Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2557: Higher salaries are more cost-effective

At noon, Li Longji and others continued to stroll.

People from the separate departments of the Chang'an Ministry of Housing came out one after another, each pushing a small car. The bus stops outside the city put down their things, and some people in the cars would send them back together.

The diesel-powered small train entered the station. The officials put their things on it and found a seat. The train honked its horn twice and rumbled away.

At the stop, someone went down, and more officials continued to sit, their home in the south of the city, outside.

Those who can go down are all from Chang'an City, and their houses are valuable.

Smoke from cooking in the concentrated residential area of ​​officials outside the city is wafting, and the smell of various vegetables is wafting away.

The official's family has already prepared the meal. Today, on the fifth day of the first lunar month, they will be on duty for half a day.

Once upon a time, officials needed to bring their own lunch, or buy it outside the imperial city.

There are also family members who see that the time is almost ready and send it to the outside, waiting to see someone hand it over.

Zhengshitang is occasionally given a feast, with two or three simple dishes.

Other officials probably ate steamed buns, puffed cakes, and pickled vegetables.

There were too few kinds of stir-frying dishes at that time, usually fried, boiled, and steamed, just like some Westerners ate when Li Yi.

Now officials have canteens in their working places, which is the same as Lijiazhuangzi's rule, eat whatever you want, and don't allow any leftovers.

There are twenty dishes, which is not comparable to Li Jiazhuangzi.

Rest in the afternoon, the cafeteria only cooks a little food, eats it by yourself, and feeds the other people on duty.

The train stopped at a few doorsteps, family members came out to help with things, and the train went to the front.

Jia Zhangqiu looked ahead, stopped, he got out of the car, his wife Hu and his second son ran out.

"Father! Why are there so many things?" his second son asked as he moved.

"The imperial court gives a portion, and the Ministry of Household gives an additional portion, plus the benefits of His Majesty's reward and the benefits of Zhuangzi of the Li family." Qiang Xie read Xie

Jia Zhangqiu has a smile on his face, and there are indeed many things.

He is forty-nine years old this year, and finally got a job with good benefits. This year, he was mentioned on the seventh grade.

Salaries have been rising steadily. This year, the basic salary has been raised again, and the performance-based salary has also increased by 20%.

At the beginning, he was just a secretary of the household, and he was from the ninth grade. This was still in Wannian County, and he became a foreign official when he changed to a small county.

In three years, he has reached the seventh grade, and the level has crossed too much.

He was the mother-in-law of the pregnant woman Li Yi met on the way to Lantian County. The child's surname was Xia, which was given by Li Yi.

The big name is Xia Tuanyun, the character is Liuzai, and the nickname is Miaomiao. The five elements are short of water, and the shortage is very serious.

This year is four years old, and when Lijiazhuangzi grew up, his family allocated a large house next to Lijiazhuangzi on both sides.

The child's father, Xia Hao, joined the yamen in Wannian County as a yamen, and was given a public meal.

The wife is pregnant with another child. The same boy is expected to be born in August. When the weather is hot, she will enter the Lijiazhuangzi Hospital in Luoyang for labor and confinement.

Therefore, he went to the yamen in Luoyang as a yamen again, and when Li Yi returned to Chang'an, he would come back with him.

Let Li Yi take the name, that is the result, the child must be taught in the Li family Zhuangzi.

When the large and small packages moved in, Jia Zhangqiu took out a red envelope and handed it to his wife: "Lolo for you."

"Husband has worked hard!" Hu took the red envelope with a distressed look. Her husband's promotion was fast because of his hard work.

In terms of finance and taxation, the Ministry of Household does not support idle people;

"I'm used to it, I've done this job before, but I just need to learn other knowledge."

Jia Zhangqiu looked at the things and red envelopes and felt that everything was worth it.

Packages and boxes were opened, toilet water, soap, soap, skin care products, sanitary napkins, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, cooling oil, incense made from ambergris, cosmetic box, a small bottle of perfume, ham from Lijiazhuangzi, cans, enamel jars, Kerosene lamps, thermos...

Hu and Jia Zhangqiu's second son was dumbfounded, they knew everything.

"Husband, why do you give so much?" Hu Shi was nervous. He also gave the vanity case with mirror, perfume, kerosene lamp and thermos?

"I added a supplementary table that is in line with our current tax accounting. I will reward me. Li Dongzhu said yes."

Jia Zhangqiu scratched his head, explaining why Li Jiazhuangzi was so generous.

"Use your second watch now?" Hu Shi proudly looked at my man.

"No, Li Dongzhu said yes, and then gave a set of watches, which is better than what I figured out, and I use that now. Now S* Zhang Si

I am reminding Li Dongzhu, Li Dongzhu did not take this before, but now I have it, Li Dongzhu is pedantic about heaven and man.

However, Li Dongzhu rewarded me with an additional 200 yuan, and the steward who came over made me make persistent efforts. Come on! "

Jia Zhangqiu expressed his admiration that the result he thought could be more perfect.

He got the money, two hundred bucks!

He said that he opened the red envelope. According to the normal salary before, he was a seventh-rank official, 1,750 yuan, 350 yuan for food, and 350 yuan for miscellaneous expenses.

The money I got was 2,450 a month, that was before.

Now the normal salary is five times that of 12,250 yuan.

Plus a performance salary of 7,050 yuan, a total of 19,300 yuan, nineteen and three hundred yuan.

Because of the form he made, the Ministry of Household rewarded him fifty taels, and the Li family Zhuangzi 200 taels.

Today he got back two hundred and sixty-nine and three hundred coins, a huge sum of money.

Hu's hand was shaking while holding the money, but Jia Zhangqiu's second son realized that something was wrong: "Father, money is not an exchange coupon!"

Hu looked down, what picture? fake money?

She looked at them one by one, but none of them were the same as the ones she knew before.

"Datang's banknotes, in the future, Lijiazhuangzi will no longer issue banknotes, and they will all be the new banknotes of Datang, which are more beautiful than the original ones."

Jia Zhangqiu introduced We have started to use the money of Datang, and the money of Lijiazhuangzi cannot always be used.

"Does anyone else recognize it?" Hu still thought the exchange coupon was good.

"The court put the collateral in Lijiazhuangzi, and Lijiazhuangzi printed paper money, one for one.

At any time, you can use paper money to go to Lijiazhuangzi to exchange for gold, silver, copper, gloomy wood and other things.

Let me tell you, don't make any rumors. Last year, Datang's fiscal revenue exceeded 210 million yuan.

We Datang are rich, otherwise how dare you give me so much salary?

With this money, I can no longer be greedy for ink or receive benefits to make false accounts for others. "

Jia Zhangqiu revealed something, the higher the income, the more afraid of doing wrong things.

He can apply for an official position after working for another eleven years, and then the imperial court will give him a large sum of money as a one-time subsidy.

For example, he has worked for forty years, and he will be paid half of the income of the forty years according to his final retirement grade.

It is the basic salary, 12,250 yuan, multiplied by the month, including the leap month, multiplied by forty and divided by two.

He got more than 3,000 yuan, more than 3 million yuan! The premise is that he did not commit a crime, otherwise...

He is still eleven years away from the age of sixty. If someone wants to go his way and let him cheat, he won't agree to give him three thousand coins.

He also has the money he earns during his normal job, including various benefits.

Even 10,000 yuan is not enough. After he became an official, in addition to a large sum of money, his salary is still open, and he still has children.

He was cleaned up and his children were all abandoned.

The official of Zhengqipin is the magistrate of Shangshang County. How much money can a magistrate make in Li Yi’s time? control the big lord

As long as the county magistrate leads the people of a county to become rich, will they give millions or tens of millions when they retire? If you don't give it to others, you can make hundreds of millions by yourself.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the literature in the fastest way.

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