Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2592: reward not in exchange

"Yes, reward." Shali Xiejia also realized that he should not be so straightforward and lost his identity!

As he spoke, he still looked around, trying to find the woman.

His status determined that every woman under his rule flattered and catered to him.

Xinyan gave him the feeling of being at a distance, suddenly near and far, a kind of attachment, a kind of sadness, a kind of tranquility, a kind of lingering, a moment of heart ashes, a kind of face that said that the mountains and the pledges are waiting...

Her performance is even better than what Liang Zhang Sui wrote in the Southern Dynasties, a lot worse.

The Sauvignon Blanc is: Sauvignon Blanc, long parting, beauty is as far away as rain. Standing alone, the heart is knotted. Watch the clouds go far, watch the birds fly away. Looking at the end of the sky, tears can't snow.

Shali Xiejia said the reward, and Xinyan came out to thank him.

Chalikha was excited when she saw Xinyan: "You, what do you like?"

Xinyan didn't call herself a slave family. Even an ordinary person could call herself a slave family internally, but not externally.

She showed a quiet look: "I am happy that the Tang Dynasty is peaceful and the four seas are peaceful, and I am happy that the people have a lot of food. I am happy that there is no adultery in the country, and I hope that children will laugh like bells. Teaching is precious in the world, and the rain is also sunny."

The little robot still translated the poems and rhymes according to the local conditions. After listening to it, Sarikah and others were stunned.

After the translation, they understood that this woman had the Tang Dynasty in her heart.

"You, if you are willing to be my concubine, I can have an eternal friendship with the Tang Dynasty."

Shalishaka wanted, this woman is better than everything she has.

"I...I wish..." Xinyan hesitated for a while, then nodded.

"Xinyan retired, I am still alive!" Li Longji suddenly interrupted Xinyan's words.

"It's Your Majesty, the slave family retire." Xin Yan bowed, took three steps back, turned around and walked on the clouds, as if floating, her long skirt did not swing.

Li Longji nodded and turned his head: "King Chalikha, what do you want to reward?"

His attitude was a little cold, and his tone was light.

Shalikha was surprised, what's going on? I am willing to withdraw so much, why did I get that woman away?

How did he know that Li Yi used a **** handprint when he wrote a poem to Princess Jincheng, and he bit his thumb and pressed it down.

From then on, Datang did not marry outside, and all the grievances suffered by Princess Jincheng were made up for.

Li Longji wants to be embarrassed! I use the women of the Tang Dynasty to exchange status with other countries? I can't fight, can't kill myself?

When I was fighting Tubo, Xinyan brought a group of sisters from Pingkangfang to donate money.

Looking back, you have to sell her in exchange for your friendship in the country? What face do I still have to live in the world?

What if you have many rivers and strategic depth? I would rather sacrifice tens of thousands of good men than exchange for a Tang woman.

Yao Chong, Song Jing, Lu Huaishen, Bi Gou and other people who were seated nodded when they saw His Majesty driving Xinyan away, we don't need to throw the Tang women out.

What is too deep inland and needs to be transported by river, isn't it agreed! Under the airship are all ants.

Shalishaka is not a douchebag, he understood in an instant, is a woman who can be on such a boat an ordinary one?

Hurry up and give the money! Spend money on disasters.

So the next morning, more than 900 kilograms of gold were sent over and given to Xinyan.

"Nunu!" Chidai Zhudan saw it and was so happy, you guys are worse than me.

"What are you doing?" Princess Jincheng was feeding the child, and the second child was born.

"I want to tell you a story at night." Chidai Zhudan is happy, he has three children, and Princess Jincheng's maid also has his children.

In the past, there were always people saying that he was not good in this regard, let's see if he can do it?

He now understands the meaning of storytelling. Usually, those who listen to stories are: Ah! Um! Oh!

"Yeah!" Princess Jincheng didn't listen to the story, so um.

Xinyan got the reward here. The purity of the gold is very high, which proves that the local civilization is really good, at least in terms of metallurgy.

She asked the other sisters to discuss how to use the gold, and they were not short of money at all.

Their perfumes are all provided by Zhuangzi of the Li family, and they have a high status in the Tang Dynasty.

They are now on average ^_^, and there is no need to learn anything else. There are four books and five classics. There is no way to learn them. They have already mastered them.

Shalishaya was regretful, even a little annoyed, but soon he was happy.

Li Yi knows that this is a kingdom. If you can't destroy the kingdom, don't provoke others. Otherwise, let's fight now, and I can do it myself.

So he gave something, something about the happiness of husband and wife.

Including the clothes made by Wen Tian Lanxiang Pavilion with very few materials, and a large glass mirror for Sarikaze.

He used the equipment to check the body of Shalisha and other important people, and pretended to prescribe a lot of traditional Chinese medicine for them to make up.

By the way, for them to have their teeth inlaid, Shalishaka installed two teeth and presented him with a set of flower mirrors and a pair of 400-degree myopia mirrors.

The short-sighted mirror is worn by Chali Xaga, and the flower mirror is used by him for his ministers.

Seeing medical equipment and things, as well as inlaid teeth and magical myopia glasses, they feel that the gold has not lost money.

Gold can continue to be found, but teeth can't be inlaid. Also, since my body is so sick, I need to take medicine.

Shalisha invited Li Longji to stay for two more days, but he actually wanted to stay on a cruise ship.

He stayed on the cruise ship last very comfortable!

Li Longji agreed, and it happened that the people in the fleet helped to build a larger dock supply and trade area.

"I didn't think that the barbarian land also had a lot of savings."

On the beach, Li Longji wears swimming trunks and sits on a lounge chair under a parasol drinking iced coconut water, which is very comfortable.

"The ruler of a country always has reserves. In the future, when facing such countries, medical diplomacy can be adopted.

In particular, dental implants, fillings, and extractions are the most important, supplemented by the treatment of malaria, typhoid, and wind-cold.

By the way, I sell medicines, both for internal and external use. There are many restrictions on caesarean section, but the appendix can be cut. "

Li Yigang used the motorboat on the cruise ship to wash the waves for a while, and stood beside him to shower with fresh water to prevent the skin from being damaged by the salt when the seawater dries up.

Medical diplomacy has advantages. When Western countries have a surgical foundation, they use medical skills to preach.

People with good medical skills are usually respected, and little girl Qingdai can always get a big red envelope.

An official and a woman from a wealthy family went to Zhuangzi Hospital when they were ill and specifically asked the little girl if she had time.

If there is anything, please come here quickly and give money, not because you are afraid that the little girl will not get good treatment if you don't give money. Qingdai's medical ethics has nothing to say.

The little girl took the money and put it into the Datang Qingdai Medical Fund. She herself has no pursuit of money.

"Maybe it will become Datang's territory this time?" Li Longji nodded, thinking about the territory.

"If you don't want to conquer by force, you can only wait for them to suffer a catastrophe, or build the Tang Protectorate in an uninhabited place to the north."

Li Yi shook his head and directly sent people here to live and integrate, just like the colonial method of England, which was unstable.

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