Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2547: Kings are not limited to ministers

"Aha, why is this wine so strong?"

Li Yi was as good as he was, and he really drank a cup of deer antler blood wine, a cup of three coins.

He didn't feel like 60 degrees, how could it be like alcohol.

"Seventy-seven degrees of alcohol, seventy-five degrees after mixing, medical alcohol." Qingdai little girl was beside her.

"I don't really need to make up for it as a teacher." Li Yi felt a little dizzy.

"I know." The three apprentices nodded together.

"Qingdai, can I drink with Xiaolan?" Princess Yongmu believed in Qingdai's little girl even more at this time.

"No need for the ladies, I made black-bone chicken soup for the girls. In addition to the normal ingredients, there are extra money swim bladders."

When Qingdai's little girl was talking, she took out a large bowl of soup from the little robot drawer behind her. It was no longer soup, it was stew, and there was a black chicken in it.

"When did you do it?" Li Yi was very embarrassed. He slept for two hours and didn't remember some things, thanks to a good apprentice.

"I saw the appearance of the teachers and girls in the morning, and I asked people to bring things over. Everyone offered sacrifices, and I made them in the back. The wine was also sent later."

Qingdai little girl replied, don't worry, there is me! I slept early yesterday and was full of energy.

Li Guizang followed: "That's right, Master, let me take a look..."

"What are you looking at?" Li Yi asked.

"I see it's getting late..."

"It's time to hit the road, right?" The little robot zero three three interjected.

"I'll take you on the road, and I've stewed a **** for the master. Master, you drink another cup of the bastard's blood."

Li Guizang glared at the little robot, and took out the stewed **** and **** blood from his robot's stomach. The blood was just a little bit, and he also put it in the wine.

Others are afraid of being bitten by Wang Ba, but he is not afraid. Once Wang Ba bit his finger, he pulled out Wang Ba's neck with all his strength and bit on it.

Wang Ba's neck was bitten off, and he didn't let go until he died, so he chewed Wang Ba's head bit by bit with his teeth and ate it raw.

"I roasted three lamb kidneys, which can be eaten by both men and women." The little girl Zhuozhuo also had something to give.

"Wen Tian and Xiaolan, the apprentices brought things, let's leave this to others!"

Li Yi thinks it's okay, no white disciples, one by one is considerate.

So the three of them ate what their apprentice gave them, and only cooked mutton rolls.

"The taste of black-bone chicken is always different from normal chicken. Today, I don't eat spicy food."

Princess Yongmu muttered that she would share a **** chicken with Xiaolan. If she was eating meat, she didn't like it. The little rooster and the old hen were better.

She knew that black-bone chickens were used for medicinal purposes. If they wanted to keep them well, they had to be kept free-range and placed on the mountain. The soil and rocks on the mountain also had requirements, otherwise the effect of black-bone chickens would be poor.

Like the medicinal materials planted in Laojun Mountain, the local soil contains a lot of metals, so the annual herbal medicinal materials are the best, and the perennial ones are prone to heavy metal poisoning.

The efficacy of black-bone chickens fed only in feed cages is too poor, and the black-bone chickens raised by Qingdai Medical Fund are all selected places.

Luoyang Lijiazhuangzi raised better than Changan Lijiazhuangzi. Adult women in Zhuangzi only eat after the month or after giving birth, including the swim bladder of the yellow-lipped fish.

Looking at the color and taste of the black chicken soup, you can tell that there is donkey-hide gelatin in it.

Eat it, no matter how it tastes, as long as it is good for your body.

Li Yi thinks it's good to drink Wang Ba Tang, it's fresh!

The same as drinking antler blood wine, hold your breath and don't breathe through your nose.

Bi Gou came over and said, "I heard you tell a story this morning. What story did you tell? Can I listen to this old man?"

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan bowed their heads, not ashamed.

"The story of Chu and Han's struggle for hegemony, some people know the practical and do not speak out, so they have to live, and some people show it, so they fall."

Li Yi glanced at Bi Gou, what more do you have to ask?

"It turns out that the old man thought it was the Chuhe and Han worlds who played chess."

Bi Gou swallowed his saliva, shrank his neck, turned his head and left, taking Li Yi's string of sheep's kidneys away.

"Master, you already know how to fool Grandpa Bi." The little girl Qingdai smiled.

"That's right for the teacher, play chess, the Chu River and the Han world, the screen horses fight the cannons on the river, and the horses shoot the cannons. You hurry up and eat."

Li Yishun came out and found that something was wrong. The three apprentices were still young, so don't be blind.

The three of them really didn't understand, so they decided to go back and study chess. They usually patrol the river with guns, and they change a lot.

Seeing the three apprentices bow their heads and eat skewers, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He eats spicy food with other traditional Chinese medicines in it.

The ministers also let go of eating. After eating, they will go back on vacation. For seven days, they can stay with the family in... Li Jiazhuangzi. If you are bored, go to the 'unit' to take a look.

Except for Li Longji, the five kings discussed with each other which minister's house to go to to offer condolences.

In fact, in this year's history, Li Longji had a requirement that it was strictly forbidden for ministers to associate with the kings.

This is a dead person. The husband of a princess of Huo Guo, Wei Pei Xuji, died. Like Wang Wei, he went out to play with Li Fan, the king of Qi, and was exiled to a place in Guangzhou by Li Longji to ask the princess to divorce.

Wannian County's magistrate Liu Tingqi and Taizhu's official Zhang Chen also went out to play with Li Fan, and they were all demoted.

Li Longji was ill, and the brother-in-law of King Xue Liye went over to ask about the situation, and he told Huangfu Xun, who was in charge of the central supervisor, that Li Longji's illness was either bad or good, and he was beaten to death.

Huangfu Xun was demoted to Jinzhou to be the prefect.

Frightened Li Ye and his daughter-in-law, and quickly pleaded guilty, Li Longji himself did not suspect his brother.

Just like the person who played with Li Fan before, it's no problem to clean up the Li Longji It's just like there are villains.

Therefore, Li Yi was able to obtain the current status, which is already against the sky.

It's all right now, the other five kings such as Li Chengqi and the other five kings can make foreign ministers casually, as long as you are happy, I just need to keep Brother Yi.

I stay in Lijiazhuangzi all day, I can give you the Xuanwu Gate in Chang'an, or the Ziwei City in Luoyang? Want and give. and then?

As long as you are not blind, you all know that my eldest daughter and Yi brother's son-in-law are giving up the ceremony of Duke Zhou.

The critical day is well chosen, and it seems that I don't want to have an heir early.

Li Longji watched the brothers go to chat with the ministers, and he didn't care, he went to Li Yi: "Can brother Yi need to massage his back?"

"Thank you third brother, but third brother is too worried, third brother eats skewers."

Li Yi didn't want to talk about this with his father-in-law, so he quickly picked up Wang Ba and handed it over.

Just drink the soup and drink the blood. There is nothing to eat. There is very little meat. It is hard to eat, and it feels like gnawing on the skeleton of a chicken.

But this wild **** must be left behind, it is medicine, and roasted ashes can cure diseases.

Li Longji is welcome, this **** looks fat, at least delicious on his lips.

Anyway, brother Yi himself is a genius doctor, so he will not lose in this regard.

"Brother Yi, what's missing in the new year? Details, you have given a plan for the general direction."

Li Longji asked about the specific situation. He is satisfied today and has a face in front of his ancestors.

I did what you didn't do, and I can do it better if I want, do you know how many airships I have?

What is the 800-mile emergency report? It is only 800 miles to run to death day and night.

The airship travels 4,800 miles a day and a night, farther than we used to.

An urgent report can only report a letter, but an urgent report should be used for a letter? My airship dispatch here is an airdrop.

Oops! According to Brother Yi's words, this day! I'm bloated, what to do?


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