Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2534: Auxiliary work no war

The airship flew over when the altitude was falling, and then slowly adjusted its direction and flew back, continuing to descend.

When you throw down the rope at about 50 meters, the people on the ground understand, run over and grab the rope, try to keep the same strength, and pull.

Airships are easier to control than hot air balloons. In terms of balance, soldiers are familiar with how to pull hot air balloons.

The airship is no longer deflated, and is pulled down, which saves gas, and normal air is also gas.

They are all air cylinders with foot pedals and manual inflation, and some places in them are filled with air.

Those who need to ascend let out the air, and those who need to descend cheer up.

At non-critical moments, do not connect to the diesel engine, for fear of accidentally inflating the airbag.

In addition, there is hydrogen in the gas cylinder. Anyway, the airship is more complicated than the hot air balloon.

When the airship was more than one meter above the ground, others piled sandbags on the rope according to the requirements of the above shouting, and fixed it. At this height, it cannot be lowered any further.

"I'll send you something, look, this thing is not big, it can transport hundreds of people at a time, and fly 100 kilometers in an hour."

The most conspicuous airship slipped down, Fan Fan.

He looks like a kindergartener showing off good things to his friends.

Everyone glared at him, you led the team, why didn't you send a telegram earlier? terrified us.

"Master Li said to leave you two for reconnaissance?"

Fan Fan was not afraid, and quickly took out his trump card.

"Really?" Zhang Xiaosong was the first to compromise, he liked to fight assaults.

This year, he had been wanting to attack Sulu, but he was not allowed to fight. He had to train troops, keep training troops, and lead the soldiers to work.

If it wasn't for Li Yi's order, he would have wanted to use the commander's order to prevaricate, and then continue to attack.

Li Yi told him that we are doing business with Baiyi Dashi on the other side, taking advantage of the big advantage, and the military should serve politics.

So he admitted that dirty politics is the first, do not fight, practice.

He understands that after beating Tuqi Shi, he has to continue beating, so why not let Tu Qi Shi go and punch.

Other soldiers and soldiers came over on horseback and ran to see Datang's airship. It was too big and could hold a lot of things. How should it be used in a war?

The airship is unloading things up and down, loading and unloading, loading compressed and baled cotton.

The cotton is compressed and bundled, and the weight is not light. For a normal large quilt, ten beds are packed, and it cannot be carried with less strength.

A large quilt weighs 12 to 3 kilograms, and ghosts press the most beds in the northern winter because the quilt is heavy.

When I was half awake and half asleep, I couldn't think of anything.

Covering a blanket to sleep, sitting up directly when having a nightmare, frightened in a cold sweat.

Cover cotton just couldn't get up. When I got up, everyone was dehydrated, and the quilt and mattress were wet with sweat.

In ancient times, if you wanted to kill someone, lie down and sleep, and put a stack of copper coins on your chest, about half a catty.

A person's breathing is under the influence of gravity in an upright state, and then the muscles contract.

When lying down, that pile of copper coins will kill you! One was accidentally crushed to death.

The things unloaded are potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, dried radish strips, dried cucumber strips, dried crab meat, dried shrimps, dried sea cucumbers, mussels, dried oysters…

The most are bullets, let everyone continue to practice shooting, look, I will send you automatic rifles and water beads again.

"Fan Fan! How many days will it take to fly this time?"

Zhang Xiaosong was very happy to see something, and he wanted to eat it.

"All day, the first time I flew, the direction was wrong, the wind was not right, and the speed dropped significantly. We took off from Luoyang at this time yesterday, and we have only arrived now. Next time, it will be at least an hour faster."

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Fan Fan complained, it's too far away, one day, eating and going to the toilet are solved on it, do you know how difficult it is for me?

The general here: "..."

From Luoyang to me, one day? What else do you want to do at the station?

An airship carries so much stuff, how many times do you fly!

No, no, I'll go back with you, I'll see His Majesty, and then come back, just two days.

"I really don't want to fight Sulu? I think if there is such a thing, beating him is like beating a grandson."

Wang Junkui, look at the northwest direction, I don't even need an explosive pack, I'll throw a stone and kill you.

"Leave two? For reconnaissance? No fighting, no airdrops, okay, leave it for us, we'll go around to help the people here."

Ashina Hian thought it was okay, two ships of this size could carry a lot of cargo and people at once.

It's winter, and inspections are needed in various places. If anyone lacks what, the airship will pass.

As for the distance, it is not easy to go to the toilet on it, is that the problem?

Pack 100 more thin large pottery bowls, come on! Throw it down, no more bowls.

In fact, oiled paper is enough. Make a shelf, put the oiled paper on it, and then throw it away.

Smell or something, open the window for a while and blow it all out.

Continue to unload over there, the spicy seasoning of the small jar.

Everyone will understand that today, eating hot pot, raising so many sheep, and eating them.

"We'll ship diesel fuel over here. Before the Chinese New Year this year, we in Datang will be able to build at least 40 ships."

Fan Fan took the people on the yacht to eat, and everyone ate a meal the whole process.

It's okay to eat, bread cakes, smoked chicken, proprietor mustard, hot water.

Fortunately, it was just flying over and flying back. It was only a two-day business trip, and everyone was able to overcome the difficulties.

"Why don't we have such a good thing to fight in the Quartet? Who can bear it?"

Wang Junkui felt that everyone should start fighting, and the airship was simply unreasonable.

Airdrop the soldiers behind the enemy, just get stuck in the place of the enemy's logistics supply, and hit the depths.

"At the end of the expedition, the Quartet still needs to be occupied by infantry. Our army maintains a certain amount of training, and works during other hours to increase the supplies of the Tang Dynasty..."

Fan Fan explained to everyone that it is not a problem to fight now, the problem is what to do after the fight.

Occupied and governed at the same time in the past, did the local people cooperate? How many people to kill Liwei?

Is the raw material sourced directly from the local area, or is it an up-front investment? Did the people of Datang immigrate to the past?

"In winter, the army should serve the people, collect and transport materials for the herdsmen, repair the houses for the people who have houses, play cotton, spin threads, clear wild animals, and remove snow on main roads. This is the proposal of Li Dongzhu, voluntary."

Fan Fan continued to say what the army should do when there is no war. The soldiers of Zhechong House should follow the original life style and work full-time in combat!

"I am willing, I have resources." A general immediately stated.

"I believe that everyone's consciousness is very high." Zhang Zhongliang said that what I said was the truth.

"There are generals like Zhang Jiedu, why don't you worry about the Tang Dynasty!" Fan Fan expressed his belief.

Soldiers nearby were called to visit and see what was new in their own Datang... airships.

It will help everyone to increase their national self-confidence and sense of honor. When working voluntarily, they do not feel bitter or tired, and they are happy.

Soldiers don't take weapons, for fear that they won't be able to pay for it if they break it, and if they are lucky, they will be drawn and climbed up to feel the feeling.

Under the night, everyone eats mutton, and puts pepper powder hard, and there are too many pepper powder. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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