Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2527: Airship soars without injury

After drinking to a certain extent, Li Longji stopped drinking, and he would drink too much, and people would add noodles.

The large plate of chicken is served in a clay platter with an alcohol lamp underneath, and the broth is constantly being added. . .

The belt noodles are cooked, pass cold water once, and then bring it over and put it in a clay pot, and slurp together.

After the delicious soup has penetrated the noodles, start eating.

"Brother Yi, why is this wide noodle so delicious?"

For the first time, Li Longji wanted to study the belt noodles of Dapan Chicken, and it felt so good to eat.

"High-gluten flour! This is for making dumplings, not for making noodles.

The bread and fried cannabis flowers in Zhuangzi are not like this.

There is no one better, just what you do.

Bread with high-gluten flour is actually quite interesting to eat, like steamed buns.

If it is replaced with the bottom of the cake, it will be finished, and it should not have the same taste.

Therefore, there are several kinds of fried dough sticks and twists, including coke rings, bagels, and naan. "

Li Yi swallowed the noodles in his mouth and introduced the simple classification of noodles.

This is called a white case. It's simple if you say it simple, and it's complicated if you say it.

Those who dare to say that the red and white cases represent a system.

It's not that the white case can't cook, and it's not that the red case can't make steamed buns.

If people open a snack shop, do they have to do it according to the red and white case? I'm making a rice cake today, you tell me it should be a red case or a white case?

Can I braise rice cakes? Can it be steamed? Can the wire be drawn?

Is the rice cake a staple food or a non-staple food?

When I eat a dumpling, I don’t steam or cook it. I turn it with mutton soup. Are there dumplings in the whole mutton soup?

Therefore, Li Yi only introduced the situation and did not dare to give a conclusion.

The sky is getting colder and colder. With the distance of the sun, the persistence of the moon, the change of the magnetic field, and the rotation of the earth, the warm and humid air flow must follow some detected laws after all.

Half a month has passed, and the great meeting is still going to be held.

It's just that after two snowfalls in a row, the melted road and the jade-like pebbles are nowhere to be seen.

Six dogs are pulling a small car forward. Their buttons are complicated. The owner of the car pulls it twice in a row and it will be unfastened.

Including the clothes on them, after two operations, they are completely free.

The six dogs ran hard, and there were more than 20 dogs around, who were not covered.

"Come on, come on, you can see Datang's fleet when you get to the beach, and they can send you to Lijiazhuangzi in a few days."

In the car, or on the sledge, a pregnant woman was eating, and her face was not very good.

She is a relatively high-ranking person in a tribe here. She is pregnant and dreams that she is going to die, and dreams of some dead relatives.

Let alone the Tang Dynasty, when it was replaced by Li Yi, some people were still uncomfortable. Who would dream of this when they were pregnant?

Even some light sleepers dream of their dead relatives, and they will lie.

When I really woke up, I found that the bedding was wet with sweat, and I was not in a good mood at all.

Dreams are the most uncomfortable, because if there is memory, it means that the quality of sleep is not good enough.

People dream whenever they sleep, no exceptions.

Dreaming in deep sleep is when you wake up without remembering what was in your dream at all.

In light sleep, the dream scene will be recorded.

Under normal circumstances, the difference between sleeping during the day and sleeping at night.

During the day, if you are not particularly tired and affected by the light, you are in a state of light sleep.

It usually appears on children, and children are qualified to take a nap, but adults are not.

When children take a nap, they are guaranteed to dream, and sometimes they will add real voices to their dreams.

For example, a six- or seven-year-old child is taking a nap, his mother is working, and a neighbor is coming.

Mothers and neighbors speak with their voices pressed. They feel that the voice is low. In fact, they do not understand that speaking with their voices pressed has the greatest impact on their children, because of resonance and resonance.

The more the bass resonance is, the more uncomfortable it is, and then the child is uncomfortable and sleeps.

There are many things in dreams, and cells are reorganized when they are worn out and replaced.

When the afternoon sun shines down, the child's last memory is usually the mother's words in a stretched voice.

It was especially uncomfortable after opening my eyes. The movement of pressing my throat to speak directly affected the beating of the child's heart.

Just like anyone else playing drums, plus a bass.

The child doesn't understand, it's just uncomfortable. Opening his eyes feels uncomfortable, and the mother will ask with concern: Awake?

It was written in the newspaper issued by Lijiazhuangzi of the Tang Dynasty, "Don't do this. Believe it or not, some children foamed at the mouth and died in such a state?" Cardiac problem.

Now this team is run by people from powerful tribes under Balhae. They can read the newspaper and know the situation.

They raised a lot of hounds, and they were anxious. The pregnant woman was about to give birth. They promised to be in October, but it turned out to be eleven months.

At this time, three things floated down from the sky, a multi-rotor drone.

No matter how high they are, they can't see it, it's just a small black spot.

"What's wrong?" a drone asked.

"Are you from the Tang Dynasty?" asked the dog driver.

"Yes! You..."

"Save us, we are running to the beach, it's been eleven months and we haven't given birth yet, and our stomach hurts every day, save us!"

The driver shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Wait a minute, I'm ready to get on the boat, I'll take you all away, stop first, all the dogs are brought, and they can fit."

The drones gave a reply. They followed the airship. The system was the same system with small robots on it.

Six minutes later, the airship returned and flew towards Lijiazhuangzi in Luoyang. UU reading

"The big clan over there, the most crucial figure in a real clan, no, there are two clans, and the woman's side is not weak. Prepare!"

The airship was running back quickly, and Zhuangzi of the Li family began to prepare.

It's not a matter of saving one person. There were 22 people who came with them, a pregnant woman, plus 21 women.

You can understand some things by looking at the eyes of other women through the camera. They seem to be dead people without any emotion in their eyes.

As long as IQ and EQ are online, you will understand that people either die together or live together.

The people of Zhuangzi of the Li family could see clearly, so they quickly arranged and called the proprietor to take action.

When it was replaced by Li Yi, there were people who were compelled. For example, during the epidemic, people wanted to throw garbage, and then some volunteers took chicken feathers as arrows.

Don't try to appease people at critical moments, but provoke them, come on! I won't let you throw it away, what can you do? come! Don't go, don't go, come!

So people went home, brought a knife over, and just slapped it again and again. It doesn't work if you don't die, you just die.

Why didn't the national media publicize it later? Because everyone understands that you are a volunteer, helping people, not using your identity to provoke or provoke people.

Volunteers represent the country, is the country like this? As a volunteer, you provoke and humiliate people in the name of your country, you...

This kind of thing will not happen to Li Jiazhuangzi. The airship comes over, and when it receives someone, it runs back. There is no need to consider other things, just speed.

On the platform where the Lijiazhuangzi yacht can stay, Li Yi is dressed in a white lab coat, and the nurses who are not on duty and not performing operations are also dressed in a white lab coat, waiting in line.

------off topic-----

No more today, thank you brothers and sisters for your subscription, monthly pass, reward, recommendation and collection! The farmer bowed.

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