Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2581: In the middle of the night, 2 places are full of energy

Everyone who had eaten was not in the mood to work for a while, but fortunately, Li Yi had arrangements.

A group of nurses came to give a massage, and after the foot massage, the torso, and fell asleep after a long time of beating and beating.

Li Yi was also snoring while sitting in the helicopter. Waiting was the hardest part.

Where the water overflowed, some people came to look from a distance, especially those who had moved their homes.

A person suddenly knelt down towards the position of Zhuangzi of Li's family in Luoyang: "Master Li, thank you very much, my family will listen to you in the future."

Other people who moved were kneeling, crying and shouting.

They only knew at this moment that they were afraid, if they didn't move...

"Go home and put incense on the longevity tablets of His Majesty and Dongzhu Li. Dongzhu Li leaked the secret, maybe he is fighting with those who are not human, let's help him."

Some old people think that Li Yi has started to fight, and the people from Xiangong are not afraid of the underworld, and they can't beat Li Dongzhu.

"Yes, yes, go back, and incense."

"I won't sleep at night, I'll keep a vigil for Dongzhu Li."

"I pinch my baby to cry and cry all night to scare them."

"Go away, your baby is sick, and then you will need Li Dongzhu to help you save it."

"Then I'll have more incense, three pillars."

"Fuck, you incense the dead?"

"Then keep it as it is."

Everyone shouted and ran home one after another, trying to assist Li Dongzhu.

Li Yi saw it through the screen in the helicopter, and suddenly felt that everything was worth it, the people were so cute.

"I'm taking advantage of Brother Yi?"

Li Longji is a little tasteful. You are serving the incense for Brother Yi, and by the way, bring me?

All my troops have been put down, and I will give you subsidies.

"Sanlang, uncle is afraid of causing trouble, it's better to get rid of it in advance!" Queen Wang said with big eyes.

"Are you going?" Li Longji nodded, and the task was handed over to you.

"The slave family can't beat Uncle, why not..." Queen Wang turned her head and saw Guo Ziyi.

Guo Ziyi: "..."

"Queen, I have never offended you. If you let me die, I will die here."

He shook his head vigorously, you husband and wife are playing around, what are you doing with me?

"If you say something, just say that Your Majesty is at odds with Li Yi, and you want to get rid of it. Let's see who jumps out, we'll..."

"Remove it?" Before Queen Wang finished speaking, Guo Ziyi realized that the queen is really insidious!

"Forget it, no one is so heartless." Li Longji waved his hand.

"Oh!" Queen Wang, the mother of two children, still has a girlish heart: "I remember that the Tibetans sent people into Lijiazhuangzitou, but it was fun. If you can't find the way, you still rely on street signs to guide you."

As soon as she said it, all the ministers laughed, Xiaoyi was too bad.

The real purpose of that hot air balloon is not to make money for alcohol, but to demoralize the Tibetans.

Repeated expectations have turned into failures again and again, who can stand this wow!

Up to now, no hot air balloon has been launched in Tibet, and all the Datang airships have come out.

After chatting and laughing, everyone regained their energy, continued to wait, and lay down to receive a massage.

Li Yi adjusted the seat and leaned over to sleep.

Gu Xuan and others were also eating, and they were wearing clothes. It was cold and cold outside. It was raining outside.

The little robots are fine, they don't need to eat, they chat with their companions who are ready to push them into the river at any time.

"Say, put the elephant in the ice cellar in a few steps...three steps! The ice cellar door is opened, the elephant is pushed in, and the ice cellars are closed, hahahaha..."

"Hahaha..." Yulin Feiqi really laughed, the voice of the little robot was cute, but when he heard such a joke, he couldn't control it.

"What are the steps to put the wild boar in the ice cellar?" the little robot said again.

"Three steps, I know." One Yulin Feiqi replied, the others nodded.

"Wrong, four steps, open the ice cellar, take out the elephant, push the wild boar in..."

"Hahahaha..." Before the little robot could finish speaking, the Yulin Flying Riders laughed again, yes, the elephant is inside, there's nothing wrong with it.

"There is a meeting at the zoo. The tigers and leopards are here. One of them didn't. Who?"

"Monkey, don't obey discipline."

"Roe deer, it's stupid."

"Wang Ba, climb slowly."

"Dog, the dog went hunting with the hunter."

Fei Lin Feiqi began to speak.

"Wrong, wild boar, the wild boar is locked in the ice cellar, hahahaha..." The little robot brought the atmosphere.

Yulin Feiqi continued to laugh, they had never experienced the information bombardment of Li Yi's era.

After laughing, I am relaxed and fatigue is reduced, which is related to the secretion of hormones in the body.

The little robots deliberately support people when they are difficult, relax people when they are nervous, rely on people when they are helpless, and encourage people when they are at a loss.

This is the value of the small robot exchanged by Li Yi, or the value of the system.

Sitting in the helicopter, Li Yi didn't need any support. He slept soundly and had a clear conscience.

As night fell, many people in the know became nervous again. Soon, there were three accidents in the middle of the night.

A moment later, the screen moved, and the Mianchi Quemen Valley overflowed, and the water rushed down suddenly.

From the screen, I shuddered. More than 20,000 people were washed to death in history. The area and depth involved can be imagined.

The last sentence of the history book ends: In the eighth year of Kaiyuan, the Khitan rebelled, and the soldiers in Guanzhong rescued the camp. In the middle of the night, the water rose more than 20,000 people drifted, but Xingwang did not sleep at night. According to Gao, the village was not exhausted.

This record is too painful in reality. There are more than 20,000 troops in the army. Only those who hunted up the mountain to catch rabbits survived, and the shops in the villages below were all gone.

How much water? So big that people can't swim if they want to.

It was the same now, it looked terrifying, and then everyone let out a long breath.

Go ahead! There are no village stores, they all run away, and there are no soldiers. Li of the Khitan was inactivated and not dead. Who dares to betray? What am I going to do?

"Look at Yanggong." Li Longji said.

The screen turned to Shangyang Palace, which was actually a high position.

But the palace has been demolished, and it is deserted.

This is the other palace, west of Luoyang Palace Ziwei City, that is, east of Lijiazhuangzi.

Li Jiazhuangzi has been washed away, it is the next one.

It is impossible for Li Yi to block the water, and it is better to sparse it, just withdraw it.

At such a high place, everyone saw the water level rise, all the ships left, and the Datang cruiser circled there.

It has to be in charge of the video, it can't go away, the drone falls down all the time to change the battery.

Wow~~ The water rushed down, and the place where Shangyang Palace was located was billowing.

However, there are no wooden buildings, and there are soils, which have been washed away.

Historical records: The water in Shangyang Palace overflowed, and seventeen or eighteen of the people in the palace died.

Seventeen or eight is not dead seventeen or eight, but seven or eight out of ten.

The people who were in Shangyang Palace before saw it on the big screen, and they moved to Lijiazhuangzi.

That water! It's useless if you can swim, swirling down and there's still wood and straw sticks in it.

"Havoc!" Li Chengqi clenched his fists.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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