Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2564: Hype as the first people

Concubine Doulu asked Li Dan to help choose a necklace and a pair of earrings, but no rings.

Queen Wang said goodbye, and went to find other people to reward her with jewelry.

The opportunity to reflect her status as a queen has come. If she doesn't give it, others can't get it, except for Concubine Doulu and Princess Yongmu's mother Liu Jieyu.

Liu Jieyu didn't ask her daughter to ask for it, she obeyed the rules and couldn't be bigger than the queen.

The second thing Queen Wang looked for was her. She took it from her daughter and son-in-law. Give it, you pick it, and you can give it to your own necklace. If it's a big deal, go get it, or make an appointment.

Liu Jieyu also knows the truth, not only can't choose this time, but also can't take a necklace better than this necklace from her daughter.

Unless the king and queen have changed to a new necklace, then they can be lowered one rank according to that.

Her own sons were not allowed to be cultivated by Li Yi alone, for fear of problems in the future.

It's fine for the child to mix with the brother-in-law, don't think too much.

When it was time to eat at noon, all the women in the harem wore new jewelry, and the worst had beautiful earrings and rings.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan didn't have one. As soon as everyone met, they ran back to find a necklace and earrings to put on, which were smaller and lighter.

If you don't wear it, it's equivalent to swearing. What do you two mean? Show off? Showing that everything is yours? Do you disdain to wear it?

A group of women entered a hall alone, chatting about jewelry, and the little robot helped introduce and supplement it.

"Xiao Yi! Are those beautiful jewelry expensive?" Bi Gou found Li Yi again.

Li Yi was ready and took out a big box: "Old Bi, take it home and share, don't talk about money and hurt your feelings."

"The old man asked what the export value is?" Bi Gou continued to ask after receiving the gift.

"There is no plan to export." Li Yi shook his head.

"When is the exit?" Bi Gou asked.

"Who knows? It's just as uncertain when you join the group, right?"

Li Yi gave the answer, I will not pay you the tax when you enter the group and then exit.

"It's too hot here, this old man is going to eat there."

Bi Gou got angry, picked up the box and left.

Others looked over, and Li Yi continued to take the box up from his feet: "Everything is there."

"Brother Yi, are you sure you won't export for the time being?"

When others left happily, Li Longji sat next to him.

"The value of sapphires and diamonds must be hyped up first, and we charge high prices, so that others will change with our ideas, such as diamonds, just say..."

"Diamonds are forever, and one lasts forever." Zero Sansan inserted a sentence beside him.

"Isn't the steamed buns eternal, one will last forever?" Li Chengqi remembered what Li Yi said.

"That's right, steamed buns are worth more than diamonds when there is no food to eat. Our jade needs to be promoted even more, a gentleman is like a jade!"

Li Yi knows that the value of jade in China is no less than that of diamonds, and diamonds are just as cunning as love.

He believes that diamonds have little other uses than cutting glass, and jade can at least be used for scraping.

"Brother Yi is more worried." Li Longji believed in Li Yi's business operation methods, and he also understood the cost and selling price of things.

The broken stone is baked in the oven, and it becomes beautiful. After carving it, it feels invaluable, just like the Heshi jade.


Datang began to throw money frantically and build roads.

The railway north of the Yellow River is not yet available, and the permafrost layer has not yet melted.

The ground for the house needed by the river to generate water began. Luoyang is relatively warm, and the permafrost is thin, unless there is still snow on the mountains, such as the Shaolin Temple.

Xingdaofang in Chang'an City hasn't said it yet, for fear that everyone will rush to sell the house.

The house doesn't need to be sold, just have the land.

If Li Yi is greedy, he can say it in advance and arrange for someone to buy it cheaply.

But in that case, the money he made could not make up for the lost credibility of the Li family Zhuangzi.

What Li Yi lost was not his reputation, but his longevity.

In the south of Chang'an City, other people's fields are being excavated, and people use pickaxes, otherwise they can't dig.

Li Yi bought the land for ten times the price, and it was expensive in Chang'an for a while.

There is a large amount of gravel and sand next to the other side. After digging, start to lay the foundation, and throw the stones and sand into it.

It is to shake with a long drill while pouring water, let the water bring the sand in, until the sand can't get in.

Just like the vibration of pouring concrete in a building, it is nothing more than manual operation.

Now lay the foundation, then dry it, build the house, burn charcoal to dry it, and decorate it, just in June.

The other side collapsed, so I went back and continued to fill in, pump water, lay the foundation, build a new house, move back, and use the house on this side for other purposes.


Half a month later, on the days of resting every ten days, the shilling of Wugang County, Guo Duli, and other officials took the flight back to catch up.

The date for their study arrived, and they were reluctant to part with each other.

Li Jiazhuangzi teaches everything! It even listed economic development, education, and technology research and development specifically for the local situation in Wugang County.

Take the exam once every three days, and take the exam while studying.

They found that the knowledge they learned could be used not only in Wugang County, but also in another place.

Every day they have an hour to receive the video of Lijiazhuang Zizhuang households governing Wugang County, and they see the enthusiasm of the people in the entire county being mobilized.

They can go back and settle down according to what they have learned and the plan arranged by the farmers. The development of the county is absolutely fast.

This is the ability of Li Jiazhuangzi, the political, economic and power center of the Tang Dynasty.

Before they thought, you dare to arrest all the people in one county, how dare you arrest all the counties in Datang?

Now I understand that people just don't want to replace them all at once, otherwise there will be enough manpower.

Have you ever seen a 14- or 15-year-old child simulating a decree in a county? Li family Zhuangzi has.

Walking on the path of Zhuangzi in Lijiazhuangzi in Luoyang, I met a farmer, and he might be the first-ranked scholar in this year's jinshi There are three teenage children next to them, two girls and one boy, who are kneading people with mud. Look like, and then stick a small stick, that is a person from the Boys Division, the Jinshi Division, and the Xiucai Division this year.

The person who digs the biogas digester is tired and rests, chatting with the other party in the past, and they will tell you about farming and grain harvesting and the fluctuation law of grain prices in the market economy.

All the maids and eunuchs can write and calculate, and always carry a small notebook and pencil with them. When they are happy, they write a poem by the stone table and chairs.

Workshop...I haven't been in, so I'm not allowed to enter.

After taking the flight, the county officials were still thinking about it, and they wanted to learn it for another half a month.

The people of Wugang County already knew that the villagers of Lijia Zhuangzi were leaving, so they went to the Yamen to see them off.

In the past two weeks, the villagers and Yulin Feiqi were at the grassroots level, and it was enough to leave four villagers in the yamen.

A master bookkeeper, a county lieutenant, a county magistrate, and a chores.

No magistrate, the magistrate actually doesn't care much, just sits in town.

In the state capital, the villagers go down to every village. No, officials in the state capital cannot do that.

If you are in the county, you must go down to each village to understand the situation.

There is nothing wrong with the normal official operations in the county, and they belong to good officials.

Farmers can't do this, they have to be familiar with the village's problems.

Then adjust it according to the specific situation, the official and the official are different.



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