Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2540: information delay on ice

It was two, three, nine when it was a little cold, and it was freezing cold to the point of trembling.

Three days later, on the small cold solar term, a large amount of materials were transported to Haizhou, and twenty steam-engine ships and 600 ocean-going sailboats began to be loaded.

They loaded half of the cargo and half of the fighters and weapons. Haeju is 700 kilometers away from the Woongjin Governor's Mansion, and unless there is a hurricane, they can reach it in two days.

The orders the soldiers received were not Li Yi's sinister idea, the army went over and went directly ashore.

Invite the local Silla army to watch a shooting show and airships drop explosive packs.

At the end of the performance, the National Flag of the Tang Dynasty was planted in every position of the Xiongjin Governor's Mansion to distribute things to the people.

Naturally, those watching the performance were temporarily placed under house arrest. Their families were in the local area and would receive extra care and supplies.

Then perform a few more times for the people, and everyone can choose to join the Tang Dynasty.

There is absolute force protection, food and cotton clothes.

The Tang sergeant also gave the pan kang, even if it was snowing, regardless of the quality. Next year, when the weather is hot, the heavy pan will be dismantled.

The ministers Yuci despised Li Yi, what excuse did they use? The army is overwhelming, and the alliance under the city will not sign with you.

Li Yi was very angry, always muttering about 'a group of invaders', but he didn't ask what the other party would do if they resisted.

To resist the natural killing, use automatic rifles.

When the news came back to Jincheng, it was too late.

The distance of 250 kilometers, the ground is full of heavy snow, and the road is not a plain. How long does it take to get there?

The airship took two and a half hours, even if it was a sleigh to ride a horse, it would be great to go over mountains and mountains.

Horses need to eat and rest on the road, and the sleigh must bring the horse's food.

More than a meter thick snow, horses wading in it, people will lose their waists when they go.

If there is a strong wind, he will die at the door after a few hundred meters out of the house, unable to find his way back.

Only Yulin Feiqi can insist. They have a compass, which is very accurate. At the same time, they have a flashlight made by Lijiazhuangzi, so they can at least see the road from a few meters in front of them.

Under normal circumstances, the straight line is 250 kilometers, and it is not bad to send the news back during the Chinese New Year.

Silla did not have a ten-mile post, let alone a telegraph.

"After taking back our Xiongjin Governor's Mansion, build the canal according to the line Xiaoyi said, as long as the boat can go back and forth, the water does not need to be too deep, two years!"

Song Jing calculated the time to build the canal, took down the former location of the Xiongjin Governor's Mansion, and then built the canal, then the area north of the canal is blocked by the canal, which is the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Silla has nothing to do except write a letter to justify and feel wronged, this is half of Silla's territory.

It is best to appease the people, and force is a deterrent. Give the local people a lot of iron tools, and the army helps build houses and send new seeds.

The key is not to collect rent and taxes, and the people cannot resist without organization, and there is no need to resist.

"As long as you are willing to supply food, 18 kilometers can be repaired in one year."

Li Yi objected to it for two years. At that time, his country had cultivated for three years, and the technology was mature.

The requirements are also high, such canal Silla is temporarily unavailable, as long as the boat can pass.

After regaining the Xiongjin Governor's Mansion and giving a large amount of food and meat, the people of Silla rushed to repair it, which was twice the income of their own farming and breeding.

To give extra benefits in the process of repairing, the premise is to join the birthplace of Datang.

Silla didn't fight, Datang slowly took this opportunity to nibble, and Silla dared to fight, it was easy, and it was done with a bang.


As soon as the small cold is over, the big cold is immediately followed. The lunar calendar enters the twelfth lunar month. This year, there is a leap in July, and the Spring Festival is late.

The kids are on vacation, skiing and skating crazy.

It is a pity that the Luo River is still not frozen, unlike the twenty-two counties of Jingzhao Prefecture, where all the rivers are frozen and the ice is being collected.

Choose a high place and use it next year. If the low place is not enough, the original ice cellar is temporarily abandoned, waiting for watering.

It was promised that people in the places where there will be floods next year will go to see their temporary new homes, and try to move things that they do not need normally.

Pig sties, cowsheds, stables, chicken coops, duck coops, what should be built and what should be repaired.

According to what the newspaper said, he came half a month in advance, and his original home was completely demolished.

After the flushing, go back to build. When building, you should ask Li Dongzhu, can it be flushed in the next few years? Build better without rushing.

'Boom! Snapped! Boom! Alas! come on! ’ On the ice rinks everywhere outside, Feiqi Yulin was playing ice hockey with the recruiters and the sixteen guards.

Wearing a full set of protective gear, the collision was fierce, but there was no link between the two sides taking off the protective gear to fight.

There are local rules in Li Yi's time. When the two sides conflict, take off the protective gear and fight for a period of time. After the fight is over, it will be over.

Now they can't play ice hockey. They don't wear protective gear, and if they don't restrain themselves, they are the ultimate move.

Both sides on every hockey rink abide by the rules.

Li Yi is also on the side. If he bumps into others, he will be knocked down as well, and no one is used to him.

Datang's ice hockey skills and speed are the same as those of Li Yi's top ice hockey competitions. Looking at the camera, he can't always find where the ball is.

People in the Tang Dynasty like to play polo, but they have to control their horses, and they can't intentionally hurt people, and they don't wear protective gear.

In order to ensure the viewing and fairness of the game, Yulin Feiqi cannot form a team alone to play with the Sixteen Guards or the recruiting personnel interspersed.

Yulin Feiqi selection requirements are different, they have talent requirements for shooting.

Li Yi then changed the venue and fought with Queen Wang, Li Longji and others, and the eunuchs and palace maids of the harem joined the battle.

Li Longji is always staring at Li Yibang, Guo Ziyi... He is one of the referees and he is not allowed to play in the game.

Twenty minutes later, the game was over, Li Longji and others stopped playing, and the following substitutions were made, too tired.

In the other separate non-competition venues next to it, the maid and the **** wore ball knives and protective gear to practice skating hard.

Then the dazzling foot movements are the basic skills, and the advance and retreat are calm, just like running and jumping in normal shoes.

Practice your footwork while practicing your strokes, and then tactics.

Someone who slips forward and falls on the ice is too far away from playing ice hockey.

Li Longji gasped and smiled, "Refreshing, the more people in the north exercise, the less sick they will be."

"You should also exercise in places that don't freeze. When the people of the Tang Dynasty are more prosperous and Zhuangzi has extra time to make civilian bearings, everyone will play with pulleys, which is similar to skating.

And there are some movements that the pulley can do, but the ice can't do it, and the pulley's bones are wide.

When the weather is warm, I make some good roller shoes, let's play, terrazzo or flat marble floor is the best, I'm afraid there is water. "

Li Yi thought of exercising and playing in an all-round way, not the labor of the whole people. There are few fat people in Datang. They work every day and can't eat so much meat. How can they gain weight?

There is a difference between labor and physical exercise in that kind of life. It is like a sense of balance. It is estimated that only people who step on ridges and platforms in paddy fields and pick wheat seedlings can practice it.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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