Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2587: Marriage trivial flow to seek

On the first day of July, a large group of people boarded trains and yachts and rushed to Haizhou, where they changed to the Datang aircraft carrier.

Arrived in half a day, 500 dual-purpose sailboats and 30 steam-engine ships here in Haizhou were ready.

After the Chinese New Year, the navy who set sail came back one after another, and they didn't leave until they got there. The sailors hurriedly exchanged with their daughter-in-law what Duke Zhou said.

There is no daughter-in-law to take the opportunity to have a blind date, and the matchmaker runs around, saying how good the two are.

Some women who were introduced from other places had poor financial conditions, and they asked for a dowry of 100 taels when they opened their mouths.

Seafarers can afford it, what is a hundred bucks? Give!

However, the woman sneaked out to have a look, and then she got better in private, telling the man that twenty hoops was enough.

The woman is smart, the bride price is high, and the dowry can't keep up, how can I live in the man's house in the future?

The bride price and dowry are equal, unless the woman is especially able to keep the house, she will not be able to raise her head.

Instead, the man told the daughter-in-law, who had never been through the door, but had a real husband and wife, to give two hundred bucks. This time I followed His Majesty's fleet, the Datang aircraft carrier battle group.

The woman does not agree, why should we give our money to others?

Just twenty, I tell them what I've done with you.

The man shook his head, why bother, I do have money, I can read sextants and theodolites.

Woman: Do you have a gun? That dripping water.

The man shook his head: I have a revolver, I can apply for an automatic rifle to fight at any time, and the water drops are long gone.

Woman: Oh oh oh! Got it, you wait for me to go home and see how I scare, no, persuade them.

Man: Money is a small thing.

Woman: No, after I marry you, I can give my parents more things. That's what your husband gave. Now that the dowry is high, what should I do?

Man: Listen to you, your clothes are wet? I'll take it off for you.

Woman: Where are you wet? I... um!

Many naval officers and soldiers are treated this way, it is really profitable!

Marrying a daughter-in-law is not afraid of running out of money. The key is that the seafarers are no worse than the scholars. In terms of applied knowledge, the scholars cannot compare with the seafarers at all, including foreign languages.

Do you know how many sailor knots you can tie on a boat when you go out to sea?

Li Yi, the man who fashioned the car on the land, felt very powerful when he tied a few simple knots.

For sailors, there are many types of sailor knots, all of which must be kept in mind and recorded as energy.

'Woo~~woo~~' Accompanied by the sound of the whistle, the Datang aircraft carrier battle group set off.

There were five hundred and thirty-two ships in total, with the yacht leading the way, the cruise ship in second, and the other ships following behind.

Cruise ships can't be in the middle of the fleet, affecting flexibility, and this is not a real carrier battle group.

In a dangerous situation, such as an enemy fleet attack, the cruise ship directly rams through it.

The other party's big ship didn't have time to turn to avoid it, and the cruise ship was fast and iron.

The other party's boat can turn, and the speed of the cruise ship is raised. As soon as it rushes, the waves will overturn the boat.

"Brother Yi, can this ship withstand strong winds and waves?" Li Longji worried.

We didn't eat until the afternoon, not the dumpling-shaped water-fried buns, but the round ones.

"Our ship is not afraid, and the ships that go with it will be finished. We can know the typhoon situation ten hours in advance and avoid it.

If the technology was better, it would have been clear dozens or hundreds of hours ago, but unfortunately we can't currently.

Fortunately, so far, we have never encountered any of the ships of the Datang Navy.

We will meet in the future, so we must have our own parking and supply points along the route.

After a few years like this, our sailboats will be phased out, and all steam engines will be used. "

Li Yi is currently thanking God for giving face. His big fishing boat at that time went out and lost contact with the satellite phone.

A 100,000-ton freighter sinks if it sinks

, satellite positioning is still irreversible.

Of course! It can’t be said that if you are afraid of death, you will not go out to sea, and you can fall to death while walking.

"Where is it easy to farm?"

Looking at the sea and the sky outside, Lu Huaishen first thought of farming, the farming nation!

"East, southeast, south, and southwest, these are the places that can be cultivated, there is a large desert in the middle, and the north is only suitable for grazing.

The climate is changeable, it is easy to run out of water, and it is easy to feed tens of thousands of people.

It is strictly prohibited to bring rabbits in the local area. Once found, they will be executed immediately. "

When Li Yi was talking about the place, he thought of a big thing, Rabbit.

Rabbits can't be put on this continent, or he'll have to figure out a way to get the virus out...myxoma virus.

"Try not to bring exotic animals there?" Li Longji understood.

"Sheep and cattle, we have it on our ship. Affected by the transportation conditions, the people of Datang will be able to eat more mutton jerky and beef jerky in the future."

Li Yi had already prepared and brought 200 horses, 200 sheep and 50 cows and planned to throw them on the land over there to breed.

A country riding on the back of a sheep, is it a vain reputation?

In order to feed cattle and sheep for food and fur, horses are means of transportation. Is it possible for people to walk to drive cattle and sheep?

Yao Chong followed up: "A lot of wool and sheepskin, and suet is used to make soap."

"Exactly." Li Yi nodded. If necessary, he can continue to send more there.

A gust of wind blows, the speed of the fleet increases, the oars do not move at all, relying on the wind to go, only people can paddle when there is no wind or very little wind.

The current speed is maintained at 13 to 14 knots, and when encountering strong winds, it can reach 20 knots or even faster.

If all goes well, without stopovers, the average speed is 15 knots, and it can reach northern Australia in 12 days, bypassing East Timor.

When the wind becomes smaller or the wind direction is not conducive to fast sailing, you can only see the sky, Mutong theory.

On the way, you need to temporarily dock to replenish fresh water to see if the locals have anything willing to exchange.

Everyone has plenty of time, don't be in a hurry, Datang's internal stability, and those who are ready to replace Bi Gou and others as prime ministers are all staying in Liangjing.

When they join the group, Li Yi will stay with them and play.

Three days passed before the fleet arrived at Liuqiu, the northeastern part of Taiwan, where people from the Tang Dynasty and locals were waiting.

The speed of the fleet has slowed down. It is now the southwest monsoon, running against the wind, and needs to keep adjusting the sails.

The sailboat came out of the zigzag route, which was stronger than when there was no wind. If the boat was not too big, as long as the wind was strong enough, the speed was fast.

The people on Liu Qiu Shang were on the shore and did not eat at noon. They saw a group of small dots in the distance, gradually approaching.

This wait was an hour, and when he saw the cruise ship that could no longer move closer to the shore, even Yulin Feiqi opened his mouth wide.

"Damn it, changed the ship? Throwing a city into the sea?"

"Beautiful, invincible."

"Can we go up and take a look? Just take a look. I want to know what the deck looks like."

"Ask in the semaphore, it's all my own, don't be embarrassed."

"Okay! Hey, the drone is flying over."

"Get ready to take a bath and eat on board, the cruiser will pick you up." The drone shouted.

"Okay!" Yulin flying riders cheered.

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