on it himself.

There are lathes and other power systems in Zhuangzi. How many workers do I have to sharpen the sickles for you?

Still need to watch this thing? You can tell by the sound that the grinding is not good, why do you think I entered the Li family Zhuangzi?

The natives are happy, look, 'We' Tang is very powerful, and it is not unusual for anyone to come out of the boat.

They were right on this point. Those who can board yachts belong to the top-notch existences in the Tang Dynasty.

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