Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2529: 0 miles for half day delivery

At three o'clock in the morning, the tuberculosis was cured, and Song Qingli, who was still taking medicine, led a group of people to light a fire in a large square and guided the two airships to land.

Song Qingli came back and continued to be his ambassador, leaving the previous position vacant for him.

The telegram came over last night and told him the approximate time. He found someone to build a fire last night, and was woken up at two in the morning.

A group of officials got up at about the same time as him, putting on clothes despite the cold.

The kang is hot, but the room is not hot. Lying on the kang to sleep, the back is hot and the nose is cold.

Therefore, if the northerners lived on a heated kang before winter, they would turn sideways and cover their heads with a quilt.

The airship dropped the rope to fix the position, was dragged down, and had to take off, so it couldn't take too much air.

When I am thanking things, I will give them away, such as radiators, small boilers, heating pipes, hemp, various slip knots...

It is uncomfortable to live on the Kang, especially Song Qingli. Tuberculosis is in the consolidation period, and if it recurs in winter, I have to go back.

His family did not come, and continued to live in Lijiazhuangzi, where someone was arranged to take care of him.

Give him a small robot and a diesel gasoline generator, a human generator.

He has died once, and the mortal is alive and enjoys special treatment.

He must be determined to carry out the court order, Li Yi can rest assured, unless Song Qingli does not want his family.

The so-called boiler does not throw coal directly into it. The soil stove is a circular shape, and the boiler is made into an empty circle in the middle.

The iron pipe was bent in a circle, but it was not a round pipe, as if a 500ml soda can was squeezed into a half-flat shape.

Make a circle like this, put it in the earthen stove, and burn it when the fire is burning.

The space inside is filled with water, and the pipe is connected to the radiator. The radiator has exhaust ports, water inlets, and drains.

All kinds of slip knots are used for pipes and radiators, and hemp is naturally used for sealing. Lijiazhuangzi does not have raw material belts.

Simple earth heating is cheap and easy to use. It is stronger than a boiler and does not need a pressure gauge. The pressure is high and the air is exhausted. If the water goes up, stop the fire quickly.

"Eat the roasted sweet potatoes first. After roasting, cover them with a quilt and they are still hot. If you like them, I will bring them back to you. You can bake them by yourself. Remember not to eat them as a staple food.

The people on the airship shouted down and sent the roasted sweet potatoes down, as well as the quilts.

Song Qingli and other officials picked up the roasted sweet potatoes with raw-edged paper, and ate them beautifully under the light.

Local officials ate fragrant roasted sweet potatoes and decided to be loyal to the Tang court and listen to His Majesty's words.

It has nothing to do with emotion, the four and a half hour airship flew here from Luoyang.

Now remove the heating kit and roasted sweet potatoes, don't obey the rebellion, don't throw the rope, and throw the lit explosive bag directly on the head.

Looking at the estimated weight of what is being unloaded, an airship can hold two or three hundred people.

Ten ships with two to three thousand people, according to Song Qingli, before the Chinese New Year, the Li family Zhuangzi will build forty ships.

That is, he rebelled, the news was sent back by telegram, and it took five hours for the arrival of the Tang army.

It's a fart! Use the people as human shields? The people directly rebelled. If the people allowed it and participated in the rebellion, the court would not see the people and would kill them all.

"Today, I started building a boiler during the day. Finally, I don't have to sleep in the bed at night. Don't use the same stove as the kang."

Song Qingli was worried about his illness, so he ordered to go down and work at dawn.

It is best for him to go to Zhenzhou to raise his disease, that is, Sanya, which is very warm in winter.

There are too many Sanya Mountains in Datang, and there is not much flat land at all.

Not to mention the seaside, there are good sandy beaches and coconut dream promenade, where fishermen go out to sea to catch big waves.

After the things were unloaded, the airship lifted off, and the lights flickered away in the night.

"Ambassador, what is tied with the rope?"

Some officials found something wrapped in cloth on the ground, with rope smeared on the outside.

After opening the rope, something like a hill popped out inside, startling him.

"Dan Liao, your grandson is just a month old, and your daughter-in-law is afraid of the cold, so take two beds back. This is a duck down quilt, which is soft, warm and breathable."

Song Qingli knew that the other party had a full moon baby and a daughter-in-law who had just finished confinement.

Luoyang Lijiazhuangzi sent 200 duck down quilts, he would keep two and send the rest.

He decided that the officials would divide 100 beds, and the rest would not be given to the junior officials, but to the local elders and chiefs. The local people had small ethnic groups.

Give it to them and let them know how much the Tang court cares about them.

Xiaoguaner, wait for something to talk about later.

"What about the satin one! Zhuangzi of the Li family is really rich."

The questioning officer rubbed his hands **** his body and carefully stroked the quilt.

His surname is Guan Mingwang, and his word is Danliao.

"It's not a small gift, it's your majesty's reward."

Song Qingli corrected the other party's wrong thinking, what Li Yi gave must be said to be given by His Majesty, and the historical records cannot be recorded that "the ministers and the common people only know Li Dongzhu but have not heard of His Majesty".

"Yes, it is Your Majesty." 'Puff Tom' Guan Mingwang knelt down in the direction of Luoyang, and bowed his hands with his head nodding: "I thank Your Majesty for your favor!"

The other officials looked at him, then looked at the ground, knelt down, shouted in unison, and complained in their hearts. The ground is so hard that snow is sticking to my pants!

Song Qingli took a deep breath and chose to bow. He was afraid that he would not be able to get up from his knees because he was getting old.

Everyone got up and patted their knees, it was all snow.

Happy to receive the quilt, duck down! The outside is still satin, beautiful, and this quilt feels like it can prolong life.

Aren't this quilt going to go up a hundred folds? Li Yi is interesting enough. UU reading

"There are steamed buns and pumpkin porridge here, let's eat this in the morning!"

Someone else discovered the situation, someone brought by Song Qingli's family.

The buns were placed in the bamboo dust, covered with a white quilt, and I smelled the beef stuffed with green onions. It was really fragrant. I wanted to go back to Zhuangzi.

So it was bright, and the officials ate big meat buns, crab and pumpkin porridge, and shrimp oil side dishes in the office hall.

When I ate it, I felt a special warmth, and my heart was closer to His Majesty.

There is no way, because the transportation speed is fast, and the airship is simply against the sky.

The sky was getting brighter again, and the two airships dropped ropes over the two tribes respectively, and went down the little robot. The little robot had an additional flat-panel monitor, and its screen was small.

The leaders on both sides looked at each other through the screen, and then transferred to the hospital.

The mother hangs a drip on one hand and uses a spoon to drink soup, crucian carp tofu soup.

After standing, walking slowly, and acupuncture massage by Qingdai, she has exhausted her air. Chinese medicine is very good at this time.

Li Jiazhuangzi does not distinguish between Chinese and Western, as long as it works, he will be the best. But for recovery, Chinese medicine is strong, especially diet and massage during the recovery period.

It is used by the Central Health Bureau. Ordinary people say that it is not good because of the problem of the doctor they are looking for.

A good doctor learns everything and uses it if he can.

The mother is taken care of by Qingdai, and the condition is very good. The baby continues to sleep, otherwise what can he do?

The leaders on both sides began to communicate with the mother, asking some things, whether it was uncomfortable or not, how was the baby born, how is the baby? Can you eat and sleep?

The little baby is actually pretty ugly now, but the leader of the family thinks it's good when he sees it. If you don't believe it, ask the people around them, and they all say yes.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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